
美 [θroʊ]英 [θrəʊ]
  • v.扔;抛;丢;投
  • n.扔;抛;摔;投(球)
  • 网络投掷;投掷运动;投掷武器

过去式:threw 过去分词:thrown 第三人称单数:throws 现在分词:throwing

throw ball,throw party,throw hat,throw towel,throw shadow


v. n.

用手with hand

1.[t][i]投;掷;抛;扔to send sth from your hand through the air by moving your hand or arm quickly

漫不经心地放置put carelessly

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.摔;丢;扔to put sth in a particular place quickly and carelessly

用力移动move with force

3.[t]猛推;使劲撞to move sth suddenly and with force

身体部位part of body

4.[t]~ sth/yourself + adv./prep.猛动(头、臂、腿);挺起(胸);仰起(头);挥动(拳头、手臂)to move your body or part of it quickly or suddenly

使人摔倒make sb fall

5.[t]~ sb使迅猛地摔倒在地to make sb fall quickly or violently to the ground

处于某种状态into particular state

6.[t][usupass]~ sb/sth + adv./prep.使处于,使陷入(某种状态)to make sb/sth be in a particular state

指向某人╱事物direct sth at sb/sth

7.[t]~ sth on/at sb/sth把…对准;向…作出;对…施加to direct sth at sb/sth


8.[t](informal)~ sb使心烦意乱;使困惑;使惊奇to make sb feel upset, confused, or surprised


9.[t]~ sth掷(色子);掷出(色子的点数)to roll a dice or let it fall after shaking it; to obtain a particular number in this way

泥壶clay pot

10.[t]~ sth(在陶钧上)把…拉制成坯to make a clay pot, dish, etc. on a potter's wheel


11.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)照射(光线);投射(阴影)to send light or shade onto sth

发脾气bad-tempered behaviour

15.[t]~ sth突然发作(脾气等)to have a sudden period of bad-tempered behaviour, violent emotion, etc.

体育运动;比赛in sports/competitions

17.[t](informal)~ sth故意输掉(本应获胜的比赛或竞赛)to deliberately lose a game or contest that you should have won


奥运会运动项目名称汇总 [南方网教育频道] ... triple jump 三级跳远 Throwing 投掷 shot put 推铅球 ...


英语运动类单词_爱问知识人 ... throw 投掷 throwing 投掷运动 putting the shot,shot put 推铅球 ...


  投掷武器(throwing):石头,飞刀,标枪,飞斧等。  (火枪(firearms):长管火枪,短管火枪等)   关于战斗指令   进入战斗后 按F1~F5 …


骑马与砍杀1.001极品存档_百度知道 ... archery = 弓箭熟练 +699 throwing = 投掷武器熟练 +699 firearms = 火器熟练 +699 ...


英语运动类单词_爱问知识人 ... wind mill (垒球投手)绕环投球法 throwing 传球 catching 接球 ...


战斗技能-新游戏,新游戏新闻-131游戏之家 ... 徒手攻击( Hand-to-Hand) 投掷类武器( Throwing) 一般攻击( Offense) ...


拉坯的英文|拉坯是什么意思|Show秀网_专业翻译 ... 拉坯 : jolley 拉坯throwing 拉坯 : jiggering ...



