
美 ['terɪŋ]英 ['teərɪŋ]
  • n.绽线的地方;撕裂;激怒;闹饮
  • v.撕裂 (in two; to pieces; apart; asunder)
  • 网络撕牌;撕裂的;断裂



v. n.


1.[t][i]撕裂;撕碎;扯破;戳破to damage sth by pulling it apart or into pieces or by cutting it on sth sharp; to become damaged in this way

2.[t]~ sth in sth撕开,划成,刺出,扯开(裂口或洞)to make a hole in sth by force

移开remove from sth/sb

3.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.拉掉;撕掉;拔掉;扯掉to remove sth from sth else by pulling it roughly or violently

4.[t]挣开;拽开;夺去;揪走to pull yourself/sb away by force from sb/sth that is holding you or them

损伤肌肉injure muscle

5.[t]~ sth拉伤;拽伤to injure a muscle, etc. by stretching it too much

快速移动move quickly

6.[i]+ adv./prep.飞跑;狂奔;疾驰to move somewhere very quickly or in an excited way


7.深受…之苦的;饱经…摧残的very badly affected or damaged by sth


tear sb/sth apart, to shreds, to bits, etc.

彻底毁灭;彻底打败;严厉批评to destroy or defeat sb/sth completely or criticize them or it severely

tear at your heart|tear your heart out

使伤心;使心如刀绞;使愁肠寸断to strongly affect you in an emotional way

tear your hair (out)

(因发怒、焦急而)撕扯自己的头发to show that you are very angry or anxious about sth

(be in) a tearing hurry/rush

匆忙;急匆匆;风风火火(to be) in a very great hurry

be torn (between A and B)

(在两者间)难以选择,左右为难to be unable to decide or choose between two people, things or feelings

tear sb off a strip|tear a strip off sb

怒斥;把…骂得狗血喷头to speak angrily to sb who has done sth wrong

thats torn it

(表示计划受挫)这可糟了used to say that sth has happened to spoil your plans


力学专业英语词汇 - 豆丁网 ... 复合型 mixed mode 撕裂 Tearing 撕裂模量 tearing modulus ...


近景扑克牌魔术都有哪些手法?_百度知道 ... folding 折牌 tearing 撕牌 Selection or Selected Card 观众选的牌 ...


石油英语词汇(T1)--石油百科 ... tearing test 断裂试验 tearing 撕裂的 teaser 起绒机 ...




《Friends》词汇表A ... officer n. 政府官员, 军官, 警官, 船长 tearing adj. 撕开的, 痛苦的 sweeper n. 清扫夫 ...


词汇/术语库 - 豆丁网 ... Teamwork and Communication 团队合作与沟通 Tearing 撕扯 Technical & Safety Service 安全与技术 …


化工和机械英文字典 - - 中国氟塑料论坛 -... ... 车制试样 turned specimen 扯裂 tearing 彻底断裂 terminal fracture ...


