
美 [tæŋ]英 [tæŋ]
  • n.强烈味道;刺鼻气味
  • v.使鸣响;使其有…气味
  • 网络唐;果珍;邓

复数:tangs 过去分词:tanged 现在分词:tanging




1.强烈味道;刺鼻气味a strong sharp taste or smell

Netor万家姓首页@网同纪念 ... 梁 liang tang 骈 pian ...


在中国,卡夫食品旗下拥有包括果珍TANG)、麦斯威尔咖啡(MAXWELLHOUSE)、瑞士糖(SUGUS)等在内的一系列知 …

跪求每个姓氏的香港英文拼写_百度知道 ... TAN 丹, 陈 TANG TAO 杜 ...


格雷伯爵茶-英语点津 ... tang 强烈的味道 citrus 柑橘属植物 ...


石油英语词汇(T1)--石油百科 ... tandem 前后直排 tang 柄脚 tangency point 切点 ...


   ·菓珍Tang)——富含维生素C的水果口味固体速溶饮料,1986年在中国推出,发展迅速。除其最具特色的甜橙口味外,菓珍 …


疯狂英语 ... ) impish adj. 顽童似的,顽皮的 ) tang n. 特殊气味 ) shawl n. 披肩,围巾 ...

Taiwanese American Next Generation

台美人第二代组织TANG (Taiwanese American Next Generation) 也将同时同地联合举办夏令会, 提供青少年, 大学生, 及年轻专 …