The problem is they also don't see how much money they are throwing away on things that don't really matter. 但问题是,人们往往也看不到自己在他们不需要的东西上花了多少钱。
What I soon learned was that most email software can't eradicate the junk without throwing babies with the bath water. 但是,我很快就了解到绝大多数的邮箱软件都不能根除垃圾邮件,正如连同孩子倒才能倒掉洗澡水一样。
2 if the time your luck is not good, then do not do not bet direct card-throwing, so easy to expose you to play tricks. 2假如本段时间你的运气不太好,那千万不要次次不下注都直接扔牌,这样容易暴露你的玩牌手法。
"That was the best thing you could have done, throwing away the keys, " he said. 那是你做的最可能做到的最好的事情,扔离钥匙,“他说。”
Tiptoeing across the corridor, the parents peeked in and saw their little optimist gleefully throwing the manure up in the air. 他们踮着脚尖走过过道,偷偷观察乐观主义者,他正快乐地将马粪抛向空中。
And throwing him down in the midst, the demon came out from him without harming him at all. 鬼把那人摔倒在众人中间,就从他身上出来了,一点没有伤害他。
An early method of measuring speed involved throwing a knotted rope tied to a log over the side of the ship. 经度早期的方法测量速度的绳子扔一个涉及绳拴在一个日志在船的左右。
"It was an act of throwing a shoe and not a rocket, " he said. "It was meant as an insult to the occupation. " 他说:“这只是扔一只鞋子而不是投掷什么飞弹,本意不过是想对占领者的行为进行一下侮辱。”
"Hold on a minute, " cried the manager, throwing up his hands, as if in despair. His demeanour was fierce. “暂停一下,”经理大叫一声,像是绝望般地举起双手。他的动作很凶猛。
We ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous animal opposite us throwing itself out of the water and then crashing down again. 我们及时赶到岸边,看到对面一个庞大的动物猛力跃出水面,然后又坠落到水面。
And when they were satisfied with food, they began to lighten the ship, throwing out the wheat into the sea. 他们吃饱了,就把麦子抛在海里,叫船轻一点。
Her child was throwing a tantrum in the middle of the street and she did not know what to do. 她的孩子在街道上耍性子,她也不知道该怎么办才好。
Rely on throwing the snowball to freeze enemies , and promote the snowball to make it break and destroy the enemy . 靠扔雪球来冻结敌人,再推动雪球使之破裂而消灭敌人。
An aged woman, but tall and strong as if she were a man in disguise , sat by the fire, throwing upon it one piece of wood after another. 一个年老的女人,高大壮硕,看起来仿佛是男扮女装的模样,她坐在火堆旁,把木柴一根接一根丢进火堆。
Sending out resumes is like "throwing paper airplanes into the galaxy. . . . they seem to go into a big, black hole. " 中文英文投出简历就像“把纸飞机扔进了银河系……它们似乎飞进了巨大的黑洞。”
The last time I went to her house resulted in her mother throwing a rampage and throwing a vase at me, earning me stitches. 上一次我去她家的时候,她妈妈痛骂了我一顿,朝我扔了一只花瓶,我还去缝针了。
I'm cutting off a huge part of myself, throwing half my heart into a dusty corner and telling it I'll try to reconnect with it later. 仿如割骨断发,我将半颗心扔进了尘土飞扬的角落,告诉它我会回来找它。
Moreover, if you decide to try solving a performance problem by throwing hardware at it, as is often wise, start by considering more memory. 而且,如果您决定尝试通过添加硬件来解决性能问题,这往往是明智的,那么就从考虑更多内存入手。
I did not believe there was really any good to be had in tearing me away from my home and throwing me into the huge, high-walled building. 我可不相信把我从家中牵走然后扔进高墙深院的建筑有什么好的。
They point out that a really deep and lengthy gape is often accompanied by throwing out the chest and putting one's hands behind one's head. 他们指出,真正深刻而冗长的哈欠往往伴随着挺胸和把手放在脑后。
As if job interviews weren't stressful enough, hiring managers at some of the largest companies have taken to throwing real curve balls. 好像工作面试不够紧张的话,一些大公司的招聘经理就没有尽职尽责。
He actually said you could build a monument with all the stones people are throwing at me. 他还说,我都能用敌人丢过来的石头砌一座纪念碑了。
Some of the training was a little bit of running out, catching a rolling ball and throwing it. 有些训练需要适量的跑动,扑球然后扔出去。
The effect is sort of like moving a truck by throwing baseballs at it. 效果是有点像通过向卡车投掷棒球来移动的卡车一样。
A young Mongolian was throwing up into a black bin liner and being shouted at by an extremely angry blue-uniformed woman. 一个年轻的蒙古人塞进了一只黑色箱柜,被一个暴怒的女人大声责骂。
Women fought over him, sometimes physically, sometimes by throwing money at him, and he goes home with a different one every night. 女人们争夺他,有时候用身体,有时候用钱,每天都有不同的女人陪他过夜。
I would like every minute with you, as long as you happy, you happy throwing everything I can for you to pay. 我愿与你的每一分钟,只要你高兴,你高兴我可以投掷一切为你支付。
Over the top of her half-glasses, she was watching a woman throwing bread crumbs to a couple of sparrows. 透过眼镜框的上部,她正看着一个女人在给几个麻雀扔面包渣。
'If I was a comic character I would be like the Green Goblin flying around throwing pumpkin bombs. ‘如果饰演一个动画人物,我愿意当一个绿妖精,飞来飞去到处扔南瓜炸弹。’
During the warm-up the baseball players were throwing the ball around and running up and down the side of the field. 在准备活动中,棒球选手抛传着球,在场地边来回奔跑。