shift away

  • 网络搬走;移走;把…移走

shift awayshift away

shift away


背单词贴,谢绝灌水~_百姓酒馆_天涯论坛 ... safety net 安全网 shift away 搬走 capital-intensive 资金密集型 ...


搬移的英语翻译,搬移用英文怎么说 -... ... displacement 1. 取代,代替 shift away 搬开,移走 remove to 2. 使调往 ...


【shift】什么意思_英语shift在线翻译_有道词典 ... shift work 轮班工作;倒班,换岗 shift away 把…移走;搬走 red shift 红移 ...


搬移的英语翻译,搬移用英文怎么说 -... ... displacement 1. 取代,代替 shift away 搬开,移走 remove to 2. 使调往 ...


有人提出Th1向Th2细胞漂移(shift away)学说,认为随着HIV感染后病情的进展,Th细胞亚群由Th1占优势逐渐转变为Th2占优势…

Combined with improving living standards, this narrative has been used to justify a shift away from federalism. 连同生活水平的提高,集权统治也被用来使脱离联邦制变得合法。
The retailer said there had been a shift away from traditional trees in favour of more unusual, pine-needle free creations. 该零售商称消费者的购买意向已经从传统的圣诞树转为寻求不同寻常的,没有松针的替代品。
The main reason for my shift away from my games business was that it wasn't a strong enough outlet for service for me. 我放弃游戏事业的主要原因是,它不能再像从前那样很好地服务于我了。
It has led to a dramatic shift away from risky assets to riskless assets, or at least assets perceived as riskless . 它将导致戏剧性的从风险资产到非风险资产的变化,或者最少是作为无风险资产保值。
Such circumstances may cause a shift away from traits that lure insects, and enhance those that seduce the wind. 这种环境下,植物就有了从引诱昆虫到招引风的转变。
For all his enthusiasm for solar, Shi does not expect China to shift away from its dependence on coal any time soon. 尽管对太阳能极其狂热,施正荣认为中国不会很快从煤炭依赖中走出来。
China is trying to stretch out its shift away from exports for fear that it can't create other jobs in other sectors fast enough. 中国则在努力延长转变出口依赖的时间,因为担心它无法迅速在其他领域提供别的就业机会。
In the next decade or so, there will be a shift away from a dominant shareholder value perspective and towards a wider stakeholder view. 在未来十年里,人们的观点将从主要股东价值角度转向更多监管人的角度。
Slowly, the focus of public attention began to shift away from knowing what such people did to knowing what they looked like. 公众的注意力逐渐由了解这些人做了些什么转移到了了解他们长得是什么样子。
The big shift away from manufacturing came as the U. S. sought to speed the recoveries of war-ravaged Europe and Asia. 随着美国致力于加快被战争重创的欧洲和亚洲经济的复苏,美国制造业开始向海外迁移。
The most effective step to implement that goal would be a massive shift away from fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy sources. 实现该目标最有效的方法莫过于大规模的将化石燃料转变为清洁、可再生的能源。
HP and Dell dominate the PC business, together with Taiwan's Acer (see chart), so they are vulnerable to any shift away from such computers. 惠普跟戴尔,连同台湾的宏基(见图)主宰了个人电脑业务,因此个人电脑需求变动一点,都易使之受伤。
For young girls, there was a shift away from suicide by firearms or poisoning toward hanging or suffocation. 对于年轻女孩的自杀方式,逐渐从选择自杀枪械或中毒方式转向上吊或窒息方式。
For the first time, the agency estimated the costs to Opec oil-producing countries of a worldwide shift away from petrol and oil. 该协会首次预计世界范围内对燃料和石油的转移对欧佩克石油生产国造成的成本上升。
Small overturned Machinery face a midge, Sitodiplosis overturned after a certain point shift away from the child's transfer mode. 小型翻转式成型机有一个吸浆面,吸浆之后翻转一定角度由转移模将托转移掉。
As international reserves soar I detect amongst reserve managers a desire to shift away from the dollar. 随着国际储备激增,我发觉许多国家的储备管理机构都有意避开美元。
There must be a paradigm shift away from the traditional ways of doing business, a speaker stressed. 其中一位发言人强调,应该改变传统的贸易方式,树立新的贸易范例。
These approaches have contributed to a shift away from open defecation, improving sanitation and hygiene. 这些方法对于改变随地排便、改善卫生设施和卫生方面起了作用。
A shift away from the low interest rates that have encouraged commodity investments could spark a change in sentiment. 从低息部门转移促使了商品投资,这会使大家改变投资信念。
"We have to shift away from a business model built around quarterly earnings to a new model. " “我们必须抛弃围绕季度收益建立的企业模式,而应寻求一种新模式。”
When an enterprise begins to embrace SOA, often the paradigm shift away from silo development is not well institutionalized. 当企业开始采用SOA时,从竖井开发进行范式转换并未得到良好的制度化。
Yet, taken together, they mark a radical shift away from the Bush era in a manner than bridges the gap between ideology and pragmatism. 然而,与布什时期相比,它们是根本性的转变,为理想与务实之间架起桥梁。
The last two decades, however, have seen a shift away from classic 'open ocean' AEW and intercept control. 最后二十年,然而,看了远离经典之作‘开放海洋’AEW的一个转移并且拦截控制。
Critics argued for a shift away from killing polio to free up money for controlling multiple diseases. 批评人士主张逐步放弃消灭小儿麻痹症的作法,把腾出的资金用于防控多种疾病。
This approach does not portend a shift away from the existing terrorist threat, McConnell emphasizes. 迈克迈康勒而强调说,这样并不是转移方向不顾及现在的恐怖主义的威胁。
It also calls for a shift away from large-scale commercial food producers to smaller local growers. 报告还呼吁从大规模生产商品粮转型为地方上的小规模种植。
Does a shift away from direct control towards an era of commitment, flexibility and empowerment mean that workplaces are now gender neutral? 从直接管理到委托的、灵活性的和授权的管理时代的转变,真的意味着工作场所中已经没有性别歧视了吗?
even for japanese firms that are investing overseas , surveys show a shift away from china in favour of other asian countries. 甚至调查显示,正在投资海外的日本公司正在逐步撤出中国,并有意进入亚洲其他国家。
The post-Soviet countries are already seeing voters shift away from Europe in reaction to the destructive policies the EU supported. 后苏联国家已开始看到选民们改变立场,不再支持欧洲,以此回应欧盟所支持的毁灭性政策。
It squanders a golden opportunity to shift away from a payment model that encourages doctors to prescribe too many overpriced tests. 不仅如此,提案还浪费了转变现今鼓励医生开出高额处方的支付模式的最佳机会。