
美 [titʃ]英 [tiːtʃ]
  • v.〈口〉(如对方做某事则予以)教训;告诫某人别做某事;(向某人)教
  • 网络教授;教书;教导

过去式:taught 第三人称单数:teaches 现在分词:teaching

teach language,teach writing,teach philosophy,teach student,teach art


六年级上册PEP 好卷英语听力如何下载·_百度知道 ... lives…………………………… 居住;住 teaches……………………………


《Friends》词汇表A ... depression n. 沮丧, 消沉, 低气压, 低压 teaches v. 讲授, 教授 sculpting v. 雕刻, 造型 ...


七年级英语题目 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... lives 住 teaches 教书 clean 清理 ...


you are not angry with people when you... ... humor 是幽默 teaches 教导 tolerance 容忍 ...


PEP小学英语六年级上册期末测试题_百度文库 ... (复数) diving 5.family (复数) teaches 7.sing (名词 ) writer 9.teach ...

Our son teaches at junior high school and attends college, while his wife runs a day-care center, and a Lamaze program. 我儿子教初中,还上大学,而他妻子开办了幼儿日托中心和一个心理助产教程。
Shine on her to see, this king accepts Zu to compare quilt hand the handle knob teaches out of Xu Si Zhun will talk, behaviour. 照她看来,这个王承祖可比被人手把手教出来的徐嗣谆都会说话、行事。
On the show she teaches viewers some of her favorite recipes, incorporating inspiration from her Malaysian roots. 在节目中,她向观众传授她最喜爱的菜谱,这些菜谱融入了马来西亚文化根源给她带来的灵感。
It teaches you to feel your body and to be grateful for being healthy and being able to climb that mountain. 它教你感受自己的身体并为保持健康、能够爬山而心存感激。
Teaches the wind in this rigorously, in the academic atmosphere quite thick school, four years study life causes my income to be vulgar. 在这所教风严谨,学术氛围颇浓的学校中,四年的学习生活使我收益匪浅。
Here she reconnects with her mother, hangs out with a group of elderly women and teaches poetry to a class of seven pubescent girls. 在故乡,米娅恢复了和母亲的关系,与一群年长的女人一同交往,还给7个青春期的女孩上诗歌课。
He notes the details, returns to his own time and teaches the theorem to a student, who then writes it up for Scientific American. 他记下了细节,回到他自己的时代,并且把该定理教给一位学生,而这学生为《科学人》撰写了这个定理;
Write down the insights and life lessons God teaches you about him, about yourself, about life, relationships, and everything else. 写下上帝交给你的关于你的、他的、生命的、人际关系以及其他任何事的经验以及自己的见解。
That's one great thing about yoga it never teaches you to extend and push the body if it doesn't want too. 瑜伽有一个重要的好处在于,它不勉强我们的身体过分延展拉伸。
It teaches that living with decline is not always a question of denial: decline can be a seductive choice. 此书给我们传达了这样的讯息:忍受衰落时常不是否定一切的问题---衰落能成为一个有诱惑力的抉择。
Physics has never been my favorite subject, but I think I am sure to be able get a good mark next exam as long as Ms. Chen teaches me. 物理从来不是我最喜欢的学科,但我觉得有陈老师教我,今后考试我一定会考得不错的。
A graduate of London University with a degree in philosophy, he teaches physics at a secondary school in London. 一伦敦大学与一专业的学位哲学一起的毕业生,他教在在伦敦内的一所中学的物理学。
Is often facing computer cross-eye eyeball and cutaneous radiate very big? What teaches good precautionary measures? 经常面对着电脑对眼睛和皮肤的辐射是不是很大?有什么教好的预防措施?
Their training, which takes at least a year, teaches them to warn their owners. 它们的训练周期至少为一年,教它们如何警示主人。
Afterwards his mother teaches her with him bring back to home, and self , discovering him is very good one student. 后来他母亲把他带回家,并且自己教她,发现他是一名很好的学生。
Face to face with my students, only one resource is at my immediate command: my identity, my selfhood, my sense of the "I" who teaches. 说:当我面对我的学生时,我唯一可供使用的资源就是我自己:我的身份,我的自我,我对教学着的“自我”的感知。
This teaches us not to listen through views and opinions, but to listen with determination and to try it out with practice. 这故事教导我们:不要用自己的观念和想法来听别人说话,而要决心好好听受,并且透过修习予以检证。
If you really can't find any, at least the experience teaches you to be persistent in any situation. 如果你实在学不到什么东西,至少这种体验可以教给你在任何情况下都要坚持。
A teacher teaches you knowledge, and a coach skills, whereas, a mentor guides you to be who you truly are. 教师传播知识,教练传授技能,良师帮你找回自我。
Harry S. Truman Spoon- feeding in the long run teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon . 长期用汤匙喂我们教给我们的只是匙子的形状,别无其他。
Do not look he fat, the speech is very humorous, teaches the method which we sing quite to be easy to let us accept. 别看他胖胖的,说话很幽默,教我们唱歌的方法又比较容易让我们接受。
All this, her dad teaches her to respect mom and remember mom. 这些都是老公教的,教她尊重和记得妈妈。
A teacher should alter his way he teaches with different students or different courses. 老师应根据不同的学生或不同的科目改变自己的教学方式。
but as His anointing teaches you concerning all things and is true and is not a lie, and even as it has taught you, abide in Him. 这膏油涂抹是真实的,不是虚谎的,你们要按这膏油涂抹所教导你们的,住在他里面。
Makes up for a lack of natural talent by hard work is good teaches, a minute laborious minute talent. 勤能补拙是良训,一分耕耘一分收获。上帝给予了天分,勤奋将天分变为天才。
Her mirth disarms and it is she who teaches us to laugh at rogues and fools, whom but for her we might be so weak as to despise and hate. 是她教会我们嘲笑流氓和笨蛋,如果没有她,我们大概都会软弱起来,只能去蔑视、仇恨这些人。
Also because he usually teaches the student to be many, the student sees him to say by far "the devil" teacher came! 又由于他平时管教学生多,学生远远看见他就说“魔鬼”老师来了!
" The phantom of the opera" for her creation of beautiful music, opera, and teaches her gorgeous singing, training her dancing. “魅影”为她创作优美的音乐、华丽的歌剧、教导她歌唱、训练她的舞姿。
My wife teaches at a university and the best time for her and our son to come over is when school breaks in the summer. 非常感谢您的关心。我太太是大学教师,她与我们儿子来此的最佳时间是暑假。
Besides making female-orientated porn for her Blue Artichoke movie company, she teaches a course in erotic film at the Dutch Film Academy. 她除了为其蓝色洋蓟(BlueArtichoke)电影公司拍摄面向女性的色情片,还在荷兰电影学院(DutchFilmAcademy)讲授一门关于色情片的课程。