Tang Renjia, a dried seafood retailer, is overjoyed to hear the news that his wife, Ling Qiao, has completely recovered from cancer. 鲍鱼海味商唐仁佳的大太太凌巧,曾患癌症,如今她的健康检查报告显示她的癌症可能已经痊愈,全家为此乐翻天。
Finally there are four Tang dancers who seem to be swaying to a tune. Suddenly all the other figures seem static and mute. 最后是四个唐代的舞姬,她们似乎正随着一首乐曲摇曳身躯,霎那间让人放佛觉得其他所有的陶俑都变得静寂无声。
It has been weeks since the accusations against Tang first caught the public's eye, and yet the dust is far from settling. 自从对唐骏的指责引起公众关注以来,时间已过去了几个星期。但是尘埃还未落定。
"When I first started it was a scary thought to be working around dead people all day, " Tang said. 刚开始工作那会儿,我总觉得整天围着死人工作很恐怖。
One of them, a 26-year-old teacher Tang Hong, had been working there for seven years and had a seven-month-old baby of her own. 其中一个参加救援的老师叫汤鸿,26岁,在这所小学已经工作了七年,自己的孩子才七个月大。
Tangxinyi seems to go to America when she leaves college, for an old duck named Tang will wait for her there. 大学毕业以后,唐心怡好像要去美国,因为唐老鸭在那里等待着她。
Recognizing Jia Tang Xia in her blog, like to listen to Jia Tang Xia songs, so let me be an online friend of Jia Tang Xia. 相识贾堂霞于博客,爱听贾堂霞歌曲,让我成为贾堂霞的网上好友。
Since I don't know much about Mr. Tang, it's hard to say that he would be a good partner. 我对谭先生这个人并不很了解,所以很难说他是否会是一个好的合伙人。
Tang-Peronard says that it is impossible, now, to tease out how much of obesity is caused by chemicals, and how much by energy balance. Tang-Peronard称,现在我们不可能整理出有多少肥胖症是源起于化学品,有多少是出自于能源不均衡。
Tang said the formation of the Afghan Interim Administration has provided the two countries with an opportunity to develop friendship. 唐家璇说,阿临时政府的成立为发展中阿友好关系提供了机遇。
"What is so troublesome stem? Is a tiny bit extra uncomplicated and direct, how much do you want? " Tang asks after Long Nu. “这么罗嗦干什么?直截了当一点,你想要多少?”唐继龙怒问。
This old man was one of the survivors from the great earthquake in Tang Shan. 这位老人是唐山大地震的幸存者之一。
LIN Geng set up his own unique Tang poetry system, and at least in the aspects: texture and diction he has closed to the front of our epoch. 林庚先生构筑了自己独具特色的唐诗学体系,在义理与辞章两方面已站在了时代的前列。
This fact also indicates that it was from the Tang Dynasty when opera actors began to take what they did as an occupation. 从这一点上可以看出,戏曲演员把自己的演出当做一种职业,是在唐代才形成的。
And Lin Yu-tang's works focus on building a world where women at home kingdom has always been at the center of it. 而林语堂作品着力构建的女性世界里,女性在家庭王国中却始终处于中心地位。
In ancient China there was a serious crime called as Ought Not To Do, which came into its full being in Tang Dynasty. “不应得为”罪是中国古代法律体系中的一个重要罪名,尤其在唐代更是趋于成熟。
That thinking it a apotheosis as benignancy of Tang's annihilating Xia, was purely the Confucian fudge. 后世以汤伐葛为行仁义之师的典范,纯是儒家之造作。
A police spokesman said the suspect, identified as Tang Qingjie, was shot in the leg by an officer. 警方发言人表示,名为唐庆捷(音)的嫌疑人被警察开枪击中大腿。
To Tang Qingwei, a 22 -year-old Fudan University senior who was one of the organizers of the hike , last week was a life lesson . 岁的复旦大四学生唐清威是此次登山探险活动的组织者之一,对他而言,上周的事件可谓是一生的教训。
"Tang Lu Er's way a , then wear his way for the Piao: " You does this just want to come over to see me. 唐芦儿道了一句,然后就瞟着他道:“你这才想着过来看我呢。”
By the end of the late Song and the early Yuan Dynasties, the poetic concept of "Genre of Late Tang" is a trinity with three implications. 至宋末元初,“晚唐体”这个诗学概念形成了一体三义。一体即特指晚唐至宋末一些具有隐逸情调的精雕苦吟之诗;
Tang wept after hanging up the phone. Now he was fully aware that it was their behavior, accidental or not, which led to Zhang's death. 通话结束后,唐清威哭了。现在,他充分地意识到无论此事是否属于意外,都是他们的行为导致了张的牺牲。
Tang, with just a handful of films to her credit so far, is one of Asia's leading young actresses. 汤唯目前只出演过少数几部电影,但她也是亚洲一线年轻女演员之一。
Fila got together with Wu-Tang Clan to produce a pair of winter boots. 丝状部分聚会与吴特性氏族生产一个对冬天起动。
english tang . com Got an awful travel gripe? The Avenger may be able to sort it out for you. 得到了一个可怕的旅行抱怨吗?复仇者也许可以为您排序。
Tang has made the kind of impact to us that few have been able to. We have learned a great deal from him. 唐博导对我们的影响之大是从来没有的。我们从他那学到的很多很多的东西。
The Tang Dynasty is the golden age of Chinese poetry, which boasts the most of Li Bai, a most dazzling star in the sky of the Tang poetry. 唐代是中国诗歌的黄金时代,李白是这一时代的骄子,是唐代诗歌星空中一颗耀眼的明星。
Yan Shu, did not think of the Tang Dynasty not only did not blame her, but the others to tone and she said this of a series of words. 颜姝,没想到唐朝不但没指责她,反而以同龄人的口吻和她说了这一系列话。
I now have to find the Guanghua Bridge, I Afraid of you hungry, burning up in the Tang Sheng Vacuum Flask, on the out. 我现在已经找到光华桥了,我怕你肚子饿,煲好了汤盛在保温瓶里就出来了。
Without Yalong, 'it would be very hard to sell Sanya' as a top-tier destination, says Mr. Tang of the Sanya tourism board. 唐副局长说,如果没有亚龙湾,把三亚打造成顶级度假胜地“就会很难”。