
美 [tʌtʃ]英 [tʌtʃ]
  • v.接触;摸;涉及;到
  • n.接触;摸;润色;碰
  • 网络触摸;触碰;触摸列表

第三人称单数:touches 现在分词:touching 过去式:touched

gentle touch,light touch,soft touch,slight touch,tender touch
touch bottom,touch subject,touch nerve



应用程式发送这些讯息,针对某个触摸(touches)阶段,当有新的或改变触摸: .一个或更多的手指触摸下在萤幕 上,它发送了touc…


She t__ him on the shoulder._百度知道 ... taps 轻拍 touches 触碰 tags 加标记 ...


Unity 脚本类总索引 ... touchCount 触摸数量 touches 触摸列表 AddForceAtPosition 所在位置添加力 ...


家长资源中心 ... 木制质感数字板 Tell By Touch 触摸线条板 Touches 动指移动小珠板 Tricky Fingers ...


为正当初二期中考试的学子们... ... 嗅起来 smells 摸上去 touches 非常感谢你来看我。 Thank you very much for comingto see …

The original premise of Felicity made it out as a drama with comic touches, a sort of 1990s The Wonder Years set at college. 《大学生费莉希蒂》的初衷是想拍程带有喜剧效果的电视剧,有点像20世纪90年代在大学里取景的《纯真年代》。
Your first question touches upon specific issues during the Talks. It's not convenient for me to tell you. 你的第一个提问涉及到谈判中的具体问题,我不便透露。
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao will be on a trade-focused charm offensive when he touches down in New Delhi Wednesday for a two-day visit. 国国务院总理温家宝将于周三抵达新德里,对印度进行为期两天的访问,届时他将会展开以贸易为重点的魅力攻势。
The book touches the surface of this question, focusing on binding China into a functioning system of multilateral trade. 该书重点探讨了,应将中国纳入一个有效的多边贸易体系,以此形成约束。
And The Suicide slides out of his skin and he climbs inside of the bed you're in and touches your face. 并且自杀滑在他的皮肤外面并且他上升在您是和接触您的面孔的床里面。
This proverbs points out that even a little bit of something bad of harmful will destroy the whole of the thing it touches. 这条谚语告诉我们:只要有一点点坏的或有害的东西,就会使一个整体遭到破坏。
A faint smile seems to brush her lips as her mother touches her. 当她母亲触摸她的时候,一丝淡淡的微笑似乎轻掠过她的唇边。
But the problem is that as long as she touches something, the matter will be melt, whatever it is metal, wood, or plastic cement. 可是问题是任何东西只要被公主摸到都会融化,不管是金属啦,木头啦,塑胶啦,只要被她摸到,一定溶化!
Saturn is known to add rock-solid stability to all that it touches, so this new moon behooves you to start searching out your options. 土星是众所周知的添加坚如磐石的稳定性,它涉及到所有,因此这个新的月球理应你开始寻找你的选择。
A flower show to be 30, is a public, and color it touches very pretty, I just hesitate if I can get back out to accompany such a suit Sha! ! 一只花秀要30,是个公的,花色倒是挺好看,我就是再犹豫我要是弄回去陪啥还能出这样的花色!!
As he was about to put the last touches on the finger tips, Geppetto felt his wig being pulled off. 手刚做好,杰佩托就觉得头上的假发套给拉掉了。他抬头一看,可是看见什么啦?
The point at which the great Spirit touches the line is the time of his return. 伟大的灵魂触摸线的点就是他回来的时间。
A waxwork of French President Nicolas Sarkozy gets a few final touches before going on display at Madame Tussaud's in London. 法国总统尼古拉萨科齐的蜡像进行最后润色,将陈列在伦敦的杜莎夫人蜡像馆。
She says she was mainly frightened for her children and touches the gun at her hip. 她说她非常的担心她的孩子,她时常会用髋关节来触碰枪。
Still, despite the modern touches, it still feels like the kind of rich, old-style country pub you want to curl up in and get to know. 还有,虽然它具有现代风格,但还是让人感到它象是一家令人想置身其中并且一探究竟的那种带有浓浓的,老式乡村味道的客栈。
"The bottom line is always, 'Don't give something that touches the body, '" she said. 她说:“最重要的一点‘不要送和身体有接触的’”。
The ownership of this DEATH NOTE is usually carried over to the next god of death that touches it. 其所有权通常会转移到捡到该死亡笔记的死神手里。
DK: You know, it has homey touches like a built in fishtank in the walls, or something to be aggressive with to release tension. 大卫:你知道,就象在墙里面嵌了一个鱼缸一样,很有家的感觉。或者某种东西,特别能助你释放压力。
Outside, Jerusalem teems with people and noisy souvenir sellers of all kinds but none of that touches the Garden. 园外人潮拥挤,出售各式纪念品的小贩高声叫卖,但这一切都不能打破园子的幽静。
Avocado reaches out with his fleshy, hairy arm and touches Tweener's chin, "Look, she's just a baby. " Avocado伸出他肥胖多毛的手臂,摸着Tweener的下巴,“看,‘她’还只是个小孩子。”
If mumblingly mentioning is elusive, the bamboo gentleman explores to go into a bosom and touches a fine jade decanter. 喃喃地说着莫名其妙的话,竹君探手入怀,摸出了一个精致的玉瓶。
You may be put final touches on a website or you may be talking through the details of a deal with a media company. 你可能和网站内部运作有深层接触,或议定一个媒体公司的细节。
But I still do not dare with mine both eyes to come to see you, touches you with mine hand, does not dare with mine mind to love you. 而我依然不敢用我的双眼来看你,用我的手触摸你,更不敢用我的心灵来爱你。
I never knew such a sound sleeper! Once his head touches the pillow, he just lies there as still as death till he's wakened. 酣睡的人!他的头一到枕边就睡得死过去一般,直到把他叫醒。
You know, Tom, how sometimes you might be walking down the hall and one of your hands touches the wall? 汤姆,你知道为什么有时候穿过门廊时,有一只手会碰到墙壁吗?
If anybody was passing by out on the road, she would either change her mind or just give me a few light touches. 如果有人恰巧经过我家门前,她也会转变态度轻轻地拍我几下。
But his wife, whose attitude about her husband's risky enterprise touches all extremes, decides that they can take the child. 但是他的妻子(她对丈夫冒险事业的反应总是很极端)决定他们可以把婴儿接回家。
And then Kaka has really made extraordinary things, as he touches with his way of playing the fantasy of the football fans. 而且卡卡也的确做出了了不起的成绩,他用自己的方式为球迷献上了梦幻般的足球。
She closes her eyes and he slips his hand up her shirt, touches the small of her back. 她闭上眼睛,他隔着衬衣抚摸她的后背。
Should you be about to put the finishing touches to a creative project, it could bring you a lot more acclaim than you were expecting. 你应该即将要给一个创造性的计划填上最后一笔,它能给你带来非常多的喝彩,超过你过去一直所期望的。