
美 [wet]英 [wet]
  • n.雨;液体;雨天;(尤指)水
  • adj.潮的;湿的;潮湿的;有雨的
  • v.使潮湿;把…弄湿
  • 网络多雨的;下雨的

比较级:wetter 最高级:wettest 过去式:wetted 第三人称单数:wets 现在分词:wetting

wet paint,wet towel,wet snow
wet bed


1.潮的;湿的;潮湿的covered with or containing liquid, especially water

2.有雨的;下雨的with rain

3.尚未干的not yet dry

5.(informal)窝囊的;没有骨气的lacking a strong character


all wet

完全错的;大错特错completely wrong

(still) wet behind the ears

乳臭未干;少不更事;没见过世面young and without much experience


字典中 濡 字的解释 ... (3) 迟缓;滞留[ tarry] (1) 湿的[ wet] (2) 缓慢的[ slow] ...


新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... east 东方 wet 潮湿的 west 西方 ...


仁爱版七年级(下)英语单词词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... point v. 指向,指 wet adj. 湿的,潮的;多雨的 Muslim n. 穆斯林;伊斯兰教信 …


英语新标准初中二年级上册单词表_百度知道 ... probably ad. 可能;大概;或许 wet adj. 湿的;潮的; depend vi. 依靠;依赖; ...


新目标八年级上英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... raincoat n. 雨衣 345 wet a. 湿的;n.潮气,雨;v.(使)弄湿; competition n. 比赛,竞争 347 ...


大学英语四级考试大纲(W)|英语四级词汇 ... western a. 西方的,西部的 wet a. 湿的;下雨的 what pron. 什么 a.什么 ...

