
美 [sent]英 [sent]
  • n.分(辅币单位,相当于许多国家主币面值的 1%,如美元或欧元的 1%)
  • 网络美分;百;分币





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第55届格莱美颁奖礼_影音娱乐-音乐_新浪网 ... 阿丽雅( Aaliyah) 50( 50 Cent) 后街男孩( Backstreet Boys) ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... celebrate v. 庆祝 cent n. 美分 century n. 世纪,百年 ...

C开头的单词_百度文库 ... cement n. 水泥;胶泥 cent n. 分;分币; centigrade a. 百分度的 ...


C开头的单词_百度文库 ... cement n. 水泥;胶泥 cent n. 分;分币;百 centigrade a. 百分度的 ...


怎样学好英语单词_爱问知识人 ... no: 没有 cent一分钱 kid: 小山羊 ...


专业音频术语中英文对照|各类常用英语词汇 ... AV 连接器 Cent 音分 Central earth 中心接地 ...


DOTA模式_百度百科 ... void/FV 虚空假面(J8脸) warchief/cent 半人马酋长 wl/ss 术士 ...


日记 ... centimeter n. 厘米,公分 cent n. 分(币),百分之一 centigrade n. 摄氏温度计,百分度;a.摄氏的,百分度的 ...

And 77 per cent said that any of the words used to say thanks were irrelevant, believing a pleasant gesture works just as well. 77%的人说用哪个词来表达谢谢都无所谓,他们相信一个亲切的动作能达到同样的效果。
Even more stunning was that, at the end of these two decades, 55 per cent of the workforce was at a new job. 更令人吃惊的是,在八九十年代末,55%的劳动力都在从事新的工作。
Despite the array of policies, national real estate prices have continued to rise, jumping 10. 7 per cent in February from a year earlier. 尽管出台了一系列政策,全国房地产价格仍继续上涨,2月份同比飙升10.
Even worse, future growth rates might be merely 1? per cent a year, not 2? per cent, as the Treasury bravely still believes. 更糟糕的是,未来的年增长率可能仅为1.75%,而不是财政部仍大胆相信的2.
About 75 per cent said they thought about intimacy at least once a day, but only one in three people got their daily dose of it. 约75%的调查对象称,他们每天至少会想一次与爱人亲热的事,但仅有三分之一的人每天会亲热一下。
The planet, known as TrES-2b, reflects less than 1 per cent of light, which makes it darker than any other planet or moon. 这颗行星被命名为TrES-2b,它仅反射低于1%的恒星光线,这使得它比迄今发现的任何行星或卫星都要暗。
This turned out to be a year in which the regional economy shrank by 3. 8 per cent or more. 结果发现的是一个地区经济收缩了3.8%或更多的年份。
It has already proved to be vital to entrepreneurs and America's small businesses, which generate up to 80 per cent of new jobs in the US. 事实已经证明,互联网对企业家和美国小型企业是必不可少的,而美国80%的新工作机会来自小型企业。
Without that as a means of financing consumption, the economy would barely have grown at 1 per cent a year under President George W. Bush. 如果没有它作为消费融资的手段,在乔治•W•布什(GeorgeW.Bush)总统任期内,美国经济的年增长率将勉强达到1%。
Japan continued to be among the laggards with 5. 7 per cent growth, which still left it number two in the global league table. 日本的研发支出增长5.7%,继续位居后列,但该国仍居全球研发支出排行榜的亚军。
It pledges that the whereabouts of every cent from sponsors can be traced on its official website. 它保证,资助人的每一分捐款都可从网上追踪;
Wood Mackenzie, another consultancy, expects that growth to continue at a rate of up to 15 per cent a year over the next few years. 另一家咨询公司WoodMackenzie预计,未来几年,中石油的天然气产量将继续以每年最多15%的速度增长。
Believe that own future is fine! Your future, is all so far not worth a cent! 要相信自己的未来是美好的!你的未来,到目前为止都是一文不值的!
While April exports had risen 24 per cent from a year ago, industrial production disappointed just a 7 per cent increase. 尽管4月份台湾出口同比增长24%,但工业产值却仅增长7%,这一结果令人失望。
"You were better off out of the door and into a start-up, where you could get 50 cent, 70 cent or dollar stock options, " says Mr Siegel. 西格尔称:“你还不如离开这里自己创业,到时候,你可以得到50%、70%或全部股权。”
Among the companies surveyed, 33 per cent said they did not always investigate before making overseas acquisitions or investments. 在受访企业中,33%的企业表示,它们并不总是在进行海外收购或投资之前进行调查。
Activists said the group needed to increase pay by at least 50 per cent to give workers a decent income without massive overtime. 这些维权人士表示,富士康至少需要加薪50%,才能让工人们不需要大量加班也能挣得不错的薪酬。
Sustaining an investment rate of now close to 34-35 per cent of gross domestic product would be the key, he said. 他指出,(若要保持经济高速增长,)关键在于保持目前大约34%-35%的投资率。
The " trade price" , at which one dealer sells to another, is always at least 10 per cent less than the marked figure. 一个古玩商卖给另一个古玩商的“批发价”总是比标出的价格低至少10%。
To address any insolvency, a haircut must be imposed: in the case of Greek bonds, something of the order of 80 per cent may be necessary. 要应对任何无力偿债问题,就必须大幅削减债务:就希腊债券而言,可能需要削减约80%的债务。
But the economy is still growing at 10. 1 per cent a year, and there are plenty of companies looking for cash to help them expand. 不过,中国经济仍在以每年10.1%的速度增长,许多公司都在寻找资金进行扩张。
Moreover, there is no reason to balance budgets in a country whose nominal GDP grows at up to 5 per cent a year in normal times. 此外,一个正常情况下名义GDP年增幅不超过5%的国家,没有理由去平衡预算。
He's got to be 100 per cent right, because if he comes back too soon and damages the disc he will have to go under the knife again. 他最好等到100%痊愈才复出,因为如果他复出太早,将会伤害到小骨,如果这样他就要再做一次手术。
Even when managers do get away, one-quarter check e-mails and voicemail messages, and 13 per cent call the office at least once a week. 即使经理人真的去度假,其中也有四分之一要查阅电子邮件和语音留言,还有13%的人至少每周要给办公室打一次电话。
Of that capacity, roughly 22 per cent is for "tier three" producers who would be most likely to be affected by a quality crackdown. 其中约22%的产能来自“三级”生产商,它们最有可能受到质量整治行动的影响。
Far from contributing to marital breakdowns, the working wife is up to 50 per cent less likely to see her marriage fall apart. 上班不但不会导致家庭破碎,外出工作的妻子婚姻破裂的风险还可能减少50%。
A bonus of up to 5 per cent can be added to a student's final exam mark as a reward for good spelling, punctuation and grammar. 作为对拼写、标点和语法正确的奖励,可以在学生期末考试成绩上加一个高达百分之五的奖励分。
The country needs to grow by 2-3 per cent a year in the long run to be able to remain in the eurozone. 长期而言,要想留在欧元区,意大利经济每年必须增长2%-3%。
Such a scenario would stun a global financial community long-accustomed to China growing by 10 per cent or more a year. 对于长期以来已习惯于中国年增长率在10%以上的全球金融市场来说,这种情形可能会让它们目瞪口呆。
Eleutian estimates the global English language learning market at $100bn a year and says China accounts for 40 per cent of that. Eleutian估计,全球英语教学市场每年创造的价值为1000亿美元,中国占其中40%。