
美 [tɔs]英 [tɒs]
  • v.颠簸;抛;(轻)拌;【网】把(球)打高
  • n.掷钱;掷钱决定;双方各有一半的机会;兴奋
  • 网络扔;被警察搜身;抛、掷

过去式:tost 过去式:tossed 第三人称单数:tosses 现在分词:tossing

toss salad


精华资料:英语词汇 词根+联想记忆_新东方在线 ... ▲make sense of 理解弄懂 ×tossed 抛, A.prey on 掠夺 折磨 ...

精华资料:英语词汇 词根+联想记忆_新东方在线 ... ▲make sense of 理解弄懂 ×tossed ,扔 A.prey on 掠夺 折磨 ...


影视中常见的黑人口语 ... fro=afro 就是黑人的爆炸头... Tossed= 被警察搜身 Gang bang= 乱交 ...


超级784句突破7000考研单词16_考研英语... ... tile( 瓦片、瓷砖). tossed抛、掷) the mossy( 长满苔藓) ...


英语高手请进,帮忙几道大学英语。谢谢_百度知道 ... C. acquire 学到 决定 C. tossed 投掷 A. enlarged 增大的 ...


如果在这个时间内没有完成,程序就会被认为是违反规定的(misbehaving),它的进程会立即被扔到tossed)后台状态,当 …


美国的蔬菜价格不便宜 ... *黄瓜或青瓜( Green or Yellow Squash) *生菜Tossed) *叶类蔬菜( V3getable) ...


『程序』的核心有一个相当大的漏洞:分析基本上以被抛出(tossed)。 大设计寻求控制改变的机制,经由早期获得及一般性的一 …

They immediately offered their cars to me for a photo shoot and even tossed me their keys to drive them out on my own for the shoot. 他们立即提出他们的汽车要我摄影秀,甚至把钥匙扔我把他们赶出去为自己投篮。
And with a great shout he jumped out of bed and grabbed up Lizette and tossed her in his arms for joy. 他大叫着从床上跳起来,抓住莉莎特把她紧紧搂在怀里。
A bag was opened and eyed, and if it held something of promise, was tossed at the feet of the woman. 打开每个垃圾袋并迅速翻看,如果发现有可回收的衣物就扔到女士脚下。
You see we're very busy in the office and only one of us could come, so we tossed up for it. 您知道我们在办公室里有非常忙,我们俩只能来一个,所以就掷币来决定由谁来。
Jack tossed the papers on my desk --- his eyebrows knit into a straight line as he glared at me. 杰克把文件扔在我党办公桌上,眉毛拧成一条直线瞪着我。
In his heyday, he was known as the "King of the High C's" for the ease with which he tossed off difficult top notes. 帕瓦罗蒂在其演唱生涯的巅峰时期,凭借著对高难度高音举重若轻的把握被誉为“高音C之王”。
The little duchess tossed a tiny silver spoon at him and he stopped whimpering, but Howell bit right into the lip of his demitasse cup. 小女公爵将一把小银勺扔向他,他不再呜咽了,但豪厄尔一口咬住了小咖啡杯的边沿。
I tossed my first-baseman's mitt up in the air and tried to have it land on my head, but it fell in a mud puddle. 我把我的一垒手手套丢起来再让它漂亮地落在我的头上,但它只是掉进了烂泥地里。
Jas. 1: 6 But let him ask in faith, doubting nothing, for he who doubts is like the surge of the sea, driven by the wind and tossed about. 雅一6只是要凭著信心求,一点不疑惑;因为那疑惑的人,就像海中的波浪,被风吹动翻腾。
He said the salesperson was holding a cigarette and before walking in his door tossed the unfinished butt into his new landscaping. 他说那人手里拿着一根烟,她在走进门之前把那烟头扔进了他新种好的绿化区里。
But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 只要凭着信心求,一点不疑惑;因为那疑惑的人,就象海中的波浪,被风吹动翻腾。
But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary. 那时船在海中,因风不顺,被浪摇撼。
But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. 只要凭著信心求,一点不疑惑;因为那疑惑的人,就像海中的波浪,被风吹动翻腾。
He talked and tossed, and his mother sat stonily by his side. 他边说话边摇头,母亲像石块一样坐在他身旁。
But ask with faith, not doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave driven and tossed on the sea by the wind. 不过,祈求时要有信心,决不可怀疑,因为怀疑的人,就像海里的波涛,被风吹动,翻腾不已。
At last he tossed his head with an air intended to be merely satisfied, but which was triumphant, in reality. 最后他终于仰起了头,他那神气,原只想表示满意,而他实际表现的却是极大的兴奋。
Later that day, he walked back up to me, tossed the note at me and said "You know I recognize your handwriting, right? " 哪天晚点,他走过来,把那篇东西团起来扔到我身上,说:“你知道我能认出你的笔记,不是么?”
Pointing to something out the passenger window to distract his wife, he picked up the shoe and tossed it out of his window. 在他太太把视线移向窗外时,他拣起鞋子把它从他那边的窗口仍了出去。
A great storm came up, and the ship was tossed about for many days, until we did not know where we were. 一个伟大的风暴来了,和船抛出约多天,直到我们不知道我们在那里。
He sighed and tossed the envelopes to the far side of the bed, then flopped back on his pillow and stared at the ceiling. 他叹了口气,将信封扔到离床边很远的角落,然后躺在枕头上,盯着天花板发呆。
There is a glory of the Master which can be seen only when the wind is contrary and the ship tossed with waves. 主的荣耀,也只有在逆风及船舶为巨浪所抛掷的时候,才能显现。
Again he tossed the ball up in the air and swung at it. 他把球再次抛到空中、挥棒,但还是没打中。
A little later, the Cuban passed around fine Havana cigars. He took a couple of puffs of his and then tossed it out the window. 过了一会儿,古巴人给同伴发送上好的哈瓦那雪茄,他自己也拿了两支,然后就把剩下的雪茄也扔到窗外去了。
Society ought to be grasped by the four corners of the cloth and tossed into the air, all of it! 这个社会,应当象提起台布的四只角那样,把它整个儿抛到空中!
He tossed his head and smiled. 'With what should I love my love if I gave thee my heart? ' he cried. 他摇头微笑道:“若我将心给你,我又将用什么来爱我的爱人呢?”
He tossed his head with delight at the sight of her, and approached slowly to the place where she stood, a little in front of the mirror. 看到公主,龙显出高兴的神色,慢慢地来到了她站立的地方,正好就在镜子的面前。
he leaned over, picked up the little dog, tossed it out the window of the train and sat down in the empty seat. 他弯下身子,抓起那只小狗,把它扔出了火车窗外,然后在空座位上坐下。
O. K. , there were a few beer cans tossed at me out the windows of pickup trucks. 好吧,我这么说是因为路过我身边的小货车的窗口扔出的饮料罐砸到过我几次。
The word "stem" is tossed around so much at education meetings these days, you'd think you were at a gardening seminar. 这个字“干”是扔在教育会议,围绕这些日子,你会以为你在一个研讨会上进行园艺。
While his wife wasn't looking, he picked up the shoe and tossed it out of his window. 趁妻子不注意的时候,他抓起鞋子扔到了窗外。