her wet clothes, wrapped her up in his own dry shawl, and made off home as fast as he could. 他脱去她的湿衣服,用他自己的干围巾把她裹起来尽可能快地赶回家去了。
'My dear Frankenstein, ' he said, 'I am so delighted to see you, but whatever is the mater? Your clothes are all wet, and you look so ill. ' “我亲爱的弗兰肯斯坦,”他说,“看到你真高兴,但发生了什么事了?你的衣服全湿了,而你看起来病的很厉害。”
I remember when my sister was Lucia in our school she had to put a wet handkerchief on her hair to protect it from getting burnt. 我记得当年我姐姐作为“圣露西亚女孩”时,她将一条湿巾搁在头顶,防止头发被烧。
But, alas, by the time George has thought all this, the ants are already dead and mopped up on a wet cloth and rinsed down the sink. 可惜,一切都来不及了,当乔治想完这些,那些蚂蚁也已经被自己喷的杀虫剂杀死了。乔治用一块抹布将蚂蚁抹到水池里,放水冲了下去。
Easy to wipe clean makeup. When in use, first with the eye water cleanser wet cosmetic cotton, from the top down to remove Mascara. 易地将眼妆拭净。使用时先用眼部卸妆水沾湿的化妆棉,由上往下先卸睫毛膏。
The rays of the sun glistened through the mist as it rose between the mountains, covering the landscape with a wet cloak. 当晨雾在山间弥漫,给山间景物覆盖上一层湿气时,阳光也穿透薄雾。
He lifted her and staggered on to the bank, out of the horror of wet, grey clay. 他抱着她,跌跌撞撞走到岸上,走出了对潮湿的,充满腐臭的泥土的恐惧。
On another occasion, my sisters and I found a baby squirrel in a ditch that was soaking wet. 有一次,我和几个姊妹发现一只小松鼠跌在水沟里,全身湿答答。
It has not been a very wet summer, rainy days have been few and far between. 不是这个季节上市的新鲜草莓很难找。这个夏天不是很湿润,雨天很少见。
I cannot remember whether it was that very night that I wetted my bed again, but at any rate I did wet it again quite soon. 记不清我又一次尿床是不是那天晚上,但肯定是没过多久。
A fine spray skims from the water right across the esplanade. They are covered with drops; the inside of her mouth tastes wet and cold. 一团浪花飞过海滩,溅了他们一身水珠,她的嘴里感觉又湿又冷。
Hardly had I answered the door when father came in. He was wet all over with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. 我刚打开门,爸爸就进来了,他全身湿透了,手里还拿着一束花。
It pulsated in her hand like an animal and almost weeping with grateful ecstasy she pointed it into her own wet, turgid flesh. 它在她手里有节奏地一收一缩,象一只动物。几乎因为感激的狂喜而哭了,她把它对准进入她自己的湿地,肿胀的肉里。
A boy can be in hot water with his mother, if he comes into the house with dirty, wet shoes. 一个男孩子如果穿着脏兮兮、湿漉漉的鞋子进家门,会给妈妈惹很多麻烦。
It was not the first time we have had wet conditions in China so the sky will be a strong consideration for this weekend. 这不是第一次在中国湿地比赛,所以天空将会是这周末的关注焦点。
Dry the furniture or leave out in the sun if it becomes wet. 如果家具受潮,就要把它烘干或者放在太阳底下晒。
Out of the corners of her eyes she saw him sit and pull on his wet shoes . 她斜过眼去,瞧见他坐下来,穿上了他的潮湿的鞋子。
But Mr. Jeremy liked getting his feet wet; nobody ever scolded him, and he never caught a cold! 但是杰里米先生却不在意,他喜欢将他的脚弄湿;而且从未有人因此而责备过他,他也从来没感冒过。
At home, he would set paper towels on the counter to dry after washing his hands: "They're not dirty, just wet. " 在家里,他洗完手后会把纸巾放在台面上晾晒干:“纸巾又没脏,只是湿了。”
She said no tears for anyone, do not know when her face had been wet, and Eyes and because of the tears washing smudges or bleeding. 她说过不再为任何人流泪,可不知道什么时候她的脸颊已经湿润了,眼妆也因为泪水的洗涤晕染了。
The weather is often cold in the north and windy in the east. It's often wet in the west and sometimes warm in the south. 北部经常很冷,而东部多风。西部时常潮湿,南部有时候比较温暖。
It had been that dreadful wet summer, you know, and places that were safe in other years gave way suddenly without warning. 你知道,那是个特别潮湿的夏天,平常年头,那地方安全得很,没想到却毫无征兆地出了事。
It had been wet and cold in GZ for a while and I felt refreshed breathing the dry cold air and walked in the sun in Paris. 广州的湿冷实在讨厌,所以到了巴黎呼吸着干燥清新的空气,感觉特别爽。
Wet spraying pellet was used to improve the surface' s strength and stress corrosion resistance of the workpiece. 采用液体喷丸方法提高零件表面强度及抗应力腐蚀能力。
The message from London, whispered my neighbour, was: "The next Olympics will be very loud, very wet and very messy. " 在对我耳语的邻座看来,伦敦的“下届奥运会一定会非常喧闹,非常潮湿,非常混乱。”
As she went into the drawing-room, her father came quickly out of the countess's room. His face was puckered up and wet with tears. 当她走近大厅时,父亲匆忙从伯爵夫人房间走出来,满面皱纹,老泪纵横。
She was startled by the cop's sudden appearance but she immediately did as she was told and lay face forward on the wet wood of the pier. 警察的突然出现让她吓了一跳,但她马上照做,脸朝下躺在码头的湿木上。
The next day they got wet in a thunderstorm. The stranger fell ill and died a few days later. 第二天,他们赶上一场雷阵雨,被浇湿了。这个陌生人病倒了,几天之后便死去了。
Maybe it was the fact that there was sunlight at all; I'd been riding in wet weather for several days. 或许事实上当时根本没有阳光,;而我当时已经在潮湿多雨的天气里骑行了多日。
First he lost his car and had to walk to his office, next it rained on his way home and he was wet to his skin. 他先是丢了车,不得不走到办公室去,接着在路上他又被雨淋得透湿。