above the moon

  • 网络月亮之上;月上;无地自容还可以

above the moonabove the moon

above the moon


e梦圆 | blog.wenxuecity.com ... 自由飞翔- Unbridled Flight 月亮之上- Above the Moon 冬天来了- The Winter is Upon Us ...


佛教电子英语术语索引之三_清心晶光_新浪博客 ... above discriminated... 如前分别 above the moon 月上 above-explained 上 …


枪花哪首歌你最喜欢? ... 百里挑一 so fine 无地自容还可以ABOVE THE MOON 老鼠爱大米很不错 so fine ...

In the photo above, the moon rises over one of the dark ivory towers. 在上面的照片中,月亮高高地挂在一个昏暗的“象牙塔”上面。
Above, the moon takes a "bite" out of the sun's disk over the roughly 2, 500-year-old temple of Poseidon in Cape Sounion. 如图,在苏尼翁海岬约2500年前的海神庙上空,月亮咬了太阳一小口。
There is really nothing to compare to somebody who connects to you on a level that is stars above the moon. 把与你有联系的人比作是月亮之上的星星是没有什麽意义的。
The images were taken two weeks ago from 13 to 15 miles above the moon's surface and show the landing sites for Apollo 12, 14 and 17. 照片是两个礼拜前在距月球表面13至15英里高度时拍摄的,拍摄到的内容还包括阿波罗12、14以及17号的着陆点。
in the screenshot above , the moon is probably also on the innermost layer ( it ' s never completely obscured by the clouds ) 在上面的截图中,月亮可能在最里层(它处于云层的覆盖下,而且很朦胧)。