
美 [rɪˈstrɪktəd]英 [rɪˈstrɪktɪd]
  • adj.(大小或数量)有限的;(指能做的事)有限的;受(法规)制约的
  • v.“restrict”的过去式和过去分词
  • 网络受限制的;限制级;受限的



1.(大小或数量)有限的,很小的limited or small in size or amount

2.(指能做的事)有限的,受限制的limited in what you are able to do

3.受(法规)制约的;受控制的;受约束的controlled by rules or laws

4.[ubn]不对公众开放的only open to people with special permission, especially because it is secret or dangerous

5.保密的;限于内部传阅的officially secret and only available to people with special permission


SAT官方指南OG阅读真题10套 - 豆丁网 ... divisive adj. 分裂的... restricted adj. 受限制的 militant adj. 好战的... ...


限制级(Restricted):但分级当局对这一类映片仍有正面看法,认为可能在艺术、历史、政治、教育或科学等方面具有一定价值 …


计算机专业英语词汇 ... compiler n 编译程序 restricted adj 受限制的,有限的 preserve vt 保持,保护 ...


...ll有一个执行策略,默认情况下,这个执行策略被设为受限的Restricted),意味着PowerShell脚本无法执行,你可以使用下 …

"Local users who do not know English had been somewhat restricted in their access to the Internet, " he told AFP. 他说,“不懂英语的本地用户要上网,确实在一定程度上受到了限制。”
"We created prohibited and restricted items policies and built tools using state-of-the-art technology to enforce those policies" he said. “我们创建了禁止项目和限制项目的策略,以及运用国家最先进技术执行这些策略的内置工具,”他说。
he also fought ruthlessly to expand the power of the executive branch, which he thought had been dangerously restricted since Watergate. 他也铁腕般扩张行政部门的权力,他认为自从水门事件后其权力已被制约到了危险的地步。
There was only one way to get out a book from the Restricted Section: You needed a signed note of permission from a teacher. 要从禁书区内借书,只有一个办法:弄到一位老师亲笔签名的批条。
There is usually public access to the court, but it was not clear whether the proceedings on Monday would be restricted, the official said. 一般情况下公众可以进入法院听审,但目前尚不清楚周一的庭审程序是否会对公众听审进行限制,该名官员称。
You had to have local control because there was no nationally available information because travel was so restricted. 你只能拥有地方性掌控,因为没有全国性的便利信息,因为交通是如此的受限。
Even if Sallie's debt falls to junk levels and its access to capital markets is restricted, these will give it a cushion to fall back on. 即使Sallie的债务信用降到了最低等级,并被限制进入资本市场,这两大银行都将会给它一条后路。
Explosions of rage or despair so often are due to a restricted view of life, where there seems to be no avenues of escape. 愤怒或绝望的爆发经常是由于受限的人生观,看来没有逃脱的路。
Michael stands at the fence, looking at the restricted building to which he needs access. Michael站在防护网处,望着他需要进入的那座禁区建筑物。
In a city where filming is often restricted, Siku needed a way to get his footage without carrying a large camera through the streets. 通常在那里摄制影片是要受到限制的,西库需要找到一种方法,在不需要携带大型摄影机走街串巷的情况下进行拍摄。
Complimentary half board didn't thrill me as you were really restricted to which restaurants you could use. 免费晚餐并没有刺激我正如你只限于该餐厅可以使用。
If I tell these people to write books of a political nature, they might be very unhappy and think they were being restricted. 我若请这种人写政治性的书,他们就很不高兴,觉得受了拘束。
Even oxy-fuel combustion, which has been used for more than a decade, is restricted by these heat transfer dynamics. 就连已被人们使用了十多年的氧燃料的燃烧法,也会受到这些传热动力学方面的限制。
In person's development, individual is likely to be restricted with many facts from society. The personality is always repressed. 在人的发展中,个体容易受到来自社会各方面因素的制约,使得个性受到压抑,难以有效发展。
The public key is often available, but access to the private key is restricted to only a few individuals. 公钥通常是可用的,但对私钥的访问权仅限于少数个人。
Due to its nature of path-vector protocol, the most common BorderGateway Protocol provides restricted supports to inter-domain TE. 最常见的边界路由协议由于其路径矢量协议的原因,先天性地对域间流量工程支持不够;
This is due to the sensitive nature of the private key: access is often restricted to a few individuals. 这是因为私钥所具有的一个重要特性,即访问通常被限制为为数不多的几个个体。
St. Jude school bus, displaying "restricted area access" stickers , bears a heavy responsibility: taking the children to and from school. 贴有「禁区通行证」的天主教崇德学校校车身负重责大任,每天接送小朋友上下学。
The next generation iPhone, however, would likely see less restricted background process support due to its improved hardware. 在下一代的iPhone,硬件改进后这些限制应该会放宽。
Admin rights are granted for one wiki each, by the community of that wiki. So, yes, it is restricted to the German language Wikipedia. 管理员的权限是各个维基通过其组织授予的,因此,是的,这个权限是被限制在维基百科德语版里面的。
The rope should be tied so it doesn't dangle low enough to be stepped over but not be so high or tight that the horse's head is restricted. 绳应该栓紧才不会往下掉让马踏在绳上,也不应该栓得太高或太紧让马头受到限制。
It's important to highlight the fact that the sort of gaming we're looking at isn't just restricted to using GPS. 需要重点提醒的是,这类游戏并不局限于使用GPS。
Compressors have also been used to bring vocals to the forefront of a mix in volume-restricted studios (e. g. home studios). 压缩器也被用来在音量限制的混音器中产生乐音(例如:家庭录音室)。
Or that of the eight voting to keep it on the market, six said it should be only with tougher warnings and restricted distribution? 或者8名成员投票支持它留在市场上,6名成员说它只是应该有更加严厉的警告和限制经销呢?
The ability of a partner to sell or transfer his interest in the partnership is often restricted. 合伙人出售或转让其在合伙企业中的权益通常受到限制。
The two groups that had not restricted their caloric intake during the test period did not show more cortisol production. 而在实验期间没有被控制能量摄入的两组被试者没有表现出更高的皮质醇产生率。
In each case, the infecting organism uses the host body to live and grow, and is often restricted to a particular organ. 每一种情况中,感染生物都用寄主的身体来生存和生长,经常集中于一个特定器官。
China's outperformance may reflect the fact that buying on the Shanghai Composite tends to be restricted to domestic investors. 中国股市的优异表现可能反映了这样一个事实,即其买家往往限于国内投资者。
Freedom of movement, including the right to leave the island and the right to choose one's residence, are severely restricted. 公民迁徙的自由,包括离开古巴的权利,选择自己居住地的权利都受到严格限制。
The company said the service would not be restricted to the machines that it manufactures, subject to inspection. 该公司称,这项服务将不会受到限制的机器,它生产,接受检查。