the moment

  • na.(= as soon as)一…(就)
  • 网络这一刻;瞬间;一瞬间

the momentthe moment

the moment


孙燕姿是哪里人_爱问知识人 ... MV、KARAOKE 第一张个人选辑 The Moment 这一刻 On the Road (作曲) ...


汽车音乐的全部歌曲 - 一听音乐网 ... Always 总是 The moment 瞬间 Theme from dying young 年华老去 ...


李闰珉_百度百科 ... 08. Falling... 坠落 09. The Moment 一瞬间 11. With The Wind 随风 ...


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It is not enough to hear him, for I grasp him only at the moment when I see him. 听是不够的,我只是在看到他的一瞬间才抓住了他。
We'll see, but this is not the moment to think about it, it would be hard to say no though. 我们会看到结果,但是现在不是考虑这个的时候,虽然说很难对此说不。
Investors should, nonetheless, view the group cautiously at the moment, for at least four reasons. 不过在目前,投资者应当审慎看待这个群体。理由至少有四条:
It occurred to Cameron that he needed someone, and she was just the closest at the moment. 在他需要某个人的时候发生在了卡梅隆身上,她只是碰巧遇上了。
Since the moment I realized what I wanted to do with myself, I've worked tirelessly to make that dream come true. 自从我找到自己真正想做的事情之后,我一直孜孜不倦地努力着,以求自己的梦想有朝一日能成为现实。
No matter how old she will be, perhaps there is always a nook in her heart for the moment when she entered the dance school as a child. 也许,不管她的年龄增长了多少,总有一处内心的空间永远留给她童年进舞蹈学校的那一刻。
The moment both New Long Marchers had most dreaded - the onset of serious sickness - appeared to have arrived. 两位新长征者最怕的时刻———染上严重疾病———看来已经到来了。
Sorry, she isn't here at the moment. Can I take a message for her? 对不起,她不在。要我捎口信吗?
This dream, in the autumn wind suddenly began to the moment, the strings of bubbles into the water. 这样的梦想,在秋风乍起的一瞬间,化为水面的串串泡沫。
That was the moment Carmen Elcira decided she would have to leave. 就是在这一刻,卡门·艾尔茜拉下定决心要离开他。
The moment of going to that journalism college, for me, was more significant than college itself. 对我来说,上新闻学院的那一刻远比学院生活本身更有意义。
The Friendship Bridge is able to carry road and rail cargo, but there is not much traffic at the moment. 该友谊大桥能够承载公路运输和铁路集装箱运输,但在此时并没有太大的货运量。
Your efforts have been a great boon to me. The moment you wavered was all I needed. 你的所为对我有很大的帮助,你刚才的犹豫不决就是我需要的了。
the moment, the soul of the Summoner, the sky in the smile, my world is so beautiful, my world is brilliant! 此刻,灵魂在招唤,天空在微笑,我的世界如此美好,我的世界如此闪耀!
He said he was cooking at the moment. 他说他当时正在做饭。
This was the moment Obama had been waiting for, his opportunity to convey his message of hope and togetherness to his biggest audience yet. 这个时刻正式奥巴马一直期待的,一个对最多听众转达他的希望和团结的信息的机会。
if Chinese, at the moment, you think, we'll not recognize what we've done so far. what more you want us to do? 如果中国在此时你认为我们不知道自己取得了多大的成果你还有什么希望我们做的?。
Germany and ourselves have great respect for each other and this was a thing in the heat of the moment. 德国和我们都非常的尊敬对方,而这只是激情的一刻。
The children are quite healthy although they all have slight colds at the moment. 孩子们的此时虽然都有轻微的感冒,可是仍相当健康。
To feel the flame of dreaming and to feel the moment of dancing, when all the romance is far away, the eternity is always there. 感受梦的火焰,感觉飞舞瞬间,当一切浪漫遥远,永恒依然
At the moment, according to Prado, Brazil's government spends just $17 million or so a year on agricultural cooperation projects in Africa. 据普拉多数据,目前,巴西政府每年花费在非洲的农业合作项目上的费用是1700万美元。
Let your mind flow freely and write down all that you feel in the moment. 让你的思维畅游,写下你此刻的一切感受。
The moment that Donna heard the news, Cheryl later told me, she rushed to put on a wedding dress that she had been saving for years. 谢丽尔后来告诉我,唐娜听到消息后,迅速跑去穿上了她存放了多年的婚纱。
Roosevelt had to reply that the moment for such action was not opportune since Congress would have to approve a transfer of the destroyers. 罗斯福不得不答复说,采取这种行动的时机还不成熟,因为转让驱逐舰要国会批准。
At the moment there are movies about alien species trying to take something from us, either water, life, or even the planet. 在这个时候,有些视频讲述的是关于一些外星物种尝试从我们这里夺走某些东西,也许是水,生命,或者甚至是整个星球。
Actors West had the smell of professionalism. Toby could sense it the moment he walked in the door. 西部演员学校有点专业性气氛,托比一进门就觉察到了这一点。
I could have easily ended this battle the moment it started but it's been ages since I've been able to toy with a mortal. 这场对决我从一开始就能轻易的选择结束,不过我上次和人类对打已经是好久以前的事了。
Now look and then still i'm moving on, i refuse to see that i keep coming back and i'm stuck in the moment and won't turn back to lie. 我的生活一直在前进,只是我拒绝接受现实。我一直在沿着时间逆行。我还沉浸在过去不能自拔,可是我知道,谎言不能改变任何事实。
At the moment I am where I expected to be and with a clear chance of winning the title in Brazil, and not now, in the sixth race. 现在我处在我希望处在的位置,我将有机会在巴西赢得总冠军的头衔,而不是现在在六站比赛之后。
But I cried the moment I made up my mind to let you go and my tears witnessed my sincere love for you . 决定放弃你的那一刻我哭了,我的眼泪证明了我是真的爱你!