
美 [tæk]英 [tæk]
  • n.方针;方法;大头钉;马具
  • v.抢风行驶;(用平头钉)钉住;绷;用粗线脚缝
  • 网络粘性;图钉;粗缝

复数:tacks 现在分词:tacking 过去式:tacked



n. v.

1.[u][sing]方针;方法;思路the way in which you deal with a particular situation; the direction of your words or thoughts

2.[c][u](帆船的)抢风调向,抢风行驶the direction that a boat with sails takes as it sails at an angle to the wind in order to fill its sails

3.[c](尤指把地毯钉在地板上的)平头钉,大头钉a small nail with a sharp point and a flat head, used especially for fixing a carpet to the floor


普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... tablet 平板 tack 大头钉 tackle 钓鱼用具 ...


2009《中国行业资讯大全·丝印特印行业卷》 ... 丝头 stringing 粘性 tack 粘性仪 inkometer ...


新东方赵丽词汇8000笔记(二) - 豆丁网 ... (at 用 (tack 图钉 bereave v. 1. 2. (把 ...


船舶专业词典.xls ... 156 1)耳片(焊接) 2)标签 tab 157 1)平头钉 2)缚帆索 tack 165 1)滑车组 2)装具 tackle ...


英语词根6 - Leo.Zhu - 博客园 ... surge v 浪潮;涌来 tack v 钉住;缝合 tailor n 裁缝 ...


《英文是象形文字的探索&英语单词的记忆》1... ... lack 缺乏 tack 钉住,粗缝; rack 饲草架 ...


六级单词30天记 - Word List 2 上 ... subsistence 勉强生活 tack 大头针,钉住 detach 分离,派遣,拆卸 ...


谁有胶粘剂术语大全?_百度知道 ... 2.7 被粘物 adherend 2.8 初粘性 tack 2.9 触变性 thixotropy ...

The decision was an abrupt change of tack a month after the company said an independent committee had found no fraud. 这一决定来得非常突然。此前一个月,该公司曾表示一个独立委员会没有发现任何欺诈行为。
When it came -- thirty cents -- he pinned it up in his trailer, brass-headed tack in each corner. 明信片到了,三十美分。他把它贴在自己车里,四个角用黄铜大头钉钉住。
Maybe, but you know, it's hard to tell for sure after all this time if Ida Tack's group did discover element 43. 或许是吧。但是这么长时间之后,很难确定爱德泰克的团队是否真的发现了43号元素。
More recently some people have taken a tack of not trying to sell a more expensive computer , but selling something less . 更最近一些人们有带不尝试卖一部比较贵的计算机的大头钉,但是销售比较少的东西。
He sounded more sincere (and more desperate) than before. He may even have been trying to signal a change of tack. 这一回他听起来似乎比以前诚恳许多(可是更加绝望),他甚至可能试图做出改弦更张的姿态。
At this point Greene changes tack as he considers Hugh Everett III's Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. 这个时候,Greene考虑到HughEverettIII的《量子力学的多重世界解读》,于是他改变了策略。
When he found he could not secure my attention for the school course, he gave up the attempt as hopeless and went on a different tack. 当他发现他不能使我的注意力维持在学校的科目上时,就绝望地放弃了这种努力,而另辟蹊径。
The Democrats were clever enough to tack to the centre at a time when the Republicans appeared to have lurched to the extreme right. 民主党人士也相当聪明,他们见风使舵扮演中间派角色,而此时的共和党人开始走向极右的惨败之路。
DAB out: A means of comparing or examining ink properties such as tack or ink it down to a thin film on the ink slab with a circular motion. 拍试:手来检查或比较油墨特性如粘度和颜色的方法。用手指掭取小量油墨,在油墨械一以打圈方式把它分薄。
That might tack on about $2, 000 to the cost of changing to natural gas, bringing the total bill for a switch up to about $8, 000. 可能钉对约2,000元,以成本的不断变化,以天然气,使总数草案交换机最多可有大约八千元。
He took a similar tack at an afternoon picnic with union members in Monroe. 他采取了类似的钉在一下午的野餐与工会成员在梦露。
"Most developers in London are including China in their marketing efforts, " said Matthew Tack, a director at Hamptons in London. “大多数伦敦开发商正将中国纳入其营销活动之中。”
He would just cut off lengths of canvas and tack them to the wall. When a picture was finished, he cropped off any remaining blank canvas. 每次创作时只能剪块帆布,钉在墙上,完成后还要把空白的画布裁下来,留着备用。
One day, one of Louise's friends suggests that she try a different tack. "Welcome him home with a kiss and some loving words. " 一天,路易丝的一位朋友建议她尝试一种不同的方式:“用一个热吻和一些充满关爱的话欢迎他回家。”
So Dr Venter changed tack, and decided to go with a lightly modified version of the entire M. genitalium genome. 所以文德尔改变了计划,决定采用整个生殖支原体基因组的一个改动微小的版本。
If they can't, or if the account they give doesn't match what you were trying to convey, you need to try a new tack. 如果他们不能描述,或者描述和你刚才试图传达的不匹配,那么就需要一个新的方针。
However, some content providers do not provide full feeds. Others tack on ads at the end of full feeds to provide some incoming revenue. 然而,有些内容提供者并不提供全文输出,也有些在全文输出后面添加了一些广告以获取收入。
In a different tack, researchers have beamed microwaves at lab animals or cultured cells and looked for signs of DNA damage. 在另一个实验中,研究人员向用来实验的动物和培养的细胞发射电磁波来寻找DNA损坏的迹象。
When Arafat's time came, he took a different tack. 轮到阿拉法特演讲时,他采取了不同的策略。
Mr. Colombo said one tack for Q-Cells would be to 'try to convince the Chinese court to let go' and leave the case for arbitration. 科伦坡说,Q-Cells的一个目标是努力说服中国法院放手,让本案接受仲裁。
Peter: Yes. I've already found a new manager. She's as sharp as a tack . 对。我已经找到了一个新的经理。她非常聪明。
Another tack would be to spruce up the disdained safari hotels to attract wealthier Chinese, Indians and Africans. 还有个办法是,把游客不屑一顾的狩猎旅店好好装修一番,来吸引富裕的中国、印度和非洲游客。
After all the hoopla, however, Chery is now taking a different tack on its way into the US and European markets. 然而,喧嚣过后,奇瑞如今却选择了另外一条进军欧美市场的道路。
It is not difficult to understand why the White House has chosen this tack. 不难理解白宫为什么这么做。
He realized that the whole issue of relativity theory was so encrusted with controversy that it would be better to try a different tack. 他意识到相对论整个事情有这很大的争论,以至于要尝试一个不同的解决问题途径。
This, combined with a sense that inflation is receding, appears to be behind a change in tack. 这一点,加上通胀正在回落的感觉,似乎是近期政策变化背后的原因。
In most states candidates must tack to the centre in the general election. In Kansas this looks increasingly unnecessary. 在大多数州中,候选人必须紧跟大选的趋势,而在堪萨斯州,这看起来越来越不必要了。
Tack up a witty bumper sticker to your wall. or write humorous celebrity quotes on an erasable white board. 再你的墙上钉一个风趣的小标语。或在可擦写白板上写幽默的名人名言。
A different tack is to define a state machine as any imperative programming language in which the nodes are also the source lines. 另一种策略就是将状态机定义成一种强制性编程语言,其中节点也是源码行。
Not especially. but I wanted to see the teahouse , so my parents agreed to tack us. 并不是特别想去。但是我很想去茶馆,所以我父母答应带上我们。