
美 [taɪd]英 [taɪd]
  • adj.只租给雇工居住的
  • v.“tie”的过去式和过去分词
  • 网络绑;被束缚的;系上了的



1.只租给雇工居住的rented to sb on the condition that they work for the owner

2013年托福考试近义词精编(一)_托福词汇_读书人 ... 非同寻常的,耳目一新的 unusual 系, tied 降低,使沮丧 lowered ...


日向枣_百度百科 ... S:Smile 微笑 T:Tied 被束缚的 U:Unofficial 非正式的 ...


2011职称英语考试临考《词汇选项》精选... ... wholly。really: 真正地。 content。tied系上了的。 long—lasting。extensive…


Trick or Treat 万圣节“不给糖果就捣蛋” ... evil 邪恶的 tied 栓着的,捆着的 floating 漂浮着 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... honestly adv. 真诚地, 公正地 tied v. 系,打结,约束 throat n. 咽喉, 喉咙, 嗓音, 窄路, 口子 ...


Trick or Treat 万圣节“不给糖果就捣蛋” ... evil 邪恶的 tied 栓着的,捆着的 floating 漂浮着 ...


服装英语电子小词典(j精华版)[中华纺织网论坛] ... Tulip 郁金香 Ankle – tied 束脚裤 Bell – bottom 喇叭裤 ...

When producing too much, money gets tied up in materials and resources that could be used for other opportunities are spent. 当生产过量时,可用在其他方面当生产过量时,当生产过量时的钱都用在材料或资源上而不能动用
He said the 11 men spent the first month of detention tied together by a rope. 他说,他们这群11名男子在拘留的第一个月被绳子绑在一起。
But after seeing the body, Norton is sure they were climbing tied together when Mallory fell. "There was a rope wrapped round his waist. " 但检验了尸体后,诺顿确信当马罗里坠落时,他们俩人攀登时是栓在一块的。
The rubber rope tied to the jumper's ankle is long enough to ensure that he or she will enjoy the "free fall" in the air for a few seconds. 绑在跳跃者踝部的橡皮条很长,足以使跳跃者在空中享受几秒钟的“自由落体”。
Stretched over a punishment rack, his hands tied down and feet held, the prisoner was beaten. 犯人被拉到受刑台上,手被捆在下面,脚被摁住,接受鞭打。
Convinced he was a devil, his parents tied him up like an unwanted kitten in a gunnysack and threw him down a well. 他的父母当他是魔鬼,把他像一只是没人要的小猫一样捆起来装在麻袋里,丢到一口井里。
April came as a relief to Andes' wife, Julie, who had found his phone tied up with texting when she tried to call him on lunch breaks. 安德斯的妻子朱莉这个月终于可以松口气了,之前她在午休时间给安德斯打电话总发现他的手机正忙着发短信。
Prosecutors say the policemen forced their way into the bank in the capital, Tegucigalpa and tied up the security guards at gunpoint. 检察官称,这些警察闯进首都特古西加尔巴的一家银行,将所有的保安都捆绑起来。
A worker's pay is often tied to things like his specific knowledge and experience. 工人的薪水一般都是和他的特定知识和经验联系的。
The soil in return for her service keeps the tree tied to her, the sky asks nothing and leaves it free. 土地把树儿束缚在她身上作为她服务的报酬,天空却一点也不要,就让它自由。
The thief was brought to the front with his hands tied behind. 那个小偷的手被绑在后面,被带到前面。
Even though there's disagreement over how much of the price of solar is tied up in these soft costs, they are clearly an important factor. 甚至太阳能发电的价格和这些软成本的关系也不甚明了,而这显然又是一个很重要的因素。
However, the bulk of Gaddafi's fortune seems to be tied up in the Western banking system. 然而,卡扎菲大部分财产似乎已在西方银行体系中被冻结。
Obama also leads McCain or is tied with him in several key states that will provide the margin of victory on Tuesday. 奥巴马也在下星期二投票选举中能够产生胜差的几个关键州和麦凯恩并驾齐驱。
Real wealth appears to be tied up in the banking system and not with the general public. 真正的财富似乎只与银行系统紧密相关,而不是与普通大众进行分享。
At first recruits were only military and the main reason the military needed recruits is actually tied up in the word's etymology. 最初,新丁(recruits)只是针对军队而言的,而军队需要新兵的主要原因是与这个词的词源紧密联系在一起的。
Corpus Christi Caller - Riggins handed me a three-weight fly rod with a green popper tied to its tippet. 科珀斯克里斯蒂来电里金斯交给我一份为期重量飞棒与绿色挂钩波普尔的披肩。
and the men, having tied me with cords, heaved me into the boat, whence I was taken into the ship, and thence into the captain's cabin. 水手们用绳索将我绑好,扔进了舢板,我被带到了大船上,接着就被押进了船长室。
This time she found a little bottle on it and tied round the neck of the bottle was a paper label. 这一次,她在它上面找到了一只小瓶,瓶颈上系着一个纸标签。
The first stage of the execution was to be tied to a wooden frame and dragged behind a horse to the place of your death. 首先罪犯被绑在一个木框上,由一匹马后面拖着他到行刑地。
The police made him lay down, and tied his hands behind his back. 警方人员把他放倒在地上,双手反绑在背后。
And yet, with its rigid currency policy, China is fighting the inflation battle with one hand tied behind its back. 然而,由于中国死板的汇率政策,中国在抗击通货膨胀的过程中被缚住了手脚。
This pair of seemingly irrelevant, character of the men and women, but not complete because two child and was tied together magically fate. 这一对看似毫不相干、性格完整不合的男女,却由于两个孩子而被命运神奇地绑在一同。
My hands were tied and I knew that they had orders to kill me if I tried to escape. 我知道我的双手被捆绑,并命令他们杀死我,你试图逃跑。
Because you have gotten, as you see, tied up with something so vital to me, I do not think I shall ever shake you off. Nor do I wish to. 如你所见,因为你同某件生命中不可缺少的东西一道捆在我身上了,我想我永远也摆脱不了你,也不希望这样做。
Villagers in Jombang in East Java remembered him, as a boy, tied to the flagpole in the front yard for some jest that had gone too far. 东爪哇省班宗县的村民们记得他,那个因为恶搞过火而被系在前院旗杆子上的小男孩。
When beginning to copy, his nephew stared tongue-tied and did not know where to start. 当侄儿动手抄写时,膛目结舌,无从下笔。
And yet mainstream opinion in Warsaw is in no doubt that the nation's destiny is tied to the euro, and particularly to Germany. 然而,首都华沙的主流意见认为波兰的命运毫无疑问与欧元联系在一起,特别是与德国联系在一起。
She had not troubled to dress herself, but wore a dirty dressing-gown, and her hair was tied in a sluttish knot. 她压根儿没有梳洗,只穿着一身肮脏的梳装袍子,头发胡乱地束成一团。
You recall that you arrived at the beach on a boat and that you left the boat tied to the dock. You know how you will get home. 你记起来你是坐船来海边的,而且把船系在船坞上了,你知道怎么回家。