subject to

  • v.处于…中;使服从
  • 网络受制于;以……为条件;以……为准

第三人称单数:subjects to 现在分词:subjecting to 过去式:subjected to

subject tosubject to

subject to


Unit 1 Ways of Learning ... stick to 坚持; 忠于, 信守 subject to 使遭受, 使服从 submit to 服从, 听从 ...


专四高频词汇 - 豆丁网 ... sufficient for 足够的 subject to 受制于,易于 superior to 优于,级别高于 ...


商务报盘英语-英语点津 ... the preference of one's offer 优先报盘 subject to 以……为条件,以……为准 make headway 有进展 ...


商务报盘英语-英语点津 ... the preference of one's offer 优先报盘 subject to 以……为条件,以……为准 make headway 有进展 ...


四级词组短语_百度文库 ... even though 即使 subject to 使遭受 in some way 以某种方式 ...


介词后+动名词结构一览 ... owing to 由于;因……的缘故 subject to 在……条件下;依照 be given to 沉溺于 ...

Research your subject to the point where you are an expert -- or at least not a bumbling idiot. 研究你在行的课题论点——至少不要像个结结巴巴的白痴。
Any other issuing organizations have no right to issue the export licenses of the commodities subject to compensated quota bidding. 其他任何发证机关无权签发配额有偿招标商品的出口许可证。
Jobs has been subject to extravagant cheerleading, and it's not as if he was overendowed with a sense of humility to begin with. 但乔布斯受到了过分的吹捧,而他自己似乎也不怎么谦虚。
If the person per se has no capacity for civil conduct, it shall be subject to the consent and signing of the guardian of the person. 本人无行为能力的,应当经其监护人同意,并签署意见。
From the early days of popular use of the Internet, the rallying cry was that cyberspace was the new frontier, subject to no law. 互联网自普及之初便喊出了一个响亮的口号:网络空间是不受任何法律制约的新疆域。
Any move is subject to Gala agreeing a fee as he is under contract and Arda has confirmed he wants to leave this summer. 我们会探讨任何转会只要加拉塔萨雷同意该项邀请的转会费。图兰已经正式他在这个夏季会离开加拉塔萨雷。
The Leases are not subject to any options or rights of preemption or first refusal in favour of any third parties. 租契并不受制于以任何第三方为受惠人的任何选择权或优先购买权利或优先权。
Yet more essentially, can we ask such a subject to want what she desires, to consent to what the thing in her wants. 然而更为基本的是,我们是否能够要求这样一个主体去渴望她所欲望的东西呢,去认可在她渴望中的那个东西。
The agreement does not discharge any other person subject to liability upon the same claim unless the agreement so provides. 该协议并不同时免除任何其他面临对同一请求承担责任的人,除非该协议有规定。
He is very weak in character and is always subject to his wife. 他性格懦弱,老是受他妻子的支配。
Procedures to be in place at both the central and sub-central levels of government, subject to any transitional measures of course. 在中央和次中央政府层面都要设立程序,当然也受任何过渡性措施的约束。
If convicted, the four face a fine and a maximum jail term of seven years on each charge, subject to a total of 20 years. 若被判有罪,这四人将面对罚款和每项罪名最高7年的刑期;若数罪并罚,总刑期最高可达20年。
The kind of regulatory and tax arbitrage that small countries once profited from is now subject to an international crackdown. 曾经让小国获利的那种监管和税收套利操作,现在面临国际打击。
Fortunately it is no longer necessary that every lecture or every book about this subject to start with the proof of this idea. 幸运的是对关于这个话题的每个讲座或每本书都以这个证据或这个想法开头已经没有必要了。
The measure, signed on 27 September, forbids tobacco products in prisons and youth correctional facilities. Violators are subject to a fine. 这项法令于9月27日签署,内容是在监狱和青少年管教所禁烟,违反者将被处以罚款。
Some of these attributes and attitudes may be permanent, or at least only partially subject to the vagaries of the economic cycle. 这些品质态度或许有些会亘古不变,至少,只会在经济循环的突变中有些许变化。
And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them. And his mother kept all these words in her heart. 他就同他们下去,来到纳匝肋,属他们管辖。他的母亲把这一切默存在心中。
GE said it had received assurances from the US department of justice that it would not be subject to any criminal enforcement proceedings. GE表示,公司已经获得美国司法部的承诺,将不会面临任何刑事诉讼。
Social surveys must be conducted within the framework of research ethics, a subject to which China has not given due emphasis. 社会调查必须在研究伦理的框架之内进行,这一点在中国尚未受到应有的重视。
Then He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them, but His mother kept all these things in her heart. 他就同他们下去,回到拿撒勒,并且顺从他们。他母亲把这一切的事都存在心里。
Just then a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak. 有一个女人,患了十二年的血漏来到耶稣背后,摸他的衣裳
Your use of these other services, software or goods may be subject to separate terms between you and the company or person concerned. 您对这些其他服务、软件或商品的使用受限于您和相关公司或个人的单独条款。
Search by subject to see what books you may be able to read to get the extra leg up in your classes. 根据主题查找,看看你能读什么书来辅助你的课业。
Politics was no longer simply a pocketbook issue but amoral issue as well, subject to moral imperatives and moralabsolutes. 政治不再是完全围绕着经济展开,也与道德问题息息相关,受到道德责任和道德至上理念的制约。
As a general rule, overtime working applications shall be subject to prior written approval of the General Manager. 作为一般的规定,加班申请应取得总经理的事先书面批准。
A military force that is not part of a regular army and is subject to call for service in an emergency. 预备役部队不作为正规军的一部分,准备在紧急情况下服役的武装力量。
Cultural education has been a great deal of damage appraisal values directly subject to political influence, the emphasis on pragmatism. 文革时期的教育受到了极大的破坏,教学评价价值观直接受到政治的影响,注重实用主义。
if the purposes of use need to be changed, the matter shall be subject to approval by relevant administrative departments according to law. 需要改变土地用途的,应当依法经有关行政主管部门批准。
All departments within BPS involved with implementation of the NQA Programme will be subject to audit at least once a year. 在英伦管架有限公司(BPS)内,所有与核质量保证计划实施相关的部门,至少每年应接受一次审查。
Compatibility: Media low-hanging position, and is subject to space constraints, it is very close to the audience, easy to read. 亲和性:媒体悬挂位置低,并受空间限制,因此极为贴近受众,便于仔细阅读。