
美 [ˈdaɪɪŋ]英 ['daɪɪŋ]
  • n.垂死者;临终者
  • adj.临终的;临死的;垂死的
  • v.“die”的现在分词
  • 网络染色;死亡;濒死



1.[obn]临终的;临死的;垂死的connected with or happening at the time of sb's death


高中英语单词表 ... eastward a.&ad. 向东的,向东 dying a. 垂死的,临终的 duty n. 责任,义务;职责,职务;税,关税 ...


高中英语单词表 ... eastward a.&ad. 向东的,向东 dying a. 垂死的,临终的 duty n. 责任,义务;职责,职务;税,关税 ...


服装英语 _ 上海疯狂英语 ... DUCK 帆布 DYING 染色 EASING 容位 ...


FSB语音文件修改教程 - HQY ... Attack 攻击 Daeth/dying 死亡 首杀 FirstBlood ...



If only the plant could talk, it might be able to save itself from dying, either from thirst or drowning. 如果植物能开口讲话,或许它们可以解救自己于垂死、缺水或淹溺的境况。
The air grew thin within a day. Many people could do nothing but sleep. I watched as my Princess was slowly dying. I had to try something. 空气在一天内变得很稀薄。很多人除了睡觉什么都不能做了。我看着我的公主慢慢的死去我必须做点什么。
By faith Jacob, when he was dying, blessed each of Joseph's sons, and worshipped as he leaned on the top of his staff. 雅各因著信,临死的时候,给约瑟的两个儿子各自祝福,扶著杖头敬拜神。
It was the kind of card you used to get from a grandmother or an aging aunt or, in this case, a dying father. 那是一种你过去经常从祖母或者上了年纪的婶娘那儿得到的卡片;
Well, if I go down dying', you know she bound to put a blanket on my bed. 哦,如果我倒下死去,她一定会用毯子将我遮盖。
In dying better known for the pills, thrills and heartaches than her performances, she might be said to have been ahead of her time. 比起她的表演,在生命最后几年,人们听得更多的是她成了药罐子,以及不时传来各种关于她陷入恐慌以及心脏病的消息。
And if I didn't think of him as different, I never thought about him dying either. 如果我从没觉得他是与众不同的话,那我也从没想过他会死去。
Most of all, I never wanted you to see me as a helpless old man dying in a hospital bed. 更重要的是,我不想你把我想成一个在病床上等死的无助老人。
The dying friend said that perhaps her sickness would have been better understood if she had been treated by a woman. 这位垂死的朋友说如果有一个女医生的话,也许她的病情更容易得到了解。
thru " the dark night far away? I am dying, forever, crying to be with you; who can say? " 穿越阴暗遥远的夜晚,我正在化茧成蝶,永远感泣着你与我同在,谁能言表?
When we played that scene [of him dying] it was very sad, but again, we had come to terms with it. 当我们拍那场戏的时候,我们很伤心,但是就像之前说过的,我们必须面对它。
But Health Ministers seem to agree that family planning was the most cost-effective way to reduce the number of women dying needlessly. 但是各国的卫生部长们似乎同意了计划生育是减少妇女在生育时无谓死亡的最有效益的措施。
He told me how proud he was of all of us and that he wasn' t afraid of dying. His fear was that he was going to be away from my mother . 他告诉我,他多么为我们大家感到骄傲,他不怕死,他担心的是要离开我的母亲。
and, when he knew that he was dying, he made me to promise to go on my own. 他知道自己不行了,硬要我答应他独自上路。
" I feel As if all my loved ones are trapped in a burning building, dying of diseases like diabetes and heart disease, " he says. 我觉得就好像自己的亲人被困在失火的房子里,正因糖尿病、心脏病等疾病而死去。
Because his only daughter, a girl of about twelve, was dying. As Jesus was on his way, the crowds almost crushed him. 因他有一个独生女儿,约有十二岁,快要死了。耶稣去的时候,众人拥挤他。
The poor lady, turning about to him, and looking at him with dying eyes, desired him to afford her one little moment to recollect herself. 那可怜的女子,转向朝着他,用垂死的眼神看着他,希望他能给她一点点时间去拾掇自己。
A rage-fuelled spirit, Sadako imprinted herself onto a videotape while she was dying at the bottom of a well. 一个盛怒中的鬼魂,贞子,在自己死于井底之时把自己录在录影带中。
He was dying of cancer and he told me how much he loved my music and me. 癌症正在威胁着他的生命,他告诉我他非常爱我和我的音乐。
Plummeting water oxygen levels due to a severe drought have led to thousands of fish dying along the Manaquiri River. 由于严峻的干旱导致的马拉奎利河水中含氧量缺乏导致了河中数以千计的鱼死亡。
Unable to rescue Ed from cancer, I was determined to save him from the only thing worse than dying: being forgotten. 我无法将埃德从癌症的魔掌中拯救出来,但我决心牢牢记住他——被遗忘是唯一比死亡更糟糕的事。
His son was shocked. Now the sun had risen. The young man was heart-broken to see all the pulled-up young plants dying. 他听了非常震惊,现在太阳已经日上三竿,看到所有被拔起来的稻庙都快枯死,儿子满是心碎
At this point I was thinking that this lady was crazy, and there was just no way she was getting a ticket short of someone in line dying. 在这个时候我想这位女士是不是有点自信过度或者有点疯了,除非她前面排队的某一位同志挂掉,她才可能得到一张票。
As for the joy that you would miss out on, that pertains to how dying on your own terms applied to me. 说到你会错失的快乐,对我而言,那要看你多么渴望依自己的意愿而死。
By faith Jacob, when he was a dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph; and worshipped, [leaning] upon the top of his staff. 雅各因着信,临死的时候,给约瑟的两个儿子各自祝福,扶着杖头敬拜神。
I guess it comes down to a simple choice: You got to put the past behind you before get busy living or get busy dying. you can move on. 人生可以归结为一种简单的选择:不是忙你只有忘记以往的事情,才能够继续前进。着活,就是忙着死。
Ms Li is understood to have been "deeply upset" by coverage of her role in the dying days of MG Rover, as revealed by the inspectors. 调查人员揭示出了李曲在MG罗孚破产前夕所扮演的角色,相关报道据信令李曲“深受困扰”。
Translator's note: At the time this was written, Mr. Bastiat knew that he was dying of tuberculosis. Within a year, he was dead. 译者注:在写这些的时候,巴斯夏知道他正在死于肺结核。在一年之内,你就去逝了。
The next day she went to the same druggist and with tears in her eyes asked for an essence which was given only to a dying person. 第二天她又跑去找同一个药剂师,泪汪汪地向他要一种只有垂死的人才用得着的香精。
Dying was nothing and he had no picture of it nor fear of it in his mind. 死没什么了不起,他心中没有死的图景,也没有对死的惧怕。