we want

  • 网络维温;我们想要;我们要

we wantwe want

we want


浏览维温(WE WANT)女装江北重百商场专柜的用户购买了维温(WE WANT)女装江北重百商场专柜 的简介 维温(WE WANT)女 …


4.更多旅馆用语-粤语英语一起学mp3-粤语学习网 ... We can not 我们不可以 We want 我们想要 What's the problem 有没有问题 ...


University of Cambridge... ... ……两间单人房,带空调的。… two single rooms with air-conditioning. 我们要…… We want a … ...


Thick As Blood两张专辑歌词及翻译 ... And now! 就现在! We want! 我们就要! Moment of truth 真理的时刻 ...


经典小诗... ... ◤2010·01·07◢ HAPPY NEW YEAR! 新年快乐字母歌 WE WANT我们渴望…… 24 Things to Remember 谨记2…


魔镜歌词网 > 西洋歌手 > 贝琳达克莱儿 > 脱缰之马> (WE WANT) THE SAME THING 【 男生 | 女生 | 团体 | 日韩 | 西洋 | 其 …

We want you to know how much we value your creations and wisdom. 我们想让你知道我们是多么重视你的创造和智慧。
Bree: It's the age-old question, how much do we want to know about our neighbors? 又回到老问题上了,我们有多想了解我们的邻居?
We want to see a Middle East renewed in its respect of human rights and dignity, especially for her minorities. 我们希望看到,在尊重人性尊严及基本人权方面,特别是少数族群的人性尊严及基本人权方面,中东能够焕然一新。
"We want to say that we are a third voice; we are so bored of this game of liberals versus conservatives, " he said. 我们希望我们是第三种声音。看着自由派与保守派斗,很无趣。
In return, we want Rio Tinto to be a reliable and valued part of China's long-term development, ' he said. 反过来,我们希望力拓成为中国长期发展的一个可靠而有价值的部分。
We all have those days when all we want is to crawl back in bed for a few more hours. Unfortunately, few of us have that luxury. 我们都有过什么也不想,只想好好地在床上多呆几个小时的日子。不幸的是,很少人可以享受这份奢侈。
We want the mainstream consumer to be able to just buy this stuff, bring it home and it works. And that's not the case today. 安德鲁·刘,英特尔公司我们想让大多数消费者能够买得起这种东西,拿回家就能用。但是现在并不是这么回事。
In the boundless ocean of learning, we want to be a brave sailor, braving the wind and waves and leaving for future prospects totally. 茫茫学海中,我们要做勇敢的水手,乘风破浪、共赴前程。
We want to leave your luggage at the hotel for a few days and to stay at the hotel for a few days later, okay? 我们希望能在寄放行李在酒店几天,并于几天后入住酒店,可以吗?
I also wanna say how much we want Vincent to come back to the program. 我也想说我们非常想让文森特回到校外项目来。
However, there can be no disagreement on the need for each of us is to think carefully about the kind of friendship we want. 但是,不可能有任何异议,就需要我们每一个人来想想什么样的友谊,我们想要的。
We want to ask if you can produce a plastic foil with a bag on its top like you can see on the attached pictures and drawings . 我们想知道你们是否能产生一个在它顶上有一个袋子的成形金属薄片就像你在附件照片和图纸上看到的一样。
Another: We want to know the height of your refrigerator is how much? 另外:我们想知道您冰箱的高度是多少?
I'm sure that will be addressed in the close season. We hope that would be the case as we want to put him on a new, long-term contract. 我相信本赛季结束就会有结果,我们希望和他签一份新合同,长期合同。
As we all know, Our boss is a hard nut to crack, every time we want to ask for a leave, he simply says no, whatever reason you might have. 众所周知,我们的老板是个难缠的人.我们每次想请假,他都说不行,不管你有什么理由。
It's all about trying to bring you and me fruit that is not grown in our backyards, and yet that we want and need for our well-being. 这仅仅是为了你我共同带来水果,而那些水果不需要长在我们的后院里,却可以供我们所需所用。
He said the organization does not accept any government money. "We want it to be perceived as being neutral, " he said. 他表示网站不接受任何政府资金,“我们力图打造中立形象”。
How much creeping inflation do we want? 那么温和通胀应该为多少呢?
We want to put it out in the environment, and we want it to be powered by the Sun. What we do is we involve it in a box with a light on. 我们希望将它放在自然环境中,我们想让它由太阳来供给能量。
In the case of the time-stamp tag, our needs are pretty simple: we want a simple tag that outputs the last-modification date of a page. 对于时间戳标记,我们所需要的很简单:只要一个能够输出一个页面的最后修改数据的简单标记。
The second thing we then need to look at is a determination of how much we want to invest in calculations. 接下来我们要注意的是,决定我们想要在计算上投入多少。
Here we specify an LDAP context factory, then pass in the name of our LDAP server with the point at which we want to start. 这里我们指定一个LDAP上下文工厂,然后传递LDAP服务器的名字以及我们想要开始的位置。
"The word 'commercial' is exactly what we want, " said the maestro, who also starred in TV ads for American Express. 这位艺术大师说道:“商业化这个词就是我们想要的”,他还在美国快递公司的电视广告中担任主角。
"We want Britain to be the number-one destination of choice for Chinese business as it invests in the rest of the world, " he said. 他表示:“随着中国公司在全球各地投资,我们希望英国成为中国公司的首选目的地。”
"They want their houses protected. They don't want people telling them: get out of the way. . . we want to put a freeway here. " “他们希望他们的房产得到保护,他们不希望听到:让开,我们要在这里修条高速公路”。
Since the blog is cumulative and we want to read in a blog like the one above, add an item, and write it out, we use the SDO XML DAS. 由于blog为累积式的,我们希望读入一个与上例类似的blog、添加项目并将其写出,因此使用SDOXMLDAS。
For asset stories, we want at least to see competent management that won't mess up the value of the assets we've identified. 关于资产的故事,我们至少想看到不会把我们认可的资产价值搞糟的、胜任的管理团队。
"We want to evolve our touch point strategy and elevate our digital capabilities, " she said, adding that Carat was "best able to do that" . 她说:“我们要进一步发展我们的接触点战略同时提升我们的数字化水平”,她还补充说凯洛媒体是“最有能力做到这一点的公司。”
We want you to see change as an opportunity to leave behind all that is undesirable, and enjoy the emerging benefits that will lift you up. 我们希望你们把转变看作是一次很好的机会,把那些不好的心态都留在身后,享受这将把你们整体提升的崭新的益处。
We want you to feel strong enough to counter any fear tactics, so as not to give them any power over you. 我们需要你们更坚强去破坏任何恐怖手段,不要给他们任何权利去驾驭你。