
美 [ˌaɪ ˈi]英 [ˌaɪ ˈiː]
  • abbr.亦即(源自拉丁文 id est)
  • 网络也就是;例如;也就是说



1.也就是,亦即(源自拉丁文 id est)used to explain exactly what the previous thing that you have mentioned means (from Latinid est )


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(67) _ 上海疯狂英语 ... i.d.card 身份证 i.e. 也就是 I/O address 输入输出地址 ...

英语词汇表 - 浙江树人大学招生网 ... Hydrogen n. 氢 i.e. 那就是, Impact n. 冲击,碰撞;效果,影响 ...


Word of the Week - Ms Ma's classroom extra ... 吗 and the Questions 例如 i.e. 例如 for example ...


MBA词汇_馆档网 ... idiom 成语,习语 i.e. (拉丁文)也就是说,即 if 如果,假定;是否 ...


英语词汇表 - 浙江树人大学招生网 ... Hydrogen n. 氢 i.e. 那就是,即 Impact n. 冲击,碰撞;效果,影响 ...


1991.P2考研阅读真题词汇_自由行走_新浪博客 ... adolescence n. 青春期 i.e. 即,换言之 childhood n. 童年 ...


Karl ... 就操枪( gun) 三个常用缩略词意义易混,串记:爱衣(谐音)是即( i.e.) 象蛋( egg) ...

The amount of RAM simply decides how much paging and swapping you will do, i. e. how fast memory access will be. RAM的大小仅决定了有多少内存分页和交换可用,如,程序多快能访问它们。
can take medication at a different time, i. e. before going to bed. 可以利用药物在不同的时间,即睡前。
To do so, common EA models used in this organization have been used, i. e. , business process models and entity-relationship models. 为了实现这些,我们使用了公用EA模型,例如业务过程模型以及实体-关系模型。
Frequently a use case changes the state of a system (i. e. the account balance is now lower) rather than generating a physical product. 用例常常会更改系统状态(例如,现在帐户余额下降了),而不是生成实际产品。
Appreciate every bit of good in my life. Think in terms of each thing you touch (i. e. your pillow) and do (i. e. walking, seeing). 感激生活中点点滴滴美好的事物。想想每一件你接触的事物(如,枕头)和做过的事情(如,散步和所见所闻)。
In case of a tie the remove method returns the value which has been around the longest, i. e. , it behaves like a queue for equal elements. 在一种联系的情况下移去方法归还价值最长期在周围,即,它为了相等的元素运转像一个队列一样。
Most people outlook our ignorance in terms of reciprocity: i. e. I know about your country, why don't you know about bomb? 许多人觉得美国人无知是因为有一种互惠平等的想法存在:我了解你的国家,为什么你不了解我的?
It is often the case that the process of building an application originates from having a set of database query statements (i. e. SQL). 通常,需要从一组已有的数据库查询语句(SQL)实现应用程序构建。
This reflects the period of its entry into English, i. e. the nineteen-fifties, but the word is by no means a newcomer in its native land. 这反映了它进入英语的时期系二十世纪五十年代,但它在自己的国土上并非新词。
Likewise, if your backlog is very large, how much time is spent (i. e. , wasted) managing that backlog? 同样的,如果您的积压非常庞大,那么管理这个积压要花费(比如,浪费)多长时间?
The Target Company is not a party to any enterprise agreement, i. e. an agreement through which it obtains the control over a third entity. 目标公司不是任何公司协议的一方,以通过此类协议取得对第三方的控制权。
My wife and I often like to read if we awaken during the night. Are any of the e-readers back-lit, i. e. usable in the dark? 我和我的妻子晚上醒来时经常喜欢读书。这些阅读器有背光的么,即在黑暗中也可以使用?
You can use a pair of forceps to Collect pollen, i. e. pick the anthers into the capsules, then mark the name of pollen parent. 用镊子收集花粉,也就是直接用镊子把花粉囊收集到胶囊中,并注明品种。
Was the reference standard independent of the index test (i. E. The index test did not form part of the reference standard)? 金标准试验是否独立于诊断性试验(即诊断试验不包含在金标准中)?
refers to the child's acquisition of his mother tongue, i. e. how the child comes to understand and speak the language of its community. 语言习得是指儿童对其母语的习得,也就是儿童是如何逐渐理解和说其社区的语言的。
In contrast, it is easier to see a glass held in air because some light is reflected from it i. E. A change in direction of light. 在空气中容易见到酒杯是因为部分光被它反射而方向变化较大。
Minehead price The price of a mineral as it comes out of the mine, i. E. Excluding transportation and processing. 坑口价格矿产品出矿价格,即不包括运输和加工的价格。
Some of the problems that you may encounter with SWOT are as a result of one of its key benefits i. e. its flexibility. 在运用SWOT分析法的过程中,你或许会碰到一些问题,这就是它的适应性。
The result of Query 24 is usually easier to consume by an application, i. e. one XML value at a time. 查询22的结果通常更易于为应用程序所用,即:一次处理一个XML值。
When it arrives, the transport entity checks to see that the server is blocked on a LISTEN (i. e. , is interested in handling requests). 当这个TPDU到达服务器端的时候,传输实体执行检查,看服务器是否正被阻塞在LISTEN调用中(即对于进来的连接请求很有兴趣)。
Strictly, a base pair is a pair of complementary bases (i. e. the A: T, G: C and A: U interactions) held together by hydrogen bonds. 严格地说,碱基对是一对相互匹配的碱基(即A:T,G:C,A:U相互作用)被氢键连接起来。
Necessity is often called hard, and rightly so, if we keep to necessity as such, i. e. to its immediate shape. 必然性常常被称为是坚硬的,但就必然性本身,或就必然性的直接形态而言,这话诚然不错。
Subject is still coupled by the name of the method in Observer through the structural type, i. e. , to a method named receiveUpdate. Subject仍然通过结构类型和Observer中的方法名称耦合在一起,例如,名为receiveUpdate的方法。
The point is that you've got to do it, i. e. write formal article regularly on paper. Theory is just theory. 需要注意的是,你必须要付之行动,比如定期写一篇正式的文章。
In reality, the larger motivation is to get your stock tradable (i. e. "liquid" ) so that you and your investors can sell some of it. 事实上,更大的动机是让你的股票能够交易(即流动股),这样你和投资者就可以卖掉一部分。
Which of the purification procedures used for this enzyme is most effective (i. E. , Gives the greatest relative increase in purity)? 此酶纯化过程中哪步最有效?(即纯度相对增加最大的步骤)。
Whether to handle affairs according to the law is often determined by relations, i. e. , personal relations. 很多时候,照不照法律办事,关键在于关系,也就是说在于人情。
You will also see that at least one of these projects is quite large -- i. e. , if you understand agile, you understand that it scales! 您还将看到至少一个项目是十分大型的——也就是,如果您了解敏捷,您就了解它有多大!
However, the one to be selected is usually dictated by the type of building foundation, i. e. , basement, crawl space, or slab-on-grade. 然而,一个被选中,通常取决于类型的建设的基础,即地下室,检索空间,或平板上级。
Make it a competitive challenge and give yourself measurable objectives (i. e. , three exceptional candidates this week). 你要使它成为一种挑战,令你感到求胜心切,并且给自己制定一个可以量化的目标(例如规定自己本周必须会见三位优秀的候选人)。