
美 [ˈɪntrəstəd]英 [ˈɪntrəstɪd]
  • adj.感兴趣的;关心的;表现出兴趣的;有利害关系的
  • v.“interest”的过去式和过去分词
  • 网络有兴趣的;有权益的;对…感兴趣

deeply interested,particularly interested,mildly interested,definitely interested
investor interested,interested user


1.感兴趣的;关心的;表现出兴趣的giving your attention to sth because you enjoy finding out about it or doing it; showing interest in sth and finding it exciting

2.有利害关系的;当事人的in a position to gain from a situation or be affected by it


仁爱英语八年级上册单词表标准版 - 豆丁网 ... VCD n. 影碟,光盘 interested adj. 感兴趣的 fond adj. 喜爱的,爱好的 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... interest 兴致 interested 有兴趣的 interesting 有兴趣的 ...


表态度的英语单词_百度知道 ... confident adj. 自信的, 确信的 interested adj. 感兴趣的, 有成见的, 有权益的 positive 正面的 ...


英语单词立体记忆 ... → interest 兴趣;关系;利息 → interested 对…感兴趣 → interesting 有趣的 ...


i开头的所有单词加翻译_百度知道 ... interest 使感兴趣 interested 对。。。感兴趣的 interesting 令人感兴趣的 ...

If a woman was solely interested in sex, then she wouldn't even be out on a date with you; she would be home with her vibrator. 如果一个女人完全对性感兴趣,她就不可能和你出去约会,她更愿意和她的振动器呆在家里。
At a consumer electronics show, I caught the attention of a Disney executive and interested him in a watch with a hologram. 在一个消费电子产品展览会,一个迪斯尼主管注意到我,因为我的一支有着全息图的手表引起了他的兴趣。
They couldn't afford hotels so they used to pretend she was a client, interested in one of the properties listed with his firm. 他们付不起住宾馆的钱,于是就经常假装她是公司里一个客户,对公司里登记的某处住所有饶有兴趣。
JAVA on the new technology are very interested in and can work with the combination of a strong self-learning ability. 对JAVA新技术很感兴趣,并能与工作相结合,有很强的自学能力。
Mr Bard 'pooh-poohed the idea of her doing anything rash . . . he was simply not interested in bad news of any kind, ' Miller wrote. 巴德先生“对于这个女人将做出的鲁莽的事表示蔑视——他只是对任何形式的坏消息不感兴趣”,米勒写道。
"You are the only woman I can rely on to be interested in her" (John Galsworthy). “你是我唯一指望对她有兴趣的女人”(约翰·加尔斯沃塞)。
The winter day closed in, and Bertha, interested in the novel she was reading, was surprised to hear the clock strike . 冬天的白昼很短,伯莎全神贯注地读着小说,听到钟响,感到很惊异。
Carol was very excited that I was interested in our family's history, even if it was just because a former sitcom actress told me to be. 卡萝尔见到我开始对我们家的历史感兴趣,当然非常兴奋。即使这只是因为我被前情景喜剧里的女演员逼着做的。
As you know we are very interested in humanoid robot, human walking, so we decided to build a small humanoid robot. 我们对人形机器人,人类行走机器人,非常感兴趣,我们决定造一个小型人形机器人。
I'm interested to hear what you think as well, so please weigh in with your own thoughts. Where do you see social media going in 2011? 我很感兴趣听到你们是怎么想的,所以请权衡你的想法,2011年社区媒体将去向何方呢?
Yes, we would be very interested in your line of mufflers, tips and any other products you manufacturer. 是,我们会是非常对围巾、要诀和所有其它产品感兴趣您的线您制造商。
When he returned to China and we got to know each other, he told me about his experiences there and I was very interested. 当他回到中国,我们彼此熟知,他告诉我关于他在那里的经历,我对此很感兴趣。
Until a corporate acquisition in Hawaii over Christmas gives Justin the opportunity to show Amy he's interested in her as a woman. 直到在夏威夷度过了圣诞节给贾斯汀机会展示他的公司收购艾米的兴趣,她作为一个女人。
So while you are trying to have a conversation with her she might start to become interested in you. 所以当你试着和她交谈时,她可能开始慢慢对你发生了兴趣。
Rafa [Benitez] has been interested in my state, of course, because we have had a difficult month but he never pushed for me to leave. 拉法非常焦急我的状况,当然,因为我们面对魔鬼赛程,但是他没有给我催促离开的压力。
At her age no Chinese man is interested in her as she is seen as no longer viable for a baby. 由于在她这个年龄看起来已经不能生孩子,没有中国人对她感兴趣。
I'm just interested in looking around a bit. I'm not ready to decide on my purchase just yet. 我只是希望随便看看。我还没准备好决定要买什么呢。
But the businessman said he remained interested in a purchase of the club, if circumstances changed. 他表示如果情况有变的话他还是打算买下利物浦。
But weeks lecherous nature, have a person to see his wife, the talented people are very interested in that woman. 但周好色性质,有一个人看到他的妻子后,人才的那个女人很感兴趣。
I began to be seriously interested in Buddhism after coming across an English version of the Heart Sutra. 我开始真正对佛教感兴趣,是在我偶然间翻到了一本英文版的《心经》之后。
There are many SCM tools, and I am not interested in trying to produce and maintain and accurate listing of them all. 这仅仅是一个不完全的列表。现在有很多的配置管理工具,我没有兴趣要去尝试维护和精确的列出他们。
Once you jot down the numbers of the books you are interested in, you are ready to find them on the shelves. 一旦你记下你感兴趣的书码时,你就可以到书架上查到它们了。
Stay tuned. . . Oh, and I'm also interested to hear what you think of the ongoing store wars? 别走开……我还想有兴趣听听你对正在进行的商场战争有何评价?
This piece, which is called "Flipped Earth" -- she was interested in taking the sky and using it to cleanse barren ground. 这个作品,名为“翻转的地球”--她对拍摄天空有兴趣,用天空来装饰贫瘠的土地。
OK, so I think now everyone seems to be interested in answering number two And, I would agree with that answer. 我想现在大家都认为第二个答案是对的了,我也认为它是对的。
Gossip appears to be the only thing they are interested in and they enjoy exaggeration and little lies to liven up the drama. 仿佛流言是他们唯一感兴趣的东西,他们对夸大其词很享受,戏剧性的东西才能让他们有生气。
It's really surprised me how much he's touched people and gotten them interested in panda conservation. 他和人们的接触以及人们对他的保护再一次使我惊奇。
It is very kind of you to say so. My association and I are interested in visiting your company. 谢谢您的盛情。我的搭档和我很想参观你们的公司。
Let me know if you are interested in creating and designing this website. I look forward to working with you! 让我知道如果你是在建立和设计这个网站感兴趣。我期待着与您合作!
In an event-driven system, events are produced and published out on a common channel for interested subscribers to receive and react. 在事件驱动的系统中,系统将在公用通道上生成和发布出去,以供相关订阅者接收和作出反应。