in the club

  • 网络在俱乐部里;在俱乐部;I在俱乐部里I

in the clubin the club

in the club


牛津小学英语5B词组 - 原野的日志 -... ... 119、 忙碌的一天 a busy day 121、 在俱乐部里 in the club 122、 在一周内 in a week ...


用in on under 写短语 每个词写五个短语... ... in the swimming pool 在游泳池里 in the Club 在俱乐部 on the desk 在课桌上 ...


三民网路书店>图解美国人天天在用的英文单字 ... 5 Dig In 开动罗 1 In the Club I 在俱乐部里I 3 At the Bar 在酒吧里 ...


新概念二册第13课... ... football club 足球俱乐部 in the club 在俱乐部里;在会所 golf club 高尔夫俱乐部 ...


怪咖妇产科 The Mindy Project – 各集大纲... ... 雇用与开除 Hiring And Firing 上夜店 In the Club 万圣节 Halloween ...


沪江博客 - 肖智利的博客 -... ... In the clear 不受阻碍, 无罪 In the club (粗)怀孕了 In the dock 在被告席上 ...

However, Moratti did confirm that there had been interest in the club's Italian international hit-man, but did not specify his suitors. 不过,莫拉蒂的确是承认有球队想引进国米的强力前锋,但并没有指出具体是哪些球队。
Above all things, I'm very pleased that I had a good time with my fans just as I dance with them in the club. 最重要的是,我能与歌迷们一起度过一段快乐的时光感到非常开心,这种感觉就像是我与她们在俱乐部里跳舞似的。
The bad thing was that Rivera's career came to the end. This was the beginning of the darkest period in the club's history. 不幸的是里维拉的运动生涯结束,米兰开始进入历史上最黑暗的一段时期。
After that he would have to stay for another year, unless it was in the club's interest to let him go. 从那天以后,他就要在俱乐部多呆上一年,除非俱乐部有意让他走。
WH started singing as a backup vocal for many groups in the club and was able to be a main singer. 惠特妮休斯顿最初是在俱乐部里为很多组合做背景伴唱后来才成为主音歌手。
A place in the club's history however, is already theirs and has been for a while. 当然不管怎样,他们两个人早已经在俱乐部百年历史中留下了属于自己的一页。
As it expires in January 2005, it would be in the club's interest to rush through a sale with Milan . 当它在一月2005日内期满的时候,它会是在与~有相关用米兰冲闯过售卖的俱乐部的中。
I'm not into the over-loud over-vibrant, trying to take everyone's eye in the club. 我不喜欢那些过于喧嚣、过分活泼,试着吸引所有人目光的那类女孩儿。
In the club we have impressive players, of the best of the world, and in the Selection, also, though we are not so much time together. 虽然我们的队伍中有很多非常有吸引力的球员,有也许是世界上顶尖的球星,我们依然是一个整体。
Up in the club, see me coming, dime a dozen so it don't mean nothing to me. 在俱乐部,看到我来,毛十,所以对我来说没有任何意义。
Far from commanding the players' interest, Donadoni already appears to be having problems reining in the club's party culture. 非但没有博得队员们的好感,也显现出多纳多尼将面临抑制俱乐部里小集体风气的问题。
Liverpool said an emotional farewell to one of the greatest managers in the club's history on this day in 2001. 2001年,利物浦向俱乐部历史最伟大之一的教练辞别。
That's not completely true. I get a friend in the club who told me that they party all the time. But I know nothing about poetry. 也不完全对吧。那社团的一位朋友告诉我他们社团总是办聚会。但对诗我不懂什么。
Since the start of the euro in 1999 Portugal has been among the slowest-growing economies in the club, despite being its poorest member. 自1999年欧元区建立以来,葡萄牙的经济增长一直低迷不振,尽管其是欧元区最贫穷的国家。
There are people that are more important than us in the Club and who may believe some things should be improved on, but that's up to them. 俱乐部中的有些人也许会认为有些东西需要加以提高,但那是他们的事。
When Dalglish walked away, his dignity remained as intact as his place in the club's history. 达格利什离开后,他的尊严,仍如他在俱乐部历史上的地位一样不可撼动。
His formal clothes made him the odd one out in the club. 他那正式的服装在俱乐部里很不着调。
But it now appears the consortium have reaffirmed their interest in the club and would be willing to sit down to renew talks. 但现在该财团重申对于俱乐部的兴趣并表示愿意坐下来重启谈判。
What's more, in the club, the total amount of the salaries takes no more than 50 percent of the revenues. 更重要的是,在俱乐部的总金额的工资不会超过百分之五十的收入。
I saw him first. We were in the club. I saw him talking with some of the other pilots. I couldn't believe it. 我先认出他来。我们在一个俱乐部里。我看见他跟其他飞行员在聊天。我简直不敢相信。
It is understood the broadcaster, long known to be looking for a buyer for its 9. 9% stake in the club, is in talks with three suitors. 对于这家电视台而言这么做是可以理解的,它们有着阿森纳9.9%股份,它们正在和三个买家商谈。
The lesson is simple. When you are in the club, the church, the movement you do not criticise and you always follow the party line. 这个道理很简单,丹尼在一家俱乐部,就好像是一个教会,如果你总是遵循着教规你就不会收到批判。
I played the last 10 games of the season in the Real starting XI - in the club's best spell of the season, in terms of results. 我参加了皇马本赛季最后的10场比赛,6次首发,事实证明这也是俱乐部本赛季成绩最好的时期。
After careful consideration, I decided to manage my time more wisely so that I could stay in the club. 在谨慎考虑之后,我决定更加善用时间,这样一来我便可继续留在社团。
Vertex in the club if the location does not swing, that swing and pars the next conflict will be with them. 而如果在挥杆顶点球杆位置不对,那下挥杆和收杆将与之抵触。
there happened to be an old friend of mine in the club. 在那个俱乐部碰巧有我的一个老朋友。
If you can score an early goal, I believe we could be in for a memorable night in the club's history. 如果你能得分一个早的目标,我相信我们可能是在对于俱乐部的历史的一个值得纪念的夜晚。
some feel intimidated by the abundance of experienced speakers in the club, while others are particularly frightened about public speaking. 像是有些人是因演讲会一些,有丰富演讲经验的会员而感受到压力,有些人则是特别害怕公众演讲。
I believe in the club and like the city, so why should I look anywhere else? 我相信俱乐部,同时也喜欢这个城市,那么我为什么要去看其它地方呢?
The news is completely unfounded and the move is not in the club's strategies and the player's intentions. 这一消息纯属空穴来风,与俱乐部的计划和球员本人的意见严重不符。