
美 [sərˈvaɪv]英 [sə(r)ˈvaɪv]
  • v.生存;存活;幸存;继续存在
  • 网络活下来;生还;比…长命

第三人称单数:survives 现在分词:surviving 过去式:survived

survive crisis,survive war,survive operation,survive shock,survive scrutiny



1.[i]生存;存活;继续存在to continue to live or exist

2.[t]幸存;幸免于难;艰难度过to continue to live or exist despite a dangerous event or time

3.[t]~ sb/sth比…活(或存在)的时间长to live or exist longer than sb/sth


英语常见词根前缀后缀大全 ... revive 复活 survive 幸存,逃生 evoke 唤起,召唤 ...


初二英语单词表_百度知道 ... breathe v. 呼吸 survive v. 生存,存活 keep v. 保持,保存 ...


牛津初中英语8a单词表最新! - 豆丁网 ... sadly adv. 可惜;令人伤心地 survive vi. 活下来,继续存在,幸存 hunter n. 猎人 ...


高中英语必修2_百度百科 ... sum n. 总数;算术题;金额 survive vi. 幸免;幸存;生还 swift adj. 快的;迅速的 ...


新东方|英语六级绝密资料 - 豆丁网 ... revive 复活 survive 存活 vivisect (切)活体解剖 ...


学位英语成人三级考点词汇 - 豆丁网 ... surface n. 表面,面,外表 survive v. 幸免于,幸存;比…长命 superior a. 优良的,卓 …


学位英语成人三级考点词汇 - 豆丁网 ... surface n. 表面,面,外表 survive v. 幸免于,幸存;比…长命 superior a. 优良的,卓 …

I love you and you leave, I'll experience a loss and be sad and lonely, but I'll still be able to survive. 我爱你,你离开了,我有失落感,我难过,我感到孤独,但我还能支撑下去。
To be able to survive, small businesses have to accommodate the needs of the local community, said the owner of the Teaneck General store. 要生存下来,小企业必须让自己适应当地社区需要,蒂内克General商店店主说。
An attempt to salvage a stuck anchor capsized the boat, and the four men were forced to cling to the hull to survive. 当他们试图让被卡住的锚恢复正常时不慎翻了船,四人只得紧紧抓住船身保命。
you know , we're facing variety of test stress , in which no one with any lack subject could survive. 你知道,我们面临各种各样的压力测试,这是任何人用任何缺乏主体能幸存下来。
The neutrophils survive for short periods, less than a day or two, and thus must be replaced quickly by new cells delivered from the marrow. 中性粒细胞的寿命很短,只有不到一两天的时间。因此,它们必须很快地被骨髓中的新生细胞所替换。
And animals are sometimes killed out of a wish to reduce numbers to help the species to survive. 有时为了帮助动物生存要捕杀一些以减少其数量。
Light helicopters do not come equipped with ballistic parachutes and can only survive an engine failure if it occurs at a reasonable height. 轻型直升机没有配备降落伞和弹道导弹只能存活了引擎故障,如果它发生在一个合理的高度。
Another way we seem to be hard-wired to survive is in how we pick and choose our reproductive partners. 另一种使我们得到强化,以生存下来的方式是我们挑选配偶的方式。
I wonder how much bubble wrap you would need to survive jumping out of a plane. 你得裹上多少层汽泡纸才能从飞机上跳下来而不死。
Unless the company is going to go bankrupt, some people will survive; I'd concentrate on making sure that I was one of them. 除非你的公司打算破产,否则总有一些人能幸存;我会尽全力设法确保我就是其中之一。
I think you know you have to be able to read the markets, prove yourself to the position in a bad cycle, and then you're going to survive. 我认为中国公司还必须能够读懂市场,在不景气的周期里证明自己的地位,然后公司就能存活下来。
General Motors (GM) closed out its centennial year having to ask the U. S. taxpayers for loans to survive. 通用汽车走过了一百年,却在这百年纪念之际,为了生存向美国纳税人提出贷款申请。
Sure, I struggled a lot trying to just survive past all those exams I had last week, but I can now say I passed a challenge. 当然,我很努力试着要通过上星期的所有那些考试,而我现在能说我通过了一个挑战。
That was the only way I was going to survive , " she said, referring to the double-ended paddle used on sea kayaks. " 那可能是我唯一能够求生的机会。她一边说着一边指着那在划艇时用的双面桨。
If he were to survive, he must persuade himself to continue believing some of this. 只要一息尚存,他就必须迫使自己继续相信其中的一部分内容。
He said the Earth is like a large mechanical device that will survive only if people living on it know how to operate it correctly. 他说,地球像一个大的机械设备,将生存只有人民居住的知道如何操作正确的。
How much of it will survive its passage through Congress remains an open question. 其中有多少能够顺利通过美国国会的审查,这仍然是一个有待回答的问题。
The next period was one where I was crippled with debt, as well as trying to survive on a single income with no medical insurance. 接下来一个时期我陷入债务危机,设法靠一份收入生存也没有了医疗保险。
Only a year ago, Amber Hardin was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer that only 18 percent of children survive. 仅仅一年前,安波哈丁被诊断出患有一种罕见的癌症,儿童的存活率只有18%。
Taking care of the body is going to be pivotal to making it through the plagues ahead, and those with strong immune systems shall survive. 照顾好身体,将是度过前方瘟疫灾祸的关键,而那些拥有强壮免疫系统的人们将会存活。
Even if he did fertilise the egg of a non-paired female it would not survive as it takes two adults to raise a single chick. 即使雄鸟让单身的雌鸟产下了受精卵,但如果没有两只成年鸟的照顾雏鸟将无法生存。
In 2005, she lost her tail after getting caught in the buoy line of a crab trap and was forced to rely on her human rescuers to survive. 2005年,它缠在一张捕蟹网的浮标线上,然后就失去了尾鳍,靠着救援人员才活了下来。
Without money, how could you arrange for someone to do services? Everyone would be too busy trying to survive for society to ever develop. 没了金钱,你怎么安排别人为你服务?每个人都将忙着为社会服务以致难以继续发展。
At least people have jobs, and will be able to survive, maybe wages aren't keeping up with the cost of living, but people can still survive. 但至少人们有工作,有能力生存,也许工资的上涨无法跟上生活费用的上涨,但人们能够生存。
My kid had cancer when he was one year old, if without the American people's donation, I really doubt he could survive till this day. 我的孩子一岁时得了癌症,如果不是美国人民的捐赠,我真怀疑他能生存到今天。
But many in India do not see child labour as a social evil that has to be ended immediately, saying the poor need it to survive. 但印度许多人并不认为童工现象是社会弊端,认为不需要立即消除,穷人需要童工生存。
I pray they survive, pray that they take my guidence so I can lead them into a bright future instead of the dark path they are leading. 我祈求他们能活下来。祈求他们能够接受我的引导这样我能将他们引向光明的未来而不是他们正走向的黑暗小径。
Because of their compatibility, their government may at least survive long enough for them to do a bit of good. 因为彼此的相互包容,他们的政府至少还可能得以维持一段时间,至少够他们做出一点贡献。
Had it not been for Heidelberg's takeover, he says, Hanson might have struggled to survive on its own. 他说,如果不是海德堡公司的收购,汉森恐怕只得靠自己挣扎求生。
That life would have to survive on comparatively little oxygen and water, and would have to be very tolerant of methane. 这些生命要再氧气和水相对较少的环境下生存,而且要能够忍受甲烷。