
美 [ˈkeri]英 [ˈkæri]
  • v.携带;搬;拿;提
  • n.携带;〈美〉运输;空;(两条水道间)陆上运送
  • 网络搬运;进位;运载

过去式:carried 现在分词:carrying 第三人称单数:carries

carry bag,carry weight,carry burden,carry goods,carry load



带走take with you

1.[t]~ sb/sth拿;提;搬;扛;背;抱;运送to support the weight of sb/sth and take them or it from place to place; to take sb/sth from one place to another

2.[t]~ sth携带;佩戴to have sth with you and take it wherever you go

管道;线路of pipes/wires

3.[t]~ sth输送,传输,传送(水、电等)to contain and direct the flow of water, electricity, etc.


4.[t]~ sth传播;传染if a person, an insect, etc.carries a disease, they are infected with it and might spread it to others although they might not become sick themselves

承重support weight

6.[t]~ sth支撑;承载to support the weight of sth


7.[t]~ sth承担(责任);承受(结果)to accept responsibility for sth; to suffer the results of sth

具有品质╱特点have as quality/feature

8.[t]~ sth具有(某品质或特点)to have sth as a quality or feature

9.[t]~ sth带有,带来(某种结果或后果)to have sth as a result

扔;踢of throw/kick

10.[i]+ noun + adv./prep.扔(或踢等)到…距离if sth that is thrown, kicked, etc.carries a particular distance, it travels that distance before stopping

带到…地方╱位置take to place/position

12.[t]~ sth/sb to/into sth向…前进;推进到to take sth/sb to a particular point or in a particular direction


13.[t][usupass]~ sth(以票数多出)获得通过to approve of sth by more people voting for it than against it

14.[t]赢得…支持(或同情);劝说…接受论点to win the support or sympathy of sb; to persuade people to accept your argument

有标签have label

15.[t]~ sth贴有(标签);附有(信息)to have a particular label or piece of information attached

商店商品item in store

17.[t]~ sth销售;出售if a shop/storecarries a particular item, it has it for sale


18.[t]怀孕;怀胎to be pregnant with sb


19.[t]~ yourself + adv./prep.保持姿态;做姿势to hold or move your head or body in a particular way

