
美 [klɪr]英 [klɪə(r)]
  • v.转晴;批准;放晴;搬走
  • adv.离开;不靠近;不接触;一直(到远处)
  • adj.远离;清晰易懂的;明白清楚的;不含混的
  • n.同“clearance”;【机】间隙;【建】中空体内部的尺寸
  • 网络清除;透明;清晰的

比较级:clearer 最高级:clearest 第三人称单数:clears 现在分词:clearing 过去式:cleared

clear sky,clear water,clear picture,clear understanding,clear conscience
clear name,clear road,clear throat,clear space,clear land
perfectly clear,absolutely clear


清晰;无疑问without confusion/doubt

1.清晰易懂的;明白清楚的;不含混的easy to understand and not causing any confusion

2.明显的;显然的;明确的obvious and leaving no doubt at all

3.无疑的;清楚的;明白的having or feeling no doubt or confusion


4.(尤指在困境中)思维敏锐而有逻辑的,头脑清醒的thinking in a sensible and logical way, especially in a difficult situation

容易看见╱听到easy to see/hear

5.容易看见的;听得清的easy to see or hear


6.透明的;清澈的that you can see through


7.无云(或雾)的;晴朗的without cloud or mist


8.无斑(或疤痕)的without spots or marks

无阻碍not blocked

10.~ (of sth)畅通无阻的;无障碍的;(表面)收拾干净的free from things that are blocking the way or covering the surface of sth

与坏事不沾边free from sth bad

12.~ of sth摆脱掉(不愉快事物)的free from sth that is unpleasant

不接触;不靠近not touching/near

13.[nbn]~ (of sb/sth)不接触;远离not touching sth; a distance away from sth

一段时间period of time

14.[obn]全部的;整体的;完整的whole or complete

款项sum of money

15.[obn](扣除税项、成本等后)净的,纯的remaining when taxes, costs, etc. have been taken away


be clear sailing

(as) clear as day

显而易见;容易理解easy to see or understand

(as) clear as mud

一点不清楚;难懂not clear at all; not easy to understand


AE中英文对照 ... 粘贴 ← Paste 清除Clear 副本 ← Duplicate ...


yhn232x的博客 - yhn232x - 网易博客 ... 11,claim,clam=cry,shout 喊叫 12,clar=clear 清楚,明白 13,clud=close,shut 关闭 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... clean vt. 弄干净,擦干净 clear a. 清晰的;明亮的;清楚的 clever a. 聪明的,伶俐的 ...


Esp词汇资料 ... mud 7 koton'o 棉 de.kliv 2 klar'a:clear 清晰 clair 8 deklar'i:to declare 宣告表示, ...


所有颜色的英文_百度文库 ... clay 泥土 clear 透明 cobalt 钴蓝色,深蓝色 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... clean vt. 弄干净,擦干净 clear a. 清晰的;明亮的;清楚的 clever a. 聪明的,伶俐的 ...


yhn232x的博客 - yhn232x - 网易博客 ... 11,claim,clam=cry,shout 喊叫 12,clar=clear 清楚,明白 13,clud=close,shut 关闭 ...


OEC是什么意思_百度知道 ... C Control 控制 Clear 清理 O--Overall 全方位 ...

