dark blue

  • na.深蓝色
  • 网络暗蓝;藏青;暗警

dark bluedark blue

dark blue


英文表达颜色的单词有多少?怎么写?_爱问知识人 ... 深灰蓝 blue ashes 深蓝 dark blue;deep blue 鲜蓝 clear blue ...


颜色的英文缩写_百度文库 ... DK=Dark 深色 3: DG==Dark Blue 深蓝色 4: Y=Yellow 黄色 2: ...


颜色英文名称大全(转) ... 深灰蓝 blue ashes 暗蓝 deep blue;dark blue 鲜蓝 clear blue ...


颜色英文名称大全(转) ... 暗青 dark blue;deep cerulean 藏青 navy blue;dark blue;Ming blue 靛青 indigo ...


...loser)、《都市侠盗》(Leverage)、《暗警》(Dark Blue)等一批颇受欢迎的原创剧,还播出了《识骨寻踪》(Bones)、《邪恶力 …


私法行动(Dark blue)的剧情真实上演?看来该案的内幕不是你我能够了解的!!来自 Arlington, TX 个人空间 发送私讯 加为好友 当 …


用英语说颜色_百度文库 ... daffodil 水仙黄 dark blue 暗蓝色 dark cyan 暗青色 ...


Lan2 | Chinese Dictionary ... 力挽狂澜 to pull strongly against a crazy tide 碧蓝 dark blue 白兰地 brandy ...

Nature is all those mountains, snow clad, with the dark blue valleys and range of hills meeting the sea. 自然是所有那些山脉,白雪皑皑,峡谷幽蓝,山峦叠错,伸向大海。
The dark blue color represents features that change channels until they make it into the final product. 深蓝色代表会改变通道的特性,直到他们被加到最终产品中为止。
When he arrived at the sea the water was purple and dark blue and gray and dense , and no longer green and yellow . He stood there and said. 他来到海边时,海水不再是绿得泛黄,已变得混浊不清,时而暗蓝,时而深紫,时而灰黑,不过仍然很平静。渔夫站在岸边说。
Sara removes a small, dark blue piece of cloth from a pile of bloodied cotton swabs with a pair of tweezers. Sara从一堆带血的棉球上,用一只镊子取下了一小块深蓝色的布料。
The saddle of a female Blue Tiger Shrimp may be virtually impossible to see due to the dark blue coloration. 一个女蓝色鞍也许是几乎不可能虾虎看到由于深蓝色颜色。
The dark blue sky you keep And often thro' my curtains peep, For you never shut your eye Till the sun is in the sky. 留恋漆黑的天空穿过窗帘向我望,永不闭上你眼睛直到太阳又现形。
Facing the dark blue lake, like an aged man, the age-old snow-clad trees are recalling ups and downs of their past years. 披着霜雪的班驳古树,如龙钟的老者,面对湛蓝深邃的湖水,恍若回忆岁月的沧桑;
Peter: Yes dark blue color is good for me too, but they'er a bit tight across the toes. I suppose they'll give a little. 彼得:行,深蓝色我也喜欢。可是,脚尖哪儿有点紧,我想也许串串会松些。
the sky was dark blue , with crystalline , turquoise rim . he went out , to shut up the hens , speaking softly to his dog. 天是暗蓝色的,天脚是晶莹的蓝玉石色,他出去把母鸡关好了,轻轻地对狗儿说着话。
in the moonlight, the blinded garden dreams so vividly of its lost colours. The white - washed wall is brilliant against the dark-blue sky. 月光下,暗淡的花园想象着曾失去色彩。一堵白墙在深兰色天空的映衬下,显得格外明亮。
Each time you click one of these word-find buttons the next occurrence of that word on the page is highlighted in dark blue (Figure 9). 每当单击其中一个word-find按钮时,该单词下一次出现在页面中时将使用深蓝色高亮显示(图9)。
Lifted up his eyes and saw the peach blossom port overlooking the sea bathes the dark blue of noisy island. 举目眺望,只见那桃花港里深蓝的海水环抱着这个喧闹的小岛。
asked Li-ma as she finished eating her noodles and drew out from her bosom a large dark blue handkerchief to wipe her mouth. 李妈吃完了面,怀里摸出一条大成蓝的手巾,揩一揩嘴插着就问。
After becoming one with the pavement, my eyes beheld a dark blue Alfa Romeo pull up in front of me. 之后在一条公路上,我的眼睛被一辆停靠在我身前的黑蓝色的阿尔法罗密欧吸引了。
If only a little blood thinner water, dark blue, pink, or is all is not normal. 如果经血稀薄如水,仅有点粉红色,或发黑发紫,则都是不正常的。
The sky was curved, like the inside of a huge glass ball, very dark blue with the sprinkles of bright stars. 天空是弯曲的,好似一个巨大的玻璃球的内侧,几颗明亮的星星点缀着深蓝色的天空。
His dark blue eyes dart left and right in search of the familiar reassurance of his mother's face. 他深蓝色的眼睛迅速的左顾右盼,想寻找他所熟悉的妈妈的面孔。
It had gotten darker and you could already see stars beginning to shine in the dark blue sky. 它得到了黑暗,你可能已经眼冒金星开始照耀在深蓝色的天空。
The dark blue pieces signify components that are the core part of Eclipse's Rich Client Platform (RCP). 图中深蓝色的部分代表的是Eclipse的富客户机平台(RichClientPlatform,RCP)的核心组件。
He came out in jeans, a blue shirt, and a dark blue jacket. 一会儿,他从里面走了出来,穿着一条牛仔裤,一件蓝色衬衫,和深蓝色夹克。
The dark-blue areas of the chick indicate where the cartilage will ultimately solidify into bone. 小鸡深蓝色的区域就是最终凝固成骨头的部分。
And I would like to compare them to grains of bright pearls, stars in the dark-blue sky, and even some kind of beauty. 正如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天里的星星,又如刚出浴的美人。
He was surprised because all the children were wearing the same clothes: white caps, dark blue coats and gray trousers. 因为所有孩子穿同样衣裳,他惊奇了:白色盖帽、深蓝外套和灰色长裤。
She had bright blue shorts and dark blue tights and a flower in the back of her hair. 她身穿鲜蓝色短裤,深蓝色紧身衬衫,头发后面别了一朵花。
Note also the dark blue area under the paste, which is not consistent with the sunrays coming from the Sun. 也要注意剪接图像下面的蓝色区域,它与来自太阳的光线是不一致的。
The article also discussed how the purple looked like in the Tang Dynasty, and argued that the purple might be dark-blue- purple. 还探讨了唐代紫色的色彩倾向,认为唐代官服使用的紫色应该是深青紫。
The fruits are also known as African pears and are oblong dark blue to violet fruits up to 14cm in length, with pale green flesh inside. 果实也称为非洲梨,椭圆形,果皮颜色深蓝色和紫色相间,长约14厘米,内部果肉呈浅绿色。
the sight of the ladies strolling about on gentlemen's arms reduced her pride in the dark blue taffeta dress to nothing. 看到那些挽着绅士们漫步的女士们,自己这身曾引以为豪的深蓝色塔夫绸顿时显得一无是处。
A week later two more visitors called, serious-looking men in identical dark blue raincoats, wearing identical dark blue hats. 一周后,又来了两个访客,两人表情严肃,穿着同一款的深蓝的雨衣,戴着同样深蓝的帽子。
The bright blue and the dark blue background representing the increasing and decreasing regions, respectively. 亮蓝区域和深蓝区域背景分别代表上升区间和下降区间。