
美 [ˈteɪsti]英 ['teɪsti]
  • adj.美味的;可口的;好吃的;风骚的
  • 网络西堤牛排;味道好的

比较级:tastier 最高级:tastiest

tasty food


1.美味的;可口的;好吃的having a strong and pleasant flavour


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... roll up (使)成卷(或筒、球)形 tasty adj 好吃的;可口的 △ ingredient n 烹任原料;成分 ...


2012雅思词汇大全_百度文库 ... taste 味道 tasty 美味的 delicious 味道好的 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... roll up (使)成卷(或筒、球)形 tasty adj 好吃的;可口的 △ ingredient n 烹任原料;成分 ...


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高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... tasteless a. 无滋味的 tasty a. 味道好的 tax n. 税,税款 ...

Whatever the causes, the Lakers transformed what should have been a tasty win into a bittersweet one. 不管原因是什么,湖人把一场本应该很甜蜜的赢球化为苦涩的赢球。
She determined to make a wonderful dish of the fish she was cleaning and to be especially careful to make it tasty and appetizing. 她决心把她正在收拾的那条大鱼精心烹调,做得美味可口,吊人胃口。
The entire arrangement makes it easy for this bifocal fish to spot a tasty bug flying above the water, or a bit of algae below. 这个构造使四眼鱼能够很轻松地发现一只从水面飞过的美味的虫子,或者水面下的一点水藻。
Can be separated with you now, no one has given me to do so tasty meals, nor Renpei I say interesting things. 可现在却与你分开了,没人给我做那么好吃的饭菜,也没人陪我讲有趣的事了。
Sugar-free jams and jellies turn out to be just as tasty, if not more so, than those packed with sugar. 无糖的果酱和果冻变得一样美味,甚至比那些加了糖的还要好吃。
"No, you will not! " said the little red hen. "I shall eat this fresh, tasty bread all by myself! " “不,不行!”小红母鸡说道,“我要自己把这条新鲜美味的面包全吃掉!”
That seems to have been the feeling of sailors who'd been exposed to a tasty kind of sauce during their voyages to Malaysia. 当水手们在前往马来西亚的途中尝到了一种特别好吃的调味汁时,他们或许正是这么想的。
Just like the majority of the Irish pubs, Irish& Co has an informal atmosphere, good service, live music and of course tasty dark beer. 就像大多数的爱尔兰酒吧,爱尔兰及公司有一个非正式的气氛,良好的服务,现场音乐,当然还有美味的黑啤酒。
It's prepared the night before, which means it's ready to go as soon as Dad wakes up itching for a tasty breakfast. 这款菜肴需要提前一夜准备,也就意味着等到爸爸起床为早餐挠头时,能够尽快呈上。
But she is always listening to music that every song a few, a tape playing over and over again, as if heard the more tasty. 但是她每次听音乐总是那几首曲子,一盒磁带翻来覆去播放着,仿佛越听越有味儿。
A variety of melon flavor and rich in nutrition, so eat up the children are not only tasty, but a growing body bar. 一种瓜有多种味道,并且含有丰富的营养,这样小朋友吃起来不仅感到味道好,而且身体也越来越棒。
Help Jessie in this tasty time management adventure as she builds her business and grows her small caf into a delicious empire. 在这个洋溢著蛋糕香气的模拟游戏中,帮助杰茜发展她的事业,把一间小店发展成美味王国吧。
The tag is nicely tucked out of the way but always visible from the corner of your eye, reminding you that this tasty app is free. 标签被优雅的卷起,但还是毫无悬念的出现在你眼角,提醒你这些优秀应用是免费的。
If you've run out of ideas for your turkey leftovers, here are a few suggestions that are tasty, delicious and creative! 如果你对剩火鸡无计可施,下面有几条美味可口又创意十足的建议。
Her mother tempted her with tasty meat dishes, and herfriends told her the diet would be bad for her health. 她母亲用美味的肉食去诱惑她,并且她的朋友告诉她这种饮食将是对她的健康不利。
A dispute is alleged to have started after an order of food with a local pizza parlour arrived without the, no doubt, tasty hamburgers. 据称争端起因于他们向当地一家披萨店点餐后,外卖送到时,其中明显缺了美味的汉堡。
That way, it would be hard for a competitor to see someone eyeing a tasty banana or potential mate. 那样竞争对手就会看不到彼此都在盯着美味的香蕉或是理想的配偶。
The stems are edible (and incredibly tasty) and the roots have been used for over 5, 000 years as a laxitive and poop-softener. 茎是可食用的,根被用作泻药和大便软化剂已经有超过5000年的历史。
"Tasty, but not too gamey, " said my other friend. "We could be eating it in Paris, but for the riesling, which gives it a bright taste. " “很可口,但不太鲜美,”我另外一位朋友品尝后说道,“雷司令酒为这道菜增添了一种美好的味道,要不是这样,我们或许还是应在巴黎吃。”
Chinese spaghetti is easy to make. It's smooth, tasty, and nutritious as well. You won't want to leave a bite after trying the first one. 中国式的意面做法很简单,并且爽滑有味、营养齐备,一进口就让你毫不想把它剩下。
We need to give it a minute, but that's really tasty. 我们需要给它一分钟但是真的非常好喝
This doesn't mean you can never indulge in tasty treats. But you must not make it a regular occurrence. 但是那并不意味着你要时时刻刻抑制美味的诱惑,只是也不可以把品尝美味当成理所当然的事情。
Since the mid-1980's, there was a belief by the top management of Tasty Food Ltd that China "is a good market opportunity" . 自20世纪80年代中期以来,TastyFood公司高层管理人员一直有这样一个信念:中国是一个很好的市场。
relaxed, not even bearing a bit of burden, but also one can eat tasty delicacies that cannot be made at home. 不仅心情非常放松,没有一点儿负担,而且还能吃到家里做不出来的美味佳肴。
Everyone agrees the dinner must be prepared around a roast turkey stuffed with a bread dressing to absorb the tasty juice as it roasts. 人人都赞成感恩节大餐必须以烤火鸡为主菜。火鸡在烘烤时要以面包作填料以吸收从中流出来的美味汁液。
More importantly from the birds' perspective, one of the chambers offered a supply of tasty dried insects and a pollen-sugar mixture. 从鸟儿的角度来看,更重要的一点是,其中一间房子提供了可口的干虫以及花粉糖的混合物。
So he went and got them and brought them to his mother, and she prepared some tasty food, just the way his father liked it. 他便去拿来,交给他母亲;他母亲就照他父亲所爱的做成美味。
To make your breakfast tasty, nourishing and substantial, a fish pie, easy to prepare, will do best. 一个容易准备的鱼肉派能使你的早餐可口营养
His herbal chicken soup looked like clear tea but was as tasty as anything my mother would have made. 他的药膳鸡汤,汤色如同清澈的茶水,滋味却不逊于我妈妈做的任何一道菜。
The food is very tasty, dishes are large, spicy for me in the beginning, but I appreciate it now, particularly the Hunan food. 食物很美味,而且大盘,刚开始有点辣,但是已经完全喜欢上了,特别是湖南食物。