
美 [taɪl]英 [taɪl]
  • n.地砖;瓦片;(棋盘游戏的)棋子
  • v.铺瓦;铺地砖;贴瓷砖;平铺显示
  • 网络磁砖;贴砖

复数:tiles 现在分词:tiling 过去式:tiled



n. v.

1.(贴墙或铺地用的)瓷砖,地砖,小方地毯,片状材料a flat, usually square, piece of baked clay , carpet or other material that is used in rows for covering walls and floors


九年级英语单词表 ... discard 丢弃;抛弃 tile 瓦片;瓷砖 fence 栅栏;围墙 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... discard 丢弃;抛弃 tile 瓦片;瓷砖 fence 栅栏;围墙 ...


NUKE - 剩风追梦的日志 - 网易博客 ... STMap ST 映射 Tile 平铺 Axis 轴 ...


英语六级词汇(新大纲) ... tick/ tik/n. 滴答声;记号 tile/ tail/n. 瓦片,瓷砖;贴砖 tilt/ tilt/vt.&vi. (使)倾斜 ...


磁砖(tile)壁纸 154P~160P 规格:1.06m*15.6m,价格:238元/卷1/7 ‹ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 › 7258-1 7258-2 7237-1 7240-1 7240-2


英语六级词汇(新大纲) ... tick/ tik/n. 滴答声;记号 tile/ tail/n. 瓦片,瓷砖;贴砖 tilt/ tilt/vt.&vi. (使)倾斜 ...

Just a week ago, the European commission has just announced on imports from China's ceramic tile anti-dumping investigation. 就在一周前,欧盟委员会刚刚宣布对从中国进口的瓷砖发起反倾销调查。
Unfortunately, if it weren't for the tile floor, tomorrow's picture would be even harder to understand. 遗憾的是,如果你不能理解这种平铺结构面,对明天的“每日天文一图”将更难理解。
And if you happen to pop your head into the bakery room and admire the tile job on the floor, you can thank him for that, too. 如果你碰巧走进糕点房而且喜欢地面铺的瓷砖,那么你应该感谢的还是戴尔。
The tile on the wall behind the stove is all hand made and depicts a beehive with bees flying around it. 位于灶炉后面的墙砖,全手工制作,图案别致,内容描述是蜜蜂萦绕蜂窝归巢的情景。
Large, tile-based navigation seems to be the overarching trend found in most of these apps. 基于题目的大的导航看来是这些应用软件的整体趋势。
And I can tell you exactly which shower tile I was looking at in my parent's bathroom on a trip home when it hit me like a lightning bolt. 至今我还能确切地告诉你,在一次回家时,在父母的浴室中,我正凝视着哪一片檐瓦,一个念头像闪电一样击中了我。
In my rush to get out of the hotel, I slipped near the top of the stairs and bangeddown to the hard tile floor at the bottom of the stairs. 在匆忙逃离旅店时,我在楼梯顶端附近滑了一跤,重重地跌落到楼梯底层坚硬的瓷砖地上。
Also take in mind that not all tile types have spaces between them and need to be a way that they will be connected graphically. 还需要注意,并非所有瓷砖类型之间有空格,需要一个会连接图形的方法。
Purity is always cherished mostly in people's hearts. For life, the pure color glazed tile is the best choice to break this kind of style. 纯净,永远使人们心中最后固守的心灵包裹。对于生活来说,纯色瓷砖无疑是打破这种风格的最好选择。
It also allows you tile your map or re-use elements of your mesh on other places, rotating and twisting these as you see fit. 它也允许你重复你的贴图或是重新使用其他地方的网格元素,旋转,扭曲他们直到你觉得合适为止。
Jupiter, after warning him that he would repent his request, caused him to be sold to a tile-maker. 木星正告后,他会懊悔他地恳求,使他被出卖给啦砖瓦制造。
In the fifth-grade class at Santa Rita, the children have made a tile floor (requiring fancy maths to estimate sizes, shapes and numbers). 在圣丽塔五年级的课堂上,孩子们做了瓷砖地板(需要花哨的数学估计大小、形状和数字)。
Thou also, son of man, take thee a tile, and lay it before thee, and portray upon it a city, even Jerusalem. 人子啊,你要拿一块砖,摆在你面前,将一座耶路撒冷城画在其上。
It was an ordinary church tower, a familiar sight above the red tile roofs of every Danish village. 那是一个普通的教堂塔楼,是丹麦每个村庄红瓦屋顶上方一个熟识的景象。
Brick and tile better than the mechanical properties of soil, materials, and easy to manufacture. 砖和瓦具有比土更优越的力学性能,可以就地取材,而又易于加工。
Dorothy gripped his hands as he slowly slid his feet to the tile floor. 当他慢慢把脚放在瓷砖地面上时,多萝西紧紧地抓着他的手。
Today, I got out of the shower and felt a crunch under my foot. I lifted the bathmat thinking it was a loose tile. It was a mouse. FML. 今天我洗完澡出来,脚下咯吱一声。我以为是地砖松了,把毯子掀起来一看,原来是只老鼠。FML。
I've found a nice place in this district. Three bedrooms, a large kitchen, high ceilings, a tile bath and a big drawing room. 在这个区我找到一个好地方.三居室,厨房很大,屋顶很高,瓷砖装修的洗澡间,还有一个大客厅。
We sit at my kitchen table as the sun designs a mosaic of light on the tile floor. My daughter, Anna, sits next to my mother. 我们坐在餐桌旁边,阳光照在地板上,形成马赛克状的光斑。我的女儿安娜就坐在我母亲旁边。
If it is important that the user be able to see missed notifications then the application should update its live tile accordingly. 如果让用户回看错过的通知很重要,那么应用程序应该相应更新其LiveTile。
Brick and tile has superior mechanical properties than the soil can be from local materials, yet easy to manufacture. 砖和瓦具有比土更优越的力学性能,可以就地取材,而又易于加工制作。
This is one I made a few years ago. And you'll notice you see a dark brown tile at the top, and a bright orange tile at the side. 这个是我多年前做的一张图你可以发现一个深褐色的瓷砖在顶部和一个亮橙色的瓷砖在侧面这是你感知的事实。
Seepage into the sand and through the tile drains, although important in the total volume of water extracted, lasts for only a few days. 虽然渗漏进沙子并经过瓦片状排水层,对整个提取出的水的体积很重要,但是只能持续几天的时间。
Mr Iqbal says some tile manufacturers were initially unwilling to deal with him and that Topps buys up sites he is interested in. 伊克巴勒指出,一些瓷砖制造商最初不愿意跟他做生意,而且Topps把他感兴趣的地点都买下了。
Every piece of brick wall, every piece of tile seems to tell the people the endless past. 城墙上的每一块砖、每一片瓦都似乎在向人们诉说着无尽的往事。
Does not dynamically tile windows, but is lightweight and easy to use. 不会动态地平铺窗口,但是它是轻量级的而且简单易用。
She placed a circle of carpet swatches on the tile floor and put a small wooden rocking chair at the front. 然后用碎地毯片片铺在地上,围成一圈,放把摇椅在圈子中间。
I'm calling to let you know about our new line of ceramic tile. 我打电话来是问您推荐我们的新瓷砖。
For clarity , the first line of text in a tile is always the item's name ; it cannot be changed . 为了清楚起见,平铺视图中的第一行文本总是该项的名称;该名称无法更改。
Her dad built a brick house, a piece of tile is consumed by his strength, mother is also in debt, decided to go out. 她爸爸自己砌起的房子,一块砖一块瓦都是消耗他的气力,妈妈亦是为了债,毅然外出。