
美 [tɜrm]英 [tɜː(r)m]
  • n.术语;期限;任期;词语
  • v.把…称为;把…叫做
  • 网络学期;项;条款

复数:terms 现在分词:terming 过去式:termed

medium term,general term,generic term,technical term,same term
use term,term come


n. v.

1.[c]词语;术语;措辞a word or phrase used as the name of sth, especially one connected with a particular type of language

2.[c][u]学期(尤用于英国,学校一年分三个学期)(especially in Britain) one of the three periods in the year during which classes are held in schools, universities, etc.

3.[c]期;期限;任期a period of time for which sth lasts; a fixed or limited time

4.[sing]到期;期满the end of a particular period of time, especially one for which an agreement, etc. lasts


in terms of|in … terms

in the long/short/medium term

长╱短╱中期内used to describe what will happen a long, short, etc. time in the future


初中英语单词表大全2182个带音标 - 豆丁网 ... next 下一个 408 term 学期 409 minute 分钟,一会儿 411 ...


王陆807听力单词精选_百度文库 ... semester n. 学期 term n. 学期,术语 assignment n. 作业 ...

高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... tent n. 帐篷 term n. 学期;术语;条款; terminal a. (火车,汽车,飞机的)终点站 ...


医学用语_百度文库 ... biochemistry n. 生物化学 term n. 学期;期限;术语 internal a. 内服的;内部的 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... tent n. 帐篷 term n. 学期;术语;条款;项 terminal a. (火车,汽车,飞机的)终点站 ...

根据(Term)在文档中出现的绝对次数来决定此词对文档的重要性,有不合理的地方。比如长的文档词在文档中出现的次数相 …


常用英语单词和词组大全 ... term of service 使用期限 term 期限,条件 terminal charges 装卸费 ...

For the better promotion its containerized traffic's development, Ningbo Port must carry on the long-term plan to its future development. 为了更好的促进其集装箱运输的发展,宁波港需对其未来的发展进行长远规划。
If you can satisfy my needs, than i'd be glad to turn this into a Long-Term Project. 如果你能满足我的需求,比我会很高兴成为一个长期项目这一点。
The "quick fix" that many countries are trying to use to find their way out of trouble, will only be that with no long term solution. “快速修复”发生在许多的国家,它们尝试摆脱问题的影响,但是不会得到长久的解决方法。
With school term approaching, she would be off to that muggle school and he would probably never see her till next summer. 麻瓜学校快要开学了,他可能要到明年夏天才能再见到她了。
Description : Another example of a fine long term adult-child friendship fostered by eco village life. 描述:一个被生态生活熏陶出来的成人——孩子友谊友好长存例子。
The term is often used to refer specifically to the pulsed neutron spectroscopy measurement. 这一术语常用来特指脉冲中子谱测量。
Human clones have yet to be made. Even if they were, it would be illegal to bring them to term and thus produce a cloned human being. 克隆人目前还没有出现,即使已经发生了,他们也不可能登上大雅之堂-因为那是违法的,而且进行人体克隆本身就是违法的。
Its shares have been soaring for the past two years as the company's long-term outlook began to brighten. 随着对公司长期健康发展的预期日涨,它的股价在过去的两年中急速增长。
I have never been a quitter. To leave office before my term is completed is abhorrent to every instinct in my body. 离开办公室之前我总统任期完成每本能是相悖的在我的身体里。
Buying now makes sense for those truly in it for the long term; the bottom may still be ahead. 对于真正作长线投资的人来说,现在买入有其道理;但底部或许尚在前方。
Light. Since the eye is not equally sensitive to all colors, brightness cannot be a quantitative term. 一种视觉感知属性,光源可以调亮或调暗。由于眼睛对所有的颜色并不具有同样的敏感度,因此亮度。
But Exxon's managers endlessly intoned that they invested for the long term, and would not be moved by temporary swings in prices. 但埃克森美孚的管理者不断地重复说着他们是长期投资,并不会因暂时的股价波动而动摇。
Crude oil continued to go on Friday, American cotton plunged, short-term PTA were expected to rally continuing turbulence. 上周五原油继续攀高,美棉大跌,预计短期PTA将延续震荡反弹行情。
Health care is not the only big issue the court is expected to rule on this term. 卫生保健是不是唯一的大问题,预计法院规则这个词。
He accepts now that I'm quite sane-- at least, as far as that term goes, these days its limits seem to be narrowing. 他现在承认我是心智健全的——至少,从字面意义而言,如今它的界限似乎正在缩。
The first and most damaging run on the bank took place in its other short- and medium-term wholesale liabilities (see chart 5). 对该银行产生的最早且最严重的破坏发生在短中期大规模债务中。
Ending the tax break altogether would pay for universal coverage, with revenue left over to set against the long-term budget deficit. 完全取消税收减免,所产生的收入足以为全民医保埋单,剩余部分还可抵减长期财政赤字。
He's now determined to show he's worthy of a place in the starting line-up after playing just three times for the top team this term. 在本赛季为一线队出场过3次之后,现在他决心证明自己有实力在一线队首发。
Can you picture yourself doing this for at least a year or more? Blogs aren't short-term projects. 你能想象你在这件事上能坚持一年或者更久吗?博客可不是一项短期项目。
Most workers FOCUS on working for pay and benefits that reward them in the short term, but is often disastrous in the long. 大部分工人为工资和短期福利而工作,但从长期来看这样做却常常是灾难性的。
Some French politicians suspect the United States of using Britain as a Trojan Horse to undermine the long-term aims of the European Union. 某些法国政治家怀疑美国想把英国作为破坏欧洲联盟长期目标的特洛伊木马。
They use this type of indexing because term-based search algorithms are well established and relatively easy to understand and implement. 之所以要使用这种索引方式,是因为基于词汇的搜索算法已经成熟,而且比较容易理解和实现。
But no one has the answer to how much market share Bing will claim from Yahoo or Google in the long term. 从长远来看,必应网将夺取雅虎和谷歌多少的市场股份,这是没有人能够做出预测的。
The maritime tribunal condemned him, for this crime, to a prolongation of his term for three years, which made eight years. 海港法庭对他这次过失,判决延长拘禁期三年,一共是八年。
In some cases, despite being long term smokers, the lung cancer patients were able to kick the habit in only a few days. 有些情况下,肺癌患者虽吸烟多年,但却能在数日内戒掉抽烟的习惯。
But I cannot see how the new chief executive could serve a two-year term without a fresh interpretation of the Basic Law. 若然不释法,我实在不明白为何下任特首只有两年任期。
The term mashup is commonly used to describe the technique of producing a new song by mixing together two or more existing songs. 术语混搭(mashup)通常用于描述通过将两首或多首现有歌曲混合在一起来谱写一首新歌的技术。
Today is a time to be remembered for both CEC and Philips, and the long-term strategic partnership between the two parties. 今天,对中国电子、飞利浦,以及双方长期的战略合作都是一个值得纪念的日子。
Adopting the euro should open Poland up to more of that sort of trade and the stable, long-term capital investment that goes with it. 接收欧元,这种贸易的机会就会增长,而长期稳定资本投资也会随着增长。
Now that is all the magic to see, in that strange and silly term in the Urantia Book called fusion. 这就是目前全部的魔法,theUrantiaBook用一个古怪傻气的措词称之为fusion(融合,聚变)。