
美 [streɪ]英 [streɪ]
  • v.迷路;偏离;走失;偏离正题
  • adj.走失的;无主的;零星的;孤立的
  • n.走失的宠物(或家畜);无主的宠物(或家畜);离群者;走散者
  • 网络迷路的;离群的;杂散

第三人称单数:strays 现在分词:straying 过去式:strayed

stray dog,stray cat,stray bullet


1.[i](+ adv./prep.)迷路;偏离;走失to move away from the place where you should be, without intending to

2.[i](+ adv./prep.)偏离正题;走神;离题to begin to think about or discuss a different subject from the one you should be thinking about or discussing


英文中的叠韵近义字_百度文库 ... way 道路 stray 迷路 wag 摇动 ...


Stray Birds_在线英语听力室 ... ) muffled 压抑的 ) stray 迷路的,漂泊的 ) shed 流 ...


一段情 两颗❤ 三个字 。 ... 430. startle v. 惊吓 431. stray v. 走失 433. sufficient a. 充分的 ...


新概念第三册精解 ... be struck with panic== be seized with panic 惊慌失措 ■stray adj. 迷失的,离群的 2. destroy 吞灭,席卷 ...


电子工程专业词汇S ... stratified language 成层语言 stray 杂散 stray capacity 杂散电容 ...


GRE词汇备考:GRE易混词汇整理(6)_新东方网 ... disarray n. 混乱,漫无秩序 stray v. 迷路,彷徨,流浪 astray a. 迷路的,误入歧途 …


迷途stray)指针,也被称为野(wild)指针或悬浮(dangling)指针,是指将delete 用于指针(从而释放它指向的内存),但 …


新概念第三册全套课文讲解及笔记 - 豆丁网 ... alarm n. 惊恐 stray a. 迷失的 = The dog strayed from home. confusion n. 混乱 ...

