
美 [tel]英 [tel]
  • v.告诉;讲;说;表明
  • n.【考古】(层层覆盖古代遗址的)人工丘阜;传闻
  • 网络吩咐;知道;告诉问题所在

过去式:told 第三人称单数:tells 现在分词:telling

tell truth,tell story,tell news,tell difference,tell lie
tell frankly
reporter tell



《Friends》词汇表A ... grape n. 葡萄, 葡萄树 tells vt. 告诉, 说, 吩咐, 断定, 知道 processing 处理 ...

一些英语问题拜托解决一下_百度知道 ... 3、friendly( 友善的,友好的) 4、tells,第三人称单数) 1、glasses( 眼镜) ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... grape n. 葡萄, 葡萄树 tells vt. 告诉, 说, 吩咐, 断定, 知道 processing 处理 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... grape n. 葡萄, 葡萄树 tells vt. 告诉, 说, 吩咐, 断定, 知道 processing 处理 ...


初二英语题要求过程简单明了谢谢_百度知道 ... 73. but 表转折,但是 75. tells 告诉问题所在 76. watches 观看表演 ...


水酸基価 - Japanese - English... ... 个人事业主 Self employment 遗丘 Tells 遗伝学 Genetically ...

The Bible tells us that when Naomi despaired over the loss of her husband and sons, her daughter-in-law Ruth refused to leave her. 圣经告诉我们,拿俄米因失去丈夫、儿子而沮丧时,她的媳妇路得不肯离开她。
He lifts her brows slightly with a couple of judiciously placed Botox injections and tells her to be patient. 他用两个妥善配置的肉毒杆菌注射剂将她的眉毛稍稍提起,然后告诉她耐心等待。
Ali Israr, one of the developers of the system, tells New Scientist that this will open up a new untapped realm for digital entertainment. 系统开发者之一AliIsrar告诉新科学家杂志,这项工程将会为电子娱乐业开启一个新的未被开发的领域。
It tells us that love is just like an oil lamp in the dark, which lightens people's hearts. 它告诉我们,爱就像一盏在黑暗中的油灯,它照亮了人们的心灵。
This theory works for small deployments (three to four nodes), but Jules tells me that this approach doesn't scale. 这个理论适用于小型部署(三到四个节点),但是Jules告诉我该方法也不能伸缩。
Sometimes he tells the truth, too. Besides, I don't think it necessary to tell lies about this kind of thing. Don't you think so? 有时候他也说真话,而且我认为他没有必要对这种事情撒谎,难道你不这样认为吗?
Average revenue tells us how much revenue a firm receives for the typical unit sold. 平均收益告诉我们一个企业从每一典型单位的销售中得到多少收益。
One story from Australia tells about a man very very long ago, who went up to the sun by a rope and brought fire down. 澳大利亚有个传说,很久很久以前,一个人借助一根绳子上到太阳那儿,把火取了下来。
But a second glance at Saarland tells you that crisis-management is not all that matters. 但是你如果再细细研究下萨尔州的情形,就会发现危机管理能力并非成败攸关。
Only the dark river and the sky of stars, tells of the endless rolling in the Yangtze River East PASSING story. 只有黑暗中的江水和天边的星光,诉说着滚滚长江东逝水的无尽故事。
He leaves me to wash myself, tells me that I should not be afraid; he'll be right outside the door. 他让我自己洗澡,告诉我说我不应该害怕,他马上就在门外。
Palmer tells his wife Sherry and son Keith that he plans to admit the truth in his breakfast speech. 帕默告诉他的妻子雪莉和儿子基思,他计划将在早餐会上将真相公布于众。
Once Rose is asleep he goes into the garden and tells the midnight cat to go away and leave them alone as he is all that Rose needs. 只要萝丝睡著,他就会走到花园叫那只猫滚开,不要打扰他和萝丝。
Midwife Farangis Sultani tells the story of a woman who was in a great deal of pain last winter. 助产员法拉基斯·苏坦克讲述了去年冬天一名忍者剧痛生产的妇女的故事。
This classic story tells of a dog stolen from his home and sold to work as a sled dog in Canada's Klondike Gold Rush. 这个故事非常经典,讲述的是一只狗被偷走然后卖到加拿大KlondikeGoldRush当做雪橇狗的故事。
Her mother tells her to write because that always made her happy. 她的妈妈告诉她写下来,因为写作一直令她快乐。
And today, Melinda tells me that she's probably going to accept an offer from a startup that's made her an offer she can't refuse. 而今天,梅琳达告诉我她可能要接受一家初创公司提供的工作机会,这家公司给的待遇令她无法拒绝。
In this case, q means "resident size" and tells you how much actual memory the process is using. 在这种情况下,q表示“驻留大小”,会显示进程实际使用的内存数量。
The color of a woman's lingerie, it appears, tells you what sort of a lover she is, a psychologist has revealed. 近日有心理学家称,女性内衣的颜色似乎能说明她是怎样的一个爱人。
The PersistChildrenAttribute tells the designer whether the child controls of a server control should be persisted as nested inner controls. PersistChildrenAttribute告知设计器是否应将服务器控件的子控件作为嵌套的内部控件保存。
Show me a man who tells his wife she looks fat, and I'll show you a man headed for a night on the couch. 如果你能说出一个对老婆说她看上去很胖的男人,那么我就能给你找到一个被下放到沙发上过夜的男人。
Tanis tells me you're a very prominent man, and I'm honored for being allowed to drive with you. 坦尼斯告诉我,你非常有名望,让我陪你去,我十分荣幸。
Max has a good sense of humour. I never feel bored or unhappy when he is with me. He tells funny jokes and always makes me laugh. 马克斯很有幽默感。当他和我在一起时我从来不觉得无聊或不愉快。他讲有趣的笑话并总是使我笑。
God did not keep an account of their sins, and he has given us the message which tells how he makes them his friends. 他不追究他们的过犯,并且把他与人和好的信息付托了我们。
A foolish man tells his wife to stop talking, but a wise man tells she looks extremely beautiful when her lips are closed. 愚蠢的人让他老婆闭嘴,聪明的人会说她嘴唇合起来时特别漂亮。
AGENT GENE CRANE: Agent Scully tells us she was home last night. We see from your phone log, you were here until at least after 10: 00. 吉恩克雷恩探员:史高丽探员告诉我们昨天晚上她在家。我们从你的电话记录看出,至少10点前你都在这里。
She asks if he tries to impress girls by making them glow in the dark, but he tells her that he needs it for his work with rocks. 她问如果他试图使女童,使它们在黑暗中发光,但他告诉她,他需要为他的工作与岩石。
Directed by Feroz Khan, the movie tells the story of a gangster and a prostitute (Madhuri) and their attempt to live an honourable life. 这部电影讲述了一个强盗和一个妓女之间的爱情故事,记录了他们对颓废过去的抛弃,对美好生活的渴求与向往。
Mr Potter, who works at Lloyds TSB, said many people think he's trying to be difficult when he tells them his name. 现就职于英国劳埃德TSB银行的波特先生说,许多人听到他名字时都以为他故意表现的难以亲近。
Don't just do what somebody else tells you to do, unless you know why they do it. 不要别人说什么你就做什么,除非你知道他们这么做的理由。