back seat

  • n.(车辆的)后座
  • 网络上密封;密封座;上密封座

复数:back seats

back seatback seat

back seat


take a back seat

允许他人领先;甘愿居于人下;退居幕后to allow sb else to play a more active and important role in a particular situation than you do


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Traces of blood found on his wife's clothing and the back seat of the 4x4 showed she had died as a result of violence, said the prosecutor. 检察官表示,隆德妻子衣服上和四驱车后座上的血迹表明她是死于某种暴力。
And my fear is nothing but redundant, because Isaw the little boy on the back seat how to relax in her hand, playing with yo-yo. 而我的担心无非是多余的,因为我看见后座上的小男孩是多么的放松,手里还玩着溜溜球。
China has so far taken a back seat in the WTO, insisting it had its hands full meeting its accession commitments. 中国迄今一直在世贸组织里居于次要地位,坚称自己正忙于兑现入世承诺。
Later, on the road, Xiao Zhang found a handbag on the back seat of his car. 后来,在路上,小张发现车后座上有一个提包。
He was just about to give up, and spend the rest of the night on the back seat of the car, when he had a bright idea. 怀特先生刚要放弃回家希望,在车内后排座上打发过后半夜时,他突然有了新的想法。
He took the back seat of the carriage, after a feeble bow or two, and speech of thanks, polite to the last, and resolute in doing his duty. 他有气无力地鞠了一两个躬,说了许多感谢的话,表现了始终如一的礼数和尽责到底的决心,这才坐上马车的后座。
You think, "Tell me more about this car. " The salesman states that this new revolutionary car drives itself while you sit in the back seat. 您想,“多告诉我点儿有关这辆车的信息。”销售员说,当您坐在后座上时这辆新车可以自动驾驶。
The thought of that brought huge smile to her face, looking slightly awkward and lonely since she's sitting alone in the back seat. 想到这,V不禁露出大大的笑容,由于她独自坐在后座,这看起来有些窘迫。
It probably is best not to fiddle with switches or controls when riding in the back seat of an air force plane. 坐在空军飞机的后座椅时最好不要随便拨弄任何开关或操纵装置。
He looked at them through the glass. His daughter was playing on the back seat, and his wife was busy doing something else. 他透过车窗玻璃看着母女,此时女儿正在车后座上玩耍,而妻子正忙着其他一些事儿。
Begging lifts from acquaintances, I'd end up in the back seat like an eight-year-old. 蹭熟人的便车时,我会被安排在后座,好像我是个8岁大的孩子。
On a mostly obscured piece of paper in the back seat of the car can be seen some touching words: "With so much love within our hearts. " 在汽车后座的一张纸上,依稀能辨出这样的字句:Withsomuchlovewithinourhearts.爱在我们心中。
Mr Shao says party committees in Wenzhou have monthly study sessions but that politics tends to take a back seat to business. 邵德鹏表示,温州的党委会每月都会有集体学习会议,但政治内容倾向于退居业务之后。
Unfortunately, the cigarette was covered by the back seat returned to his vehicle, and will soon be over there of a MOP, lit. 不幸的是,这个烟头被风吹回到了汽车后座上,并很快将放在那里的抹布点燃。
Cleaning up the dining room means getting the fast food bags out of the back seat of your car . 打扫厨房指的是清理汽车后座的快餐包装盒。
With so much money to push out the door, risk management will almost inevitably take a back seat. 要提供如此庞大的资金,风险管理几乎不可避免地要往后站。
But when he saw Stephen and Faith huddled in the back seat, he had just one thought: If I don't get them out, they'll drown. 但当他看见史蒂芬和费思在后排座位上抱成一团时,他只有一个念头:如果我不把他们救出来,他们会淹死的。
His assistant becomes a bit of back-seat driver and it's getting on his nerves. 他的助手变得很多事,这让他觉得很不安。
The next day the man with the car is back at the same gas station. The clerk sees the penguins are still in the back seat of the car. 第二天驾车的那个男子又回到了同一个加油站,那个职员看到企鹅仍然坐在车的后座上。
Rear-facing seats: Keep infants in the back seat in a rear-facing car seat until a minimum of age 1 and a weight of at least 20 pounds. 后朝向座椅:把不满一周岁且体重不超过20磅的婴儿放在汽车后座的后朝向座椅上。
Her decomposed body was found almost two years later, on the back seat of her Toyota Landcruiser in a lake, 15 miles away. 2年后,她的丰田Landcruiser汽车在距村庄15英里远的一个湖中被找到,并且在汽车的后座上发现了她已经腐烂的尸体。
After firing shots through the back seat, the boy exited the back of the vehicle and continued to fire at the car. 在后座上开了数枪之后,该男孩离开车后部,继续向这辆私家车开枪。
I was the designated driver, they drank too much and on the way home hooked up in the back seat. 我被指定作司机,他们喝的太多了,结果在回去的路上他们倒在后座上纠缠成一团。
On the back seat the thing in the basket began to cry; the air raid siren wail of the newly born. High. 车后座上那个篮子里的东西开始哭起来;就像是宣布新生命诞生的那种空袭警报:古老,高亢,无意义。
She may appear to have taken a back seat, but Victoria is still at the forefront of the "Posh and Becks " project. 维多利亚看来似乎已经退居次位,但她仍处于“时髦辣妹与贝克”计划的前列。
And if you think from a design perspective, about going back to square one, and say, "I just want to protect kids in the back seat. " 如果你从头设计,回到一片空白的阶段,“你只是想要保护后座上的孩子”。
Once elections were won, the issues that fired up the base almost always took a back seat to the economic concerns of the elite. 一旦选举胜利,激起并构成基础的议题几乎从被精英们对经济的关注而束之高阁。
Marc and I were just watching the road ahead of us and Eric and Forest were in the back seat goofing off and roughhousing. marc和我看着前面的路,而eric和forest就在后面开开玩笑,打打闹闹的。
But it was found this morning in the back seat of an SUV that matched the description of a vehicle authorities have been seeking. 但是此辆SUV汽车于车辆当局一直在寻找的失踪车辆描述吻合,尸体今天早上在车的后座被发现。
The front and back seat supports use telescopic guides to ensure the seated area is strongly supported. 前面和后面的座位支持使用伸缩指导,以确保座位面积的大力支持。