
美 ['stɪkɪŋ]英 ['stɪkɪŋ]
  • v.粘贴;刺;忍受;戳
  • n.条;枯枝;枝条;柴火棍儿
  • 网络粘着;粘模;粘冲



v. n.

推入push sth in

1.[t][i]将…刺入(或插入);刺;戳;插入to push sth, usually a sharp object, into sth; to be pushed into sth


2.[t][i]粘贴;粘住to fix sth to sth else, usually with a sticky substance; to become fixed to sth in this way


3.[t](informal)~ sth + adv./prep.(尤指迅速或随手)放置to put sth in a place, especially quickly or carelessly

4.[t](informal)sb can stick sth(无礼或生气地表示)对…不感兴趣used to say in a rude and angry way that you are not interested in what sb has, offers, does, etc.

卡住become fixed

5.[i]~ (in sth)(在某物中)卡住,陷住,动不了to become fixed in one position and impossible to move

困境difficult situation

6.[t](informal)容忍;忍受to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation or person

被接受become accepted

7.[i]被接受;被证明成立to become accepted


stick in your mind

经久不忘;铭记在心to be remembered for a long time

stick in your throat/craw

难以启齿;说不出口to be difficult or impossible to say

stick your neck out

做不保险的事;说不保险的话;冒险to do or say sth when there is a risk that you may be wrong

stick to your guns

不听别人劝告;坚持己见;一意孤行to refuse to change your mind about sth even when other people are trying to persuade you that you are wrong


石油英语词汇(S6)--石油百科 ... sticking together 粘住 sticking 粘着 sticking-point-instrument 测卡仪 ...


模具日本语 - dwxydq的日志 - 网易博客 ... Oil tank 油箱、油槽 Sticking 粘模 Pistor 活塞 ...


药剂学词汇_中国百科网 ... sterilizer 杀菌器,消毒器 sticking 粘冲 sublingual tablets 舌下片 ...


家具专业术语中英文对照 - 豆丁网 ... 尺寸不对 wrong size 31 粘迹,沾粘 sticking 66 角度不对 improper anglc 32 ...


纸业专业英语词汇翻译(S6) ... stickiness 胶粘性 sticking 粘网;粘辊 sticky (胶)粘 ...


З | 俄汉核电词汇 Русско-Англо-Китайский... ... cement-grouting 用水泥砂浆浇注 sticking 粘附,粘结,附着 wetting 弄湿,浸 …

(sticking)、沾(contacting)、帮(helping)、贴(pasting)、来(beckoning)、叫(calling)、顺(following along)、送(following in)、提(…


Toyota_Glossary_040707 - 豆丁网 ... blade (刮水器)刮水片 242 sticking (线束)粘结 243 1 st 一档 244 1 ...