– 图形驱动器控制对其进行交换,避免图像撕裂Tearing)现象实验123 画图说明直线/圆弧的中点画法原理 相关函数库: Ope…

God is in process of tearing down the walls that keep you from being all that He has called you to be. 现在祂正进行拆毁工程,拆除那使你无法成为祂呼召你成为的人的墙垣。
Then Kenobi flexed his hips and retreated nearly all the way out of her body, tearing a whimper from her lips. 然后克诺比翘起他的屁股,几乎把整根都从她体内拔了出来,让她不禁抽泣了一声。
Congratulations! The eaglet started trying to eat by himself, tearing and swallowing his prey like a real raptor. 可喜!小鹰开始尝试自己吃食物了,撕咬、吞咽,展现出猛禽的天性。
I feel like tearing out the hair on my own head. It would be what they describe as the uncanny semblance between owners and their pets. 我气的真想把我自己的头发拔了。这样的话就应证了那句“狗和主人长得离奇般的相似”。
This is not the expected end, just as the TV presenter Caoyin said, she did't know why she was tearing, maybe she felt regret to the result. 不该是这样的结局,我的眼睛擒着泪,就像曹颖说的她也不知道为什么会流泪,也许都有对这份爱情就这样结束的遗憾吧。
He took to biting the rose buds now, and tearing them away from his teeth with a hand that trembled like an infirm old man's. 他现在开始咬着玫瑰花苞,又用手把花从牙齿中扯了出来,他的手颤抖着象一个虚弱的老年人的手一样。
You have been tearing yourself up about this girl for six months. It did not occur to you? 你为这女孩心碎半年,你居然没想到。
Mr. Hatch recalled tearing off the brown paper. It had never occurred to him to look at the address. 哈奇先生仔细回想了一下当时的情景。的确,当时只顾撕掉包装,根本就没有想到去留意一下地址。
When tearing down the walls, he found that there was a lizard stuck there because a nail from outside was hammered into one of its feet. 当拆除的墙壁,他发现有一种蜥蜴,有坚持,因为指甲从外面被打成一个其英尺。
when. Just as he caught the ball, there was a tearing sound. 当他抓住球的时候,有一种撕裂的声音。
Back at home, Captain and Maria return. Captain pulls down the Nazi flag hanging on the front house, tearing it apart. The children come in. 上校、玛丽亚已返回家中。上校扯下门前悬挂的纳粹党旗。这时孩子们进来了。
It's very easy to imagine Shaw or Pauline Kael tearing up the comment threads (and impossible to imagine Dwight Macdonald doing so). 我们很容易想象萧伯纳或宝琳•凯尔撕碎捆绑评论的绳索(却不能想象德怀特•麦克唐纳这样做)。
Do not attempt to enlarge hole with pin or any other sharp object, as this will cause tearing. 不要试图用其它锋利的东西来扩孔,这将会引起撕裂。
It went on tearing up the grass and took no notice of him. 马儿继续把青草拉起来咬嚼,没注意沙斯塔。
Astarquake is thought to be the tearing apart of the surface of a neutron star, much like an earthquake here on Earth. 恒星地震拒信可以撕裂中子星表面,其所能产生的破坏力很像地球上的地震。
She was seen to run up the stairs with tearing in her eyes. 有人看见她含着眼泪跑上楼梯。
There was no tearing in any other part of the capsule of the hip joint in any patient. 所有患者髋关节的关节囊其他部分均无撕裂。
The old man stood silently in the office with his hands shivering and eyes tearing. 老人愣在那里,两手发抖,满眼含泪。
IF HANK PAULSON had not already lost all his hair, he would surely be tearing it out right now. 如果汉克.鲍尔森的头发还没有掉光的话,那么他现在无疑会把剩下的也全部扯下来。
He told me that if I didn't stop, he was "going to end up tearing me apart" and that if I wanted to leave a virgin, I needed to quit. 他说如果我不停止,他就会“最终将我扯碎”,而且如果我想保持处女之身,我就必须停止我所做的。
I did not believe there was really any good to be had in tearing me away from my home and throwing me into the huge, high-walled building. 我可不相信把我从家中牵走然后扔进高墙深院的建筑有什么好的。
Even if I don't know where to start, even if my love is tearing me apart, I just know that you and me, we were always meant to be. 即使我不知道从何处开始,即使我对你的爱正拆散我,我只知道你我已经注定了。
From a distance it was like tearing a cloth; nearer, it sounded like rain on a tin roof and close up it was just a long crash after crash. 从远处看就像在撕裂一块布;走近些,又像雨落在锡屋顶上;非常靠近它时,却只是一波撞击声接着一波。
With a tearing crash, tons of water fell upon the deck, as though the ship passed under a waterfall. 随着一声撕裂的轰隆声,大量的水倾斜到甲板上,犹如船从瀑布下经过。
Discovering a chosen card by tearing the pips out of a piece of newspaper has always been interesting to an audience. 发现一张选上的卡片由撕毁小核在报纸外面片断总是有趣对观众。
Magnetic reconnection is often triggered by the tearing mode instability. 磁场重联常常会被撕裂模不稳定性触发。
It means such a union of two people that a widower describing his wife's death could say, "It's like tearing away a part of me. " 它所指的那种两人的结合,就像一个丧妻的鳏夫在描述妻子的离世时所说的:「她的去世,使我有被撕裂的感觉。」
Just as he caught the ball there was a tearing sound. 他把球抓住时,听到了一种撕裂的声音。
They're tearing down the cabin any minute and I need you to help me save a bird's nest that's tucked in the rafters. 他们一直在拆小木屋,我需要你帮我一起拯救一个搭在椽子间的鸟窝。
Then it got a hold of my face and started shaking, you know, worrying it and I could feel it tearing off. 后来他抓住我的脸开始摇晃,你知道,我很害怕,担心他开始往下撕。