"I can tell you she doesn't like the clothes superstition, " he said. "She has made that pretty clear. " 他说,“我可以对你说她对衣服不迷信,她已经把话说在了前头”
If I feel congested or sinus problem coming on, I take until symtons clear up, which usually takes only a few application. 如果偶尔有鼻塞或是鼻窦的问题,我就吃这个直到症状消除,通常只用服几次就好了。
He made it clear the White House believes it is too early to take the US economy off life-support. 他清楚表示,白宫认为取消对美国经济的维生支持还为时过早。
Whenever you're trying to promote a brand name, your first task is to make clear where the brand is available. 每当你要宣传一个商标名称时,你的首要任务是说清楚哪里会看到这个商标。
At the moment I am where I expected to be and with a clear chance of winning the title in Brazil, and not now, in the sixth race. 现在我处在我希望处在的位置,我将有机会在巴西赢得总冠军的头衔,而不是现在在六站比赛之后。
Two of her tears wetted his eyes and they grew clear again, and he could see with them as before. 她的两滴泪水润湿了他的眼睛,使它们重新恢复了光明。他又能像从前一样看东西了。
That was a clear trade-off: how much confidence is "enough" depends on the costs of further research and the benefits of extra precision. 这是一个明显的权衡问题:什么程度的信心才“足够”?这取决于在进一步研究的成本和精确度更高的益处之间进行取舍。
He came to your city, I try to steer clear of you work and live, I would not want to hurt a repeat, do not want to make himself a collapse. 多次来到你所在的城市,可我努力让自己绕开你工作和生活的地方,我不愿让伤痛一次次重演,不愿让自己一次次崩溃。
The concrete how much money I am not clear, you may arrive at the horizon graduating to live, on bank BBS and so on has a look. 具体的多少钱我不清楚,你可以到天涯啊应届生啊,银行BBS上啊等去看看。
At this point, we have the old lady's situation is clear to her before the abnormal behavior to understand. 在此,我们对老小姐的情况就清楚了,对她之前的变态行为也理解了。
I wish to make it clear at the outset that this matter of labels is entirely our problem. 我希望从一开始就想说明标签的事情完全是的问题。
I had a very clear idea of what and whom I wanted to see in the mirror, and I had a long way to go. 我清楚的知道自己想要在镜子中看到的是谁,是怎样的一个人,为此我还有很长的路需要走。
Back in 1949, the Centre Court ball boys had to chase a squirrel off the hallowed turf while the players sat down to await the all-clear. 1949年,中央球场的球童们不得不将一只松鼠逐出赛场,而选手们只好坐等“警报解除”。
After eight years of fighting in Darfur, the army is still trying to clear pockets of rebel fighters in the vast desert region. 达尔富尔地区经过8年多的冲突,政府军仍在清剿藏于广袤沙漠地区的叛乱份子。
In a doubtful case I would not put him in so painful a position, and so I reserve my information until my own mind is clear upon the matter. 在一个还没有定论的案子里,我不想使他处于不利的地位,所以我保留我所了解到的情况,直到我的看法确定以后再说。
But it's also clear that new generations of Singaporeans are ready to move onto a new era, and the PAP will have to reflect that or wither. 但是,同样清楚的是,新一代新加坡人已经准备走进新时代,人民行动党要么顺应,要么衰败。
In 1994, she was the subject of the Academy Award-winning documentary Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision. 1994年,一部取材自她真实生活的纪录片《林马娅:清楚的幻想》夺得当年的奥斯卡奖。
Samsung in Beijing said that it was no longer clear whether the launch would take place and redirected requests for comment to China Unicom. 三星在北京表示,不清楚手机发布仪式是否还会举行,并建议记者联系中国联通,请其置评。
Indeed it is possible to apply to all societies the word 'civilisation'. I hope to make this clear later. 的确,“文明”,这个词汇也可能适用于所有的社会,我希望能将此表达清楚。
Mr Putin, the bad cop, runs Russia and distributes the money, as he made clear in the recent conference of his United Russia party. 普金唱黑脸,掌控俄罗斯,分配钱财,正如他在最近的统一俄罗斯党代会上所明确的。
When he arrived there it was no longer clear, but yellow and green. He stood there and said. 他来到海边时,海水绿得泛黄,也不像以往那样平静。他走了过去,站在海岸上说。
In fact, Luciano did not even clear the Mustache Petes out of his own city. 事实上,斯帕莱蒂以至没有明白本身地城市地胡须皮特斯了。
Let me be clear: the United States government has no interest or intention of running GM. 我要明确指出:美国政府并没有任何兴趣或打算运行通用。
A military alliance that stretches across the Atlantic will not always be able to unify around such a clear cause. 横跨大西洋的军事联盟并不总是在诸如此类的目标上形成统一认识。
Although I'm still upset with Jenny for what she did, I plan to call her and clear the air. 虽然我还是对Jenny说的话耿耿于怀,但我还是决定打电话给她解除误会。
The reference trajectory is a classic second order curve. The controller parameters have clear physical meaning and are easy to tune. 其参考轨迹是一条典型的二阶曲线,控制器参数具有明显的物理意义,且易于整定。
It is clear, from these findings at least, that stereotypes about what men want in women are beginning to break down. 很明显,至少从这些发现,我们可以推知关于男女关系的固定陈式已经开始解体。
For the average traffic accident, whether qualitative or punishment, are relatively clear and easy to operate. 对于一般的交通肇事行为,无论从定性还是量刑来看,都是相对明确和易于操作的。
the fact is like a thunderbolt that hits her. she could clear see that he's fall in love with her. 这个事实如晴天霹雳一般击中了她。她现在能够清楚地看到——他爱上了她。
As an account of what happened and why, it is both admirably clear of befuddling jargon and authoritative in its range and detail. 作为一个危机的发生和为什么发生危机的解释,有许多令人羡慕的清晰的行话和它的小范围却大视角的独特理念。