He was naked, bound hand and foot, with a hypodermic needle sticking out of each arm and obscenities written all over his body. 他全身赤裸,手和脚都被绑住,每只胳膊上都有一支皮下注射器针头,污秽的语言遍布全身。
So far, these measures don't seem to be sticking and investors expect more to come. 到目前为止,这些措施似乎并未产生持久效果,投资者预计还有更多措施出台。
Sticking close to home makes sense; don't push out beyond safe limits until you feel as if you're back on more stable ground. 坚持离家近有道理,不推超出安全范围,直到你觉得如果你回来了更加稳定的地面上。
He said the sticking point this time was countries like China and India, which have become more aggressive in advancing their interests. 麦克雷先生认为这次问题的关键点在于中国和印度等国更为强势地推进他们的利益。
He was dressed in an hussar's jacket with gold buttons, shiny leather boots and an odd-looking wooden cloak sticking out of his back. ' 那人穿着钉了金钮扣的轻骑兵上衣和亮闪闪的皮靴,后背支棱着一件怪模怪样的木斗篷。
"The fox is staring at the boy and sticking out his tongue, " said the Black Dragon. 黑龙则说:“狐狸伸着舌头盯着那个孩子。”
OPEC appears to be sticking by its production cuts, overall supply is down and it feels like the global economy may be leveling off. 欧佩克似乎坚持减产,总供给正在下降并且看上去全球经济可能会保持平稳。
Sticking to these tips should ensure that you do not lock yourself out of your own system. 通过遵从这些提示,应该能确保不会出现无法登录到自己系统的情况。
He might as well have said: "Sticking with our strategy while remaining a public company just isn't going to work. " 他同时还称:“继续保留上市公司的身份,同时又坚持我们既定的战略,这条路在未来行不通。”
Mr Geithner was hunched in his chair, jigging his knee - with a pair of dirty walking boots sticking out of his suit. 盖特纳躬腰驼背地坐在椅子上,晃着膝盖——从西装下面露出来的是一双脏兮兮的步行靴。
The fact Stallone seemed to have a syringe sticking out of his neck also suggested it may have been a spoof. 照片显示,史泰龙的颈部似乎冒出了一支注射器,这也暗示着住院事件可能是一次恶搞。
This is a long term program which makes the psychology behind sticking to the plan for years easy to understand. 可以理解为在坚持减肥中建设心理的长期计划。
However, the top limit for the number of such delivery systems may be one of the main sticking points in the next three months of talks. 然而,这些投送装备数量上限的限制可能会在接下来三个月的对话中成为主要的症结之一。
I think I'm afraid only here to see the so-called loyalty right, in actual society for sticking to do not exist already! 我想只有在这里才能看到所谓的忠贞吧,在现实社会中已经看不到了。
Imagine standing on a rubber raft and sticking a really long straw into a pond in hopes of sipping a soft drink buried on the bottom. 想像站在橡皮艇上,用一条很长的吸管伸到水池里,期望能喝到深埋于池底的一种软饮料。
Spear red cocktail cherries onto cocktail picks to create a pair of red "grasshopper eyes" sticking out of the drink. 用红樱桃在鸡尾酒上上做出一对突出的红色“蚂蚱眼”。
Any one, any team, no matter what he did, what he said, can talk with us together in terms of sticking to one China. 不管什么人,不管什么团体,不管过去说了什么,做了什么,只要坚持一个中国,就可以谈,什么问题都可以谈!
If any of these statements remind you of yourself, use it as a warning sign to re-commit yourself to sticking to your exercise plan. 假如你在以上任何一段引用中发现了自己的影子,请以此为戒。时刻提醒自己——把计划坚持下去。
"You wouldn't believe your eyes . . . Half of the pruning shears was sticking out and the other half was in his head, " she said. 她说:「你不敢相信眼前所见的…修枝剪有一半外露,而另一半则在他头内。」
Read more here. I admire Han Han for always sticking his neck out, but I honestly got a little lost trying to fully follow the logic. 读到这,我很钦佩韩寒总是能够挺身而出,但是说实话我不是完全赞同他的逻辑。
I assume if you were a big, burly kind of guy, you'd be very uncomfortable, sticking to a velvet Onesie. 如果你是一个身板很结实的大块头,那肯定不觉得被紧身衣绑着会舒服。
It's easy to say that you'll keep running regularly during the holiday season, but sticking to it requires a strategy. 只是说说你会在节假日期间继续有规律地跑步是很容易的,但是坚持下来需要策略。
That's been a major sticking point between the White House and leading Republican law makers. 而主要的症结就出在白宫和共和党的主要法律制定者们身上。
Some investors like the fact that Mr. Paulson is sticking to his guns on his investments this year. 一些投资者喜欢鲍尔森今年在投资上坚持己见这个事实。
"Very interesting reading it might be made, too, " remarked Sherlock Holmes, sticking a small piece of plaster over the prick on his finger. “读起来一定也很有趣,”歇洛克•福尔摩斯说着粘了一小片膏药到他的手指上刚才戳伤的地方。
Africa, of course, is not Atlanta, and Coke is, in a sense, sticking its hand into a bees' nest to get some honey. 非洲当然不是亚特兰大,但可口可乐坚持伸进蜜蜂巢里去拿蜂蜜。
The authors suggest submitting to a rigid set of criteria before seeing any of the possibilities, and sticking to it. 作者建议在看到任何的可能性前提交一套严格的标准,并坚持执行。
What changes is, of course, my vector field is no longer sticking straight out so I cannot use this easy geometric argument. 有所变化的是,向量场不是由原点直接向外辐射,从而我们不能再用一些简单的几何直观去解释。
I could see myself sticking the flag in a pole, you know -- ah, glorious moment -- the music kind of reaching a crescendo. 我甚至能看见自己亲自把国旗插在北极上,你知道,那是一个光荣的时刻,伴随着背景乐也即将达到高潮。
The matter of Israeli settlements in the West Bank is one of the key sticking points in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 以色列在西岸建立定居点在以色列和巴基斯坦冲突中是一个关键。