
美 [ˈsɪmptəm]英 ['sɪmptəm]
  • n.症状;征兆;【医】症状


clinical symptom,Common symptom,chronic symptom,depressive symptom,psychiatric symptom
treat symptom,show symptom,relieve symptom


Encountering any of these symptoms means you may need to scale back on your post-race goals, but just a bit. 遇到以上任何一种症状都说明你需要调整一下你的赛后目标,不过只需要调整一点。
Although Darwin was the son and grandson of physicians, the most eminent doctors of the day were flummoxed by his symptoms. 尽管达尔文的父亲和祖父都是医生,当时最杰出的医生们都对他的症状一筹莫展。
Persons with persistence of any of the above symptoms should consult the doctor early for proper diagnosis and management. 若持续出现上述任何病徵,应向医生查询并作适当诊治。
They seem to think that they have to come to me with the "right" set of symptoms, and not having those symptoms is their fault. 他们似乎认为他们要到我这里,要有“正确”的症状,而没有这些症状是他们的错。
The shots have been known to eliminate the symptoms of allergies so effectively that most people do not need to use any other products. 这一疗法能够非常有效的消除过敏症状,大多数人经过治疗后都无需再使用其他药物。
By feeding the data into a computer, Dr McGregor has been able to detect the onset of an infection before obvious symptoms emerge. 在把这些数据输入计算机之前,McGregor博士已经能够发现在某一明显症状发生前的感染的发生。
The incubation period refers to the HIV virus from the beginning to the clinical symptoms and signs of AIDS time. 潜伏期指的是从感染艾滋病病毒开始,到出现艾滋病临床症状和体征的时间。
I believe that it is a clear case of a malfunctioning pituitary gland. . . but without diagnostic tools I can only treat the symptoms. 我认为,很明显是脑垂体出现了问题…没有诊断工具,但我只能治标。
At this point in the history of mankind, we have been conditioned to abhor symptoms of any kind. 在人类历史上,我们已经习惯于厌恶任何形式的症状。
sometimes people experience redness and swelling at the site of injection. Rarely , one may experience cold like symptoms for a few days . 有时在疫苗注射部位出现红肿,罕有可能持续几天出现类似感冒的症状。
Empirically then, we see that the medication has not at all improved their health, just their symptoms. 根据经验,然后我们看到,这些药物并没有改善他们的健康,只是消除他们的症状。
When symptoms emerge, the patient is often already in an advanced disease stage where the central nervous system is affected. 出现症状时,患者常常已到疾病晚期,中枢神经系统受到影响。
There's no medical backing to the claim that heartburn sufferers must sit up in bed to avoid the symptoms of heartburn the next morning. 据说烧心患者必须坐着睡觉才能避免第二天早上起来烧心,而这一说法并没有医学依据。
Symptoms to look out for include unusual pains in the breasts or armpits, he said. 他说:“一般的症状是乳房或腋窝不寻常的疼痛”。
In case of severe symptoms requiring an ambulance, ensure to tell that the patient is suspected to have SARS. 在出现严重症状,需要救护车,确保向病人是怀疑严重急性呼吸系统综合症。
Its symptoms are in the stool, coughing or crying, in the child's anus to see a purple nodules. 它的症状是在排便、咳嗽或啼哭时,在小儿的肛门口见到有一紫红色的结节。
We have no information regarding the potential symptoms that this medical condition may trigger. 我们没有任何资料的潜在症状,这种疾病可能会触发。
If I awaken right after this happens, these symptoms are very intense, and they used to be a bit fearful as I did not understand the cause. 如果我醒来后,发生这种情况,这些症状是非常激烈的,他们曾经是有点害怕,因为我不明白的原因。
The doctor told her to watch out for symptoms of measles. 医生叫她注意麻疹出现的症状。
The boy was admitted to hospital last week with flu-like symptoms and authorities are still trying to determine the cause of his illness. 上周,该男孩因流感症状入院治疗,有关部门仍在调查病因。随后,政府关闭了该小学。
Other symptoms (tiredness, dizziness) can be non-specific so the condition is often advanced by the time it is diagnosed. 其它症状(疲倦、头昏眼花)可能不明显,因此这种病往往在得到确诊时症状才明显。
There is often a poor correlation between symptoms of reflux and measurable reflux as demonstrated by pH study. 之间往往有反流和反流症状,可衡量的相关性较差的pH值的研究证实。
What mattered to him was to control symptoms, to be able to talk to his family and to leave a positive legacy. 对他来说,重要的是控制症状,能够与家人说话,并留下积极的精神财富。
Yet the moment the man got off the bike, his symptoms returned. He froze immediately, unable to take a step. 然而他一旦下了自行车,一切“恢复”:他的腿脚立即变得僵硬,一步都迈不开了。
The Flu Survey is the first such project to ask people across Europe to sign up and report cold- or flu-like symptoms over the winter. 流感调查是第一项号召全欧洲人在整个冬季上报感冒或疑似流感症状的计划。
IGAA helps Barb test the solution and prompts her to verify that none of the previous symptoms (or any new symptoms) sill exist (Figure 19). IGAA帮助Barb对该解决方案进行测试,并提示她验证先前所有的症状(或者任何新的症状)都不复存在(图19)。
Since the mediastinal teratoma has no specific symptoms, its definite diagnosis is difficult before surgical intervention. 因为纵膈腔畸胎瘸没有特别的徵状,所以在外科处置之前要确定诊断是很困难的。
In the case of the Georgetown woman, the symptoms began to clear up after she'd undergone a few tests in the hospital. 在乔治敦的妇女的这个病例中,她在接受了几个小小的测试之后症状便开始消除。
The overwhelming majority of cases continue to experience mild symptoms and recover fully within a week, even without any medical treatment. 绝大多数病人的症状较温和,即使不采取任何治疗措施,一周内也会痊愈。
The good news is the above symptoms are easy to treat with a prescribed course of antibiotics. 幸运的是这些症状会被治愈,如果你用处方的抗生素的话。