the hunt

  • 网络狩猎;诬网;捕猎

the huntthe hunt

the hunt


《看电影》(519)2012年7月下 – Mtime时光网 ... 人山人海, People Mountain People Sea 狩猎, The Hunt 霍利车行, Holy Mot…


THe Ten | 字幕搜索... ... Jagten | The Hunt |狩猎 | 谎言的烙印 | 诬网 Jagten | The Hunt |捕猎 | 狩猎 | 谎言的烙印 | 诬网 ...


第65届戛纳电影节 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... 仙境/ Paradise:Love 捕猎/ The Hunt 月升王国/ Moonrise Kingdom ...


第二部名为“猎杀”(The Hunt),长度3分钟多点。主角拿着高科技的复合弓,在草丛中寻觅猎物(上部的雇佣兵哪儿去了),看见一 …


谎言的烙印The Hunt)-关于人性和信任03月29日37条评论超脱(Detachment)2012年05月13日32条评论 守望者(WatchMen…


...题,如第六首《神秘》(MYSTICAL)、第九首《打猎》(THE HUNT)、第十一首《浪漫曲及塔兰台拉舞曲》(ROMANCE AND T…


  372 AC,短篇小说《猎捕》(The Hunt),出自短篇小说集《克莱恩的龙类》(Dragons of Krynn),凯文·斯坦(Kevin Stein)著  372 …

"Oh dear, " he said, "do let me go and see the hunt; I cannot restrain myself. " “哦亲爱的,”他说,“让我走吧,去看看打猎;我没有办法控制我自己。”
Search aircraft have stepped up the hunt for an Air France jet that disappeared over the Atlantic with 228 people on board. 搜救飞机正在加紧寻找在大西洋上空失踪的载有228人的法航飞机。
What's more, a simple test could tell you if it's time to give up the hunt, or if your partner just needs to try harder. 此外,通过一个简单的测试,你就知道是该放弃继续寻找呢,还是需要让你的性伴侣再加把劲。
For the past several years he's been trying to stop the hunt in Taiji, one of Japan's iconic whaling towns. 在过去的几年里,他曾经试图阻止太地的捕杀行为,这里是日本捕鲸的代表符号。
When the hunt has died down we shall be able to leave our hiding place. 追捕缓下来后我们才能离开隐藏的地方。
As the light fades at the end of the day, diurnal raptors like the golden eagle give up the hunt. 天色渐渐昏暗,金雕这样白天猎食的猛禽便终止猎食。
In this regard, there are a number of websites that can be very useful to a woman on the hunt for pregnancy tips. 有鉴于此,对于那些找寻换云贴士的妇女们而言,许多网站都是十分有用的。
If the hunt were to catch a deer, it would need to establish shared values and probably impose them through some sort of hierarchy. 如果打猎是为了逮住一只鹿,就需要建立共同价值观,可能还需要建立某种等级制度来贯彻这些价值观。
After the hunt, the group are often fighting over the sharing of the kill, with young lions at the bottom of the order. 捕杀之后,群体通常会争夺共享的猎物?年幼的狮子是第二个享用食物的。
But the hunt for pirates carries with it a cost to Microsoft's reputation. 但追杀盗版带给微软的还有信誉上的损失。
The hunt for the puma began in a small village, a woman picking blackberries when she saw "a large cat" only five yards away from her, . 搜寻美洲狮的工作是从一个小山村开始的,那里的一位妇女在采摘黑蓝莓时看见“一只大猫”,离她只有五码远。
Mr. Hayden said the war against Al Qaeda was far from over, the hunt for its leader Osama bin Laden remained the top priority of the CIA. 海顿先生称美国与基地组织所进行的斗争还将持续相当长的一段时间,逮捕本拉登始终是CIA的首要任务。
He had asked me if I was a deceiving imp, and he had said I should be a fierce young hound if I joined the hunt against him. 他早就问过我是不是一个骗人上当的小魔鬼,他还说过,要是我参加那些人来搜捕他,我就是一头凶狠的小猎犬。
The doubt and suspicion, which had been growing in tensity, melted away as we threw our energies into the hunt. 那种日益加剧的疑虑马上烟消云散,我们把全副精力投入了追踪。
So far, the hunt for an HIV vaccine has met failure around the world, and experts are reluctant to hail new entries too quickly. 迄今为止,全世界范围内对HIV疫苗的探索工作均以失败而告终。因此,专家们已经不愿过早的庆祝新的进展。
Good. This comes at a stressful time, with my new appointment. But I'm thankful for your cooperation in the hunt for Mulder. 很好。对于我的心工作来说这稍微有点难度。但是我感谢你们在搜索莫特上的配合。
The president's military briefing comes a day after the White House confirmed that the hunt for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq is over. 白宫一天前证实,在伊拉克搜查大规模杀伤性武器的行动已经结束。
Buffalo Bill knew many Indians and he was able to convince a famous Sioux Indian named Spotted Tail and his village to join the hunt. 野牛比尔认识许多印地安人,而且他也能说服一位名叫斑纹尾巴(SpottedTail)的着名苏族印地安人及他村庄内的人添加这场狩猎行动。
She took out $10, 000 in loans to pay for a year of school and promptly went on the hunt for a sugar daddy. 于是她向银行贷款1万美金作为一年的学费,然后立刻开始寻找一个“糖爹”。
The key to remaining busy for the long-term is to continuously be on the hunt for your next gig. 使自己长期保持忙碌的关键就是持续性地寻找你的下一个项目。
The veteran explorer launched the hunt as he does not believe President Obama gave enough proof of the terrorist's death. 这位经验丰富的探险家认为,总统奥巴马没有给出足以证明这名恐怖分子已死的证据,因而展开这次行动。
Manchester City and Liverpool were also in the hunt for the 28-year-old, but it favoured Arsenal that Cole is settled living in London. 曼城和利物浦同样希望得到这名28岁的球员,但是由于乔·科尔更希望留在伦敦,所以阿森纳成为了大热门。
He told General Yang to put away his weapons, and called off the hunt, so that no more animals would be hurt. 他叫杨将军放下武器,取消打猎,以免伤害更多的动物。
A shocking psycho-thriller video game, the hunt for a serial killer has never been so terrifyingly real. 一个令人震惊的心理惊悚游戏,一个连环杀手追捕从来没有这么可怕现实。
They are ferocious predators with a true love of the hunt. They are extremely talented trackers with a keen sense of smell. 他们热爱狩猎,是残忍的捕食者,并极其善于利用他们敏锐的嗅觉追踪猎物。
Although visual cues will trigger the hunt, their sense of smell and hearing will assist in alerting them to the whereabouts of their prey. 尽管视觉信号会激发捕猎行为,但狮子的嗅觉和听力也会辅助它们察觉猎物的行踪。
The moon goddess Artemis (Artemis) very much like the oak, the hunt has always been with her oak wooden stick. 月亮女神阿蒂米斯非常喜欢橡树,狩猎时一直带着她的橡树木杖。
call to stop the hunt or to retire, as of hunting dogs. 在停止打猎或者退休以前叫喊,属于猎狗。
As Joe got on his coat, he mustered courage to propose that some of us should go down with the soldiers and see what came of the hunt. 乔穿起了他的大衣,并且鼓起勇气建议我们几个人尾随着士兵们一起去,看看追捕犯人的结果究竟如何。
As you grow older, the thrill of the hunt becomes more and more acute, at least for me. “随着年龄增长,探索的冲动会越发强烈,至少对我来说如此”。