
美 [ei'ai]英 ['si:]
  • abbr.(=computer-assisted [aided] instruction)用电子计算机辅助的教学
  • 网络计算机辅助教学(computer-assisted instruction);辅助教学(Computer-Aided Instruction);蔡



计算机辅助教学(computer-assisted instruction)

计算机辅助教学产生的背景计算机辅助教学(CAI)是在程序...计算机辅助教学经历由模仿教学机器.. 全部>> erjiguan2 分享于 201…

辅助教学(Computer-Aided Instruction)

电脑辅助教学cai)是电化教学的一种重要手段,还处在发展中,我希望通过抛砖引玉,促进我市电化教学的发展。四、说过 …

Netor万家姓首页@网同纪念 ... 曲 qu cai 令狐 ling ...

多媒体辅助教学(Computer Assited Instruction)

多媒体辅助教学(CAI)信息技术在课堂教学中的优化应 在课堂教学中,恰当地使用信息技术,使之与课堂的教学任务有机的结合…


其中计算机辅助教育CAI)在教育系统中的应用,收到了良好的效果,给教育改革带来美好的前景。多媒体教学、电子课件、 …

But talks about Cai, his all sorts of feelings, as if have like the feeling which the depth responsibility cuts. 但谈到蔡,他百感交集,似乎有着爱之深责之切的感慨。
Cai: Referring to this, there should be two or three kind of brands which have done advertisement on TV in one store. 蔡:对于店面的品牌构成我是这样考虑的,首先是要有两到三个电视广告产品。
If he ends his art-auction activity, Cai said he may focus on his real-estate and securities trading businesses. 如果他不再从事艺术品拍卖了,可能会把重点放在房地产和证券交易上。
The second lady was Cai Qin. She did not give up singing with youth fading away. On the contrary, her career leapt to another culmination. 第二个女人叫蔡琴,她没有随着年龄的老去而放弃歌唱,相反,她的事业更臻佳境。
Cai Lixin, head of iron ore for Tianjian Zelong Steel, said the energy measures would not dampen steel production next year. 天津泽龙钢材贸易有限公司负责人蔡立新表示,限电措施不会影响明年的钢铁产量。
People familiar with the matter said David Chin, co-head with Mr Cai, would fill the role on an acting basis. 知情人士表示,与蔡洪平联合主管这项业务的金弘毅(DavidChin)将代行蔡洪平的职责。
Cai head smashed fade, a week living Hospital, linking the heads of a dozen needle, the hospital is still lying out. 蔡头被砸蔫了,住了一周医院,头上缝了十几针,现在还在医院躺着不出来。
Shanghai style (Shanghai cai) tends to be sort of sweet and features lots of seafood. 沪系菜系(上海菜)以甜味和烹调大量的海鲜为特征。
CAI enables you to defer the time consuming parts of the deletion to a date when the system load is not on a high level. CAI允许您将消耗时间的删除部分延迟到系统负载不是很高的时候。
Liu out of the door when the hearing or ya yu tell the truth, the splash is not kneeling in front of Cai Mao tears. 当走出牢门的刘景升听衙役告诉事情的真相后,不由扑通跪在蔡瑁的面前失声痛哭。
There is no decent furniture, no basic decoration, and the only photograph in the home is the wedding photo of Cai Wei and his wife. 家里没有像样的家具,也没有最基本的装潢,唯一的一张照片就是蔡伟和他妻子的结婚照。
after cai yong ' s death , all his work would have been lost if not for the fact that his daughter had a good memory. 蔡勇死后,如果不是因为她女儿的记忆力好,他所有的著作都可能遗失了。
Mr. Cai said he tried to rescue a 16-year-old boy he found there, but was refused by the factory boss. 蔡表示,在那家砖窑他试图救出一个16岁的男孩,却遭到老板阻挠。
"There is also side of according to? " Constable Cai's curiosity orders about him to ask 1 again. “还有旁的根据吗?”蔡巡官的好奇心驱使他再问一句。
"Theoretically, Cai is required to pay for the auction objects at the price agreed, " he said. “理论上,蔡铭超是应该支付拍卖品的经费的,”他说。
As a small-town boy himself, Fujian-born Cai said he rejects concern Shanghai art snobs will dismiss the inventors as so many bumpkins. 蔡国强出生在福建省一个小城镇,他不认为上海的艺术界人士会把这些发明家视为乡巴佬而不屑一顾。
Cai Guoqiang said: "The high price does not mean that the high artistic achievements. " 蔡国强说:“价格高并不意味着艺术成就高。”
Once a mild-manner singer with a soft singing voice and a bright smile, Cai has got rid of his old image. 蔡国庆曾经是一位嗓音柔和,笑容明朗的温柔歌者,而现在他已经完全颠覆了以往的形象。
Cai said the segment will greatly reduce traffic along Siping Road and the Bund - two of the downtown's most crowded areas. 蔡说,这将大大减少四平路沿线和码头附近的道路,市区最拥挤的地区的其中两个。
Experiment environment software of data structures is one of the important parts of CAI software. 数据结构实验环境是数据结构计算机辅助教学软件的重要组成部分之一。
At that moment, Cai Wei felt so excited as if the whole world seemed to have changed color for him, becoming brighter and more colorful. 一瞬间,蔡伟觉得整个世界的颜色都变了,变得更加灿烂多彩。
Mr. Cai, who speaks Mandarin with a heavy Fujian province accent, is now a top angel investor in the Internet business. 蔡文胜的普通话带着浓重的福建闽南口音。他现在是互联网业的一个顶尖天使投资家。
WANG Cai-wei, a female poet from Changzhou, was sick and lonely all her life and she always wanted to leave the mortal world. 常州女诗人王采薇,一生沉病,常年寂寞,素有出尘之想。
the evening, my mother waited until I fell asleep, give me a quilt cover Cai Shui, I do not know. 晚上,妈妈一直等到我睡着了,给我盖好了被子才睡,我却不知道。
Yves Saint Laurent's partner, Pierre Berge, said that he would keep the items if Mr Cai did not pay up. 伊夫·圣洛朗的同性恋伴侣皮埃尔·贝尔说如果蔡先生不付款,他将保留兔首和鼠首。
When a backup is performed, CAI checks which business components that are part of the application support backups at all. 当一个备份被执行时,CAI检查应用程序的哪个业务组件始终支持备份。
Cai glides over the source of his start-up capital, although it definitely was not one of China's state-owned banks. 蔡还是一笔带过了其启动资金的来源,显然它不是国有银行。
Mr Cai said "vulgar publications" were a negative result of China's move to a market economy. 蔡*武认为低俗文化是中*国向市场经济转型的一个负面结果。
In the case of a component developed for use in CAI, your main concerns are publishing property changes and acting on property changes. 开发在CAI中使用的组件时,主要关注点是发布属性更改和对于属性更改的操作。
CAI is an educational concept that places the student in a conversational mode with a computer that has a preprogrammed study plan. CAI是一个安排学生到预先设计了学习计划的会话模式的电脑上的教育观念。