Here at the age of perhaps six I outlined with stray bricks what I designated as a boat, for use in an adventure. 我约摸6岁的时候,曾在这里用无主的砖头设计过一条用于我的冒险的船。
St. Bonaventure stray at all the efforts finally saved from the U. S. give him a very good first name ~ ~ yuan yuan. 流浪的圣博纳在众人努力下终于得救,大家给他起了个非常好听的名字~~缘圆。
But on a recent Sunday morning the only living things to be seen were two stray dogs and a dozen soldiers hunkered down in an old bunker. 不过,最近一个周日的上午,那里能看见的活物就只有两条闲荡的狗,和十来个盘腿坐在一座旧碉堡里的士兵。
In normal times, I find the mere cancellation of a stray lunch enough to make me feel happy and lucky all day long. 搁在往常,不过是取消一顿午餐,就足以让我一整天感到开心和幸运了。
How'd you stray so far from his way of thinking? 为什么你和他的思想方式差距如此之大?
Even today stray board members speak out on excesses in our financial markets and grumble that inflation lurks around the corner. 即使今天一些美联储委员仍然大声疾呼我们的金融市场过热了,并且抱怨说通货膨胀正隐藏在角落。
If he found that he would not hesitate to stop, henceforth abandon the wandering soul and thinking stray. 如果他找到了,他会毫不犹豫地停下来,从此放弃心灵的漂泊和思想的流浪。
The VTech got equally clear reception indoors, but I could stray only a few buildings down the block before buzzing set in. 伟易达电话的室内接收效果也同样清楚,但是我沿街区刚走了几幢楼它就开始有嗡嗡声了。
Thanks to the slight leftward turn of her face, a pearl can be seen suspended from her ear, like a stray satellite. 多亏她的脸稍微向左偏了一点,我们才能够看到一个珍珠耳坠挂在她耳垂上,像是一颗散落的星。
He asked him to swallow a stray body gems, gold take the matter to the suffering of people share. 他请求一只离群的小燕子把他身上的宝石、镀金拿去给苦难的人分享。
Mr Qaddafi broke resistance to his policies with a campaign of random terror against "stray dogs" , as he labelled dissidents. 卡扎菲通过一场战役冲破了政策阻力,那场战役里,他随机的对“流浪狗”,也就是那些他标示的持不同政见者展开恐怖行动。
Britta Steffen of Germany also decided to stray from her diet before winning the women's 50-meter swimming event in Olympic record time . 赢得女子50米游泳金牌并创造奥运会纪录的德国选手布丽塔.斯特芬赛前也决定在饮食上放纵自己一下。
As for her personal safety, she said she isn't overly worried but does think about what a stray lunatic could do. 至于她个人的安全,她说她并没有过度担心,但是她的确在考虑一个流浪疯子可以做些什么。
A stray kitten has found a new mother in a golden retriever , who began producing milk for the little feline after hearing its cries. 有只流浪小猫咪找到了一个黄金猎犬新妈妈。这只黄金猎犬在听到小猫的哭声后,开始分泌奶水喂饱小猫。
Stray mines began to turn up off the Pacific coast, imperiling commercial shipping. 散逸的水雷开始在太平洋海岸出现而危及商船的航行。
I entered, and beheld my stray lamb seated on the hearth, rocking herself in a little chair that had been her mother's when a child. 我进去了,看见我的迷途的羔羊坐在火炉边,坐在她母亲小时候的一把椅子上摇来摇去。
Before coming to Battersea, Larry was a stray so he was used to fending for himself in the streets. 去猫狗之家前,拉里是只流浪猫,得在街上自己找食吃。
Recently, we have the courtyard of the stray cats do not know where, and why I cared so much about? 最近,我们院里的流浪猫都不知去哪里了,我为什么这么关心?
It's hard to see on-screen and in print, and it's easy to confuse for a dead pixel on your monitor or a stray piece of toner on the page. 它很难看到屏幕上,并在打印,很容易混淆死像素显示器或一块游离在页面上的碳粉盒上。
I slowly sat down across from her. I took her left hand and held it in mine, brushing a stray lock of golden hair away from her face. 我慢慢地在她对面坐下来,拿起她的左手,握在我的手心里,拂去她脸上一缕零散的金发。
A little sadness hangs on his face as if he were a baby deprived of mother and were a stray lamb, looking silly. 他的面容略带忧伤,好像失去母亲的婴儿。看起来笨笨的,就好像迷途的羔羊似的。
Everytime i saw people looked down to the stray dog and trying to stay away from them and even swore them. 每当我看见人们用鄙视的目光躲开脏兮兮的流浪狗,口里还边咒骂着。
the road itself, when he reached it, in that loneliness that was everywhere, seemed, like a stray dog, to be looking anxiously for company. 来到路上,到处是冷冷清清.那条路像一只迷途的狗,正急着要寻个伴儿。
As you might have guessed, the , and & characters could be flagged as elements or entities (or as stray markup characters). 如您所料,和&字符可以标记为元素或实体(或者游离的标记字符)。
But it seems to me that quite often supplementary information in blog comments stray away from the writer's key objective. 但根据我的观察,很多时候博客评论里补充的信息大多和作者的主要目的无关。
Her niece was killed as she walked home, by a stray bullet from a firefight between the police and traffickers. 走回家的时候,她的侄女被因警方与贩毒团伙交火射出一颗流弹毙命。
All day, his eye wandered in the direction of his treasure; and at night, if some stray cat made a noise, the cat was robbing him. 白天,他的目光尽朝埋藏硬币的方向望;夜间,如果有只迷途的猫弄出一点声响,他就以为是有人来抢他的钱。
high and crowned with coils of razor wire; the wind seems to blow every stray plastic bag in the Holy Land into its cold shadows. 风吹动着圣地里的塑料袋,似乎要将圣地置于他冰冷的阴影之中。
Only two stray dogs benefited from all this confusion, for they greedily devoured what was left of the cake. 只有两只野狗在混乱中得到了好处,它们狼吞虎咽地吃光了剩余的蛋糕。
As I was riding along the country road all the same, I didn't notice that I was beginning to stray away from my route. 由于一直沿着乡间道路骑着,我没注意到我开始走岔了路。