Asked to choose, from all this fleet, the vessel to carry me on a month-long cruise in pursuit of blue whales, I would not have hesitated. 若要我从这里所有的船中挑选一艘来载我出海追寻蓝鲸一个月,我也会毫不犹豫地挑这艘。
Investigators say they are asking customs officials to look out for smugglers trying to carry the booty across the border. 调查人员说,他们已要求海关人员注意试图携带这些战利品越过边界的走私者。
But the rich and beautiful woman stayed behind just long enough to collect as much of her jewelry as she could carry. 但漂亮富有的女人却迟迟不走,因爲她想尽量多带一些珠宝首饰逃走
It sounds like common sense, but smart power is not so easy to carry out in practice. 虽然听上去是共识,但巧实力不易付诸行动。
This section covers the necessary steps that an administrator needs to carry out to set up the above Kerberos configuration. 本节讨论设置以上Kerberos配置所需的步骤。
In this work we carry out a study of pattern recognition to detect the microbiological activity in a group of heterogeneous compounds. 在这项工作中,我们进行研究的模式识别检测微生物活性的一组异质性的化合物。
Then the king put thirty-six chairs on his back and asked him to carry them to the garden. 时王便以三十六杌置其背上,驱使担之,至于园中。
But once we carry out the measurements, they are surprised how much information can be obtained. 可是一旦我们完成了测量工作,他们又对能获得如此多的信息感到惊讶。
Because you did not obey the Lord or carry out his fierce wrath against the Amalekites, the Lord has done this to you today. 因为你没有听从耶和华的命令;他恼怒亚玛力人,你没有灭绝他们,所以今日耶和华向你这样行。
It is possible depending on how the facts play out that he could be looking at espionage charges which would potentially carry a life term. 依据事实,他还将面临着可能被判处终身监禁的间谍罪的指控。
For me to engage in serious criticism and education, he took out from the carry-on bag fines alone. 对我进行严肃批评教育之后,他从随身携带的包里拿出罚款单。
Something looks like the woman's soft nature or just a bias, but we have to carry it out widely and vigorously. 有些事,看起来是妇人之仁、是偏见,但是我们还是得大力推行,这就是仁,就是慈善事业。
Owing to its geographical location and natural attributes it has been able to carry on an important production activity with its livestock. 由于它的地理位置和自然条件,这里一向可以利用当地的牲畜从事重要的生产活动。
This kind of mobile phones is new in fashion, easy to carry and popular with young people. 这款手机的式样新颖,携带方便,深受年轻人的欢迎。
So, he began to carry plastic bags a day into and out of luxury hall life. 所以,他开始从事塑料袋每天进出豪华大厅的生活。
Manager Zhou, Sun teacher, wearing a general all rushed to the hotel in advance to carry out a number of layout arrangements. 周经理、孙老师、戴总都提前赶到了酒店,进行一些布置安排。
7, You were asked to carry out a staff survey to get staff feedback on the proposed changes and then write a report. 你被要求去做一个有关变革提议职员反馈的调查,然后写一份报告。
Here kindly attached our curriculum schedule for your reference. If there is no problem, we will carry it out accordingly. 现在发给你我们制定的课程表,如果同意,我们将按此课程安排进行。
Hence classroom teachers did not dare to carry out reforms, and gradually returned to the old ways up. 因而教师不敢再进行课堂改革,渐渐又回到老路子上去。
Even now some of you meet with us in out of the body meetings, and you return to Earth to carry out your mission. 即使现在,你们中的一些人在出体的会见中遇到我们,然后你们返回地球去执行你们的任务。
Muhamadi said his group aimed to carry out around three attacks a week, but they did not always have enough ammunition. Muhamadi称他的队伍打算每周完成3次左右的袭击,但是常常会遇到弹药短缺的问题。
Conclusions: The practice proves that the circuit is well designed, simple, easy to carry out, and can be used in many systems. 结论:实践证明,该电路具有构思巧妙、原理简单、易与微处理器接口匹配等优点,可用于生物电信号和低频率不规则信号测量和诸多测控系统。
More importantly, the video album of super-large capacity to accommodate hundreds of photos, like a magazine easy to carry. 更为重要的是影像画册的超大容量可以容纳几百张照片,犹如一本杂志携带方便。
Though the Mini is popular and seems to carry some component of joy, the electric version of the car is nothing special technically. 尽管Mini既融合了流行元素,也带有些许驾驶快感,电动版技术上却没有任何特殊。
We got to the sixth hole, a tee where the drive had to go only about a hundred yards to carry the pond. 我们打到第六洞,是一个T字形,高尔夫球车得跑一百码去到池塘边。
The little tree shuddered. She knew she did not have the strength to carry so many passengers safely through with the wind and the rain. 顷刻间,带着雷轰电闪,暴风雨来了。小船开始战栗。她知道在如此的风雨中,她没有力量平安地承载那么多的旅客。
Your Helpers are with you to ensure that you complete any experience in accordance with your life plan, and they carry out the Will of God. 你的导师们都在跟随你,并确保你完成了什么经验符合你的人生计划,按照造物的旨意。
But scientists decided to let it carry out additional exploratory tasks as the orbiter is still in good condition and has fuel in reserve. 但是,由于这个人造卫星工作状况良好,还有储备燃料,科学家决定让它进行额外的探索任务。
Therefore, the roof made use of building carry on green turn to seem to be very is importance. 因此,利用建筑物的屋顶进行绿化十分显得尤为重要。
As they are believed to be able to exorcise evil spirits and bring luck, people often carry them and hang them in their homes. 由于人们相信中国结可以驱魔避邪,带来好运,所以它们常常被带在身上或挂在屋里。