the cave

  • 网络魔窟;洞穴;魔窟冒险

the cavethe cave

the cave


同问魔窟The Cave) 的片尾歌曲什么呀? 提问者采纳 2006-02-25 20:52 pili007 | 分类:音乐 我想很多人都看过这部05年的 …


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...利影视股份有限公司」荣誉发行的超感官惊栗新作──《惊心洞吓》(The Cave),故事情节离奇紧凑,幽暗不见底的洞穴探险 …


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Cave blasting up a method is the method which packs a great deal of explosive into the cave and the tunnel to carry on blasting up. 硐室爆破法是将大量炸药装入硐室和巷道中进行爆破的方法。
Light the fire not so near the entrance that the wind will blow the fire out, and not so far in that the smoke will fill the cave. 点火不要太靠近洞口,那样风会把火吹灭的。也不要太靠近里边,那样烟会充满岩洞。
Ali Baba went boldly into the cave, and collected as much of the gold coin, which was in bags, as he thought his three asses could carry. 阿里巴巴大胆的走进这个洞,捡了很多金币装在袋子里,他认为他的三头驴子能够背得动的。
The cold voice of Typhon can be heard echoing throughout the cave, commanding the once servant of the Gods to leave his cavern. 提丰冰冷的声音贯穿山洞,呵斥奎托斯这个曾经的神之奴仆离开他的栖身之地。
The cave narrowed after a while, but we were able to continue through a narrow gap by crawling into a water-filled fissure in the rock. 爬了不久,山洞变得越来越窄,爬过一条满是水的岩石裂缝,穿过狭窄的山口,我们得以继续前行。
He stepped into the cave. Suddenly he saw two eyes glaring at him out of the darkness. 他迈步走进洞里。突然,他看见有两只眼睛从黑暗处瞪着他。
With these words David rebuked his men and did not allow them to attack Saul. And Saul left the cave and went his way. 大卫用这话拦住跟随他的人,不容他们起来害扫罗。扫罗起来,从洞里出去行路。
So Raven cleared the sand out of the woman's eyes, sat her back in the cave and gave her the tide line to hold across her lap. 所以渡鸦清除了老妇人眼睛里的沙子,在洞穴里坐在她背后把潮汐线给了她让她拿着线横过膝盖。
The main image is of men who see on the walls of a cave only the shadows of the real objects moving around outside the cave. 主要形象的男子,他们看到墙壁上的洞,只有阴影部分的真实物体走动外窟。
"Megan! " Annabel ran to find Megan. Julia shone the light around the cave. There was no sign of Megan. “梅根!”安娜贝尔跑过去找梅根。茱莉亚在洞四周闪动亮光。根本找不到半点梅根的影子。
The worst thing that's happened in the cave so far was one of the robots fell down ten meters. 迄今为止那个洞穴里发生的最糟糕的事情就是这些机器人中的一个从十米高的地方摔了下去。
Tom and Huck got close to the bottom of the cave and found a large and heavy box. 汤姆和哈克走进洞底发现一只又大又沉的箱子。
He saw her, from corner of his eyes, slipping along the side of the cave toward the fire, and now Robert Jordan watched Pablo's face. 罗伯特·乔丹从眼梢上瞅见她沿着洞壁朝炉灶悄悄走去,于是才注视着巴勃罗的脸色。
A piece of biscuit and a small quantity of rum formed his supper, and he snatched a few hours' sleep, lying over the mouth of the cave. 一片饼干和几口朗姆酒成了他的晚餐,他在洞口边上躺下来,睡了几小时。
it would be complete , however , as soon as the messenger dispatched with the great news to the cave should get the word to her husband. 撒切尔夫人也差不多,等到派往洞里报喜的人把这个消息告诉了她丈夫,他也会快活到极点。
Local media said the cave-in may have been sparked by work on an underground train line, though authorities could not confirm this. 当地媒体称,倒塌与地铁施工有关,但尚未得到有关部门证实。
They did not really believe him but followed him back to the cave out of curiosity. 大家都不相信,于是跟着他去看看到底有没有这个地方。
Julia shone the light around the cave. There was no sign of Megan. 茱莉亚用灯四处照,根本没有梅金的影子。
"OK, follow me. " he said and flew out of the cave with hundreds of bats behind him. “好吧,跟我来,”他边说边飞出洞穴,数百只蝙蝠在后面跟着他。
The Rabbit and the Squirrel meet at noon the next day. They are a little afraid to go inside the cave. 第二天中午,兔子和松鼠在约定的地点碰面。他们战战兢兢地走进洞穴。
Ali Baba told him all he desired, even to the very words he was to use to gain admission into the cave. 阿里巴巴告诉了所有他想知道的,甚至连他用来进入山洞的那句咒语。
The blanket fastened across the opening of the cave was lifted and Pablo put his head in. 系在洞口的毯子给撩起了,巴勃罗探进头来。
Claw marks gouged into the cave wall showed the bear was not killed direct by the fall. It made a desperate attempt to climb back out. 山洞墙壁上挖凿的爪印显示出熊并非死于直接坠亡。它曾绝望地想爬出这个山洞。
I was a bit concerned about getting the dress dirty and tried not to brush against any of the cave walls. 我有点担心婚纱会被弄脏,所以尽量不让裙子碰到洞壁。
For my part, as I was not much use at carrying, I was kept busy all day in the cave, packing the minted money into bread-bags. 因为我力气小,扛不了什么,就被留在洞穴里,整天忙着把铸币装进面包袋。
The cave seems to be the best place to tabernacle in this weather. 在这种天气下,这个洞穴看来是暂居的最佳地。
The old goat who I found expiring, died in the mouth of the cave, the next day after I made this discovery. 那只垂死的老山羊,在我发现它的第二天,便死在洞口上了。
One square foot at a time, they burrowed deeper into the heart of the cave and, they hoped, closer to the boys. 一次一英尺面积,他们深入到洞的深处,希望很快接近男孩们了。
They hid themselves in the cave in order not to be seen by the enemy. 他们躲在洞穴里以免被敌人发现。
Learners outside the cave appreciate not only individual beautiful things; they also understand the general nature of beauty. 洞穴外的探寻者不仅能够欣赏美丽的个体;他们还可以理解美的普遍本质。