the other

  • 网络他者;另一个;其他

the otherthe other

the other


他者”(the other)的概念是由西方人首先提出来的。在殖民扩张的过程中,欧洲国家积累了许多对于与自己不同的“他者”世界的 …


other_百度百科 ... the others 其余的,剩下的,全包括。 the other 另一个,总数是二莫搞错。 others 另一些,不是全体剩几个 …


帮忙翻译N个单词,谢谢各位大虾!_百度知道 ... 普通朋友 common friend 其他 the other 空间 zone space ...


初二英语题_百度知道 ... other 其他的 形容词 the other 其他的 形容词 有特定范围 ...


身份认同通过强调与“他人”(the Other)的差异,通过排除“他人”而得以建构,因此,身份认同的建构是“权力行使行为”(act of …


完成句子教师版_百度文库 ... not…until… 直到……才…… 37. one…the other一个……另一个…… 38. so…that… 太……以 …


other two_百度知道 ... another" 另一个" the other " 两者中的另一个" the other two" 剩下的两个" ...

In fact, Pollard said, it was his wife's addiction to another fantasy role-playing game that drove him to the other avatar. 博拉说,实际上是他妻子对另一种虚幻角色游戏上了瘾,才迫使他去找其他的艾唯塔。
Unlike in a conversation, there was no interrupting? one person could "speak" until she was finished, then the other responded. 不像在一段对话里,邮件没有打断这回事-一个人能「说」到她说完,接著另一方做出反应。
Mr. Capus said the issue of the other political daughters did not come up in his conversations with Ms. Clinton. 卡布斯先生说他和克林顿小姐的谈话中没有涉及到其他政治(家)的女儿的事情。
We don't usually see any sort of relationship between one and the other; sex is fun, spontaneous and is in its own means and ends. 我们通常不觉得两者之间有什么联系。性充满乐趣,随心而发,而且以自己的方式和目的进行。
On the other hand, to say it was the vision of any ideal or allegiance to any principle would be making it far too articulate and abstract. 另一方面,如果我们说从气象可以读出一切理想或是忠诚所具有的品质,这又难免太过清晰而抽象了。
So much of what i see reminds me of something I read in a book when shouldn't it really be the other way around. 我看见太多的东西让我想起一本书上所说的,是不是应该有另一种活法。
This thing we do not know, take a look at the other side of Shanghai plans to it. 这件事情我们暂时还不知道,看看上海那边的计划安排吧。
Jupiter has been hanging out on the other side of the sun since late 2009, obscured from our view for the last few months. 从2009年下半年开始,木星就跑到了太阳的另一侧,它在我们的视野中黯淡至今已有数月。
Heading toward the other victory areas, located along the bottom of the map, is a significantly longer route for both players. 朝其它胜利地区前进,沿著地图的底部放,是一条相当长的两台播放器的路线。
One of them is very quiet and the other one is a little bit of a devil, and that makes a great combination. 他们中一个很安静,另一个有点小恶魔(萌啊,萌死我了),这个组合天衣无缝啊。
Announce that person's presence to the other players in the BDW with you and disassociate yourself from them entirely. 宣布该人留在BDW的其他球员与你和他们完全脱离自己。
She was also being bullied by some of the other young males, who would drag her along the ground while her mother looked on impassively. 她还受到其它一些年轻雄性动物的欺负,他们会拖着她在地上走,而她妈妈则在一旁无动于衷地看着。
I loved seeing the look on his face when I told him about what I did and that I knew about the other girls. 我认为这是他自作自受。当我告诉他我那天的所作所为,还有那些关于其它女孩儿的事情时,我喜欢看到他脸上流露的表情。
Ahmadinejad found the shoe on the other foot as he waved to the crowd from an open-top car on his way to give a speech at a local stadium. 总统内贾德从敞篷车上向民众挥手时发现一只鞋飞了过来。他当时要到乌尔米耶当地一个体育馆去做演讲。
He purpose of my visit to this city is to talk business on the hand and to see our old friends on the other. 我到这座城市的目的,一方面是洽谈业务,另一方面是看望老朋友。
Strangely, the other boys never noticed how he made fun of me, and copied me in every way. 奇怪的是,其他男孩竟然从未觉察到他是如何拿我开玩笑,如何千方百计地模仿我。
Trish: So at least you know the weight. Now all you have to do is figure out the other things like the cut, clarity and color. 所以至少你还知道重量(克拉)。你现在要做的是决定其他事情,例如剪裁、明亮度及颜色。
While his teacher's back was turned, a boy got up from his seat and began to make faces just to make the other students laugh. 趁老师转过身去时,一个男孩从座位上站起来做怪相,仅仅想把大家逗笑而已。
"You know, I telephoned my grandparents the other day, " he said. 你知道吗?有一天我打电话给我的爷爷、奶奶。
It would be fantastic to get back there but to get back there you've got to reach the standards that the other clubs have set. 再次回到这个地方对我来说十分的梦幻,但回到这里意味着你必须要达到别的俱乐部已经设定的标准。
In the field, parts of a battalion may be widely separated and a platoon commander messes with the other officers in his company. 在战地上,一营的部队可能分散的很开,排长同本连的其他军官一起用膳。
I remember that the little boy grabbed Sharon's ball. And the other girl picked up something of mime. 我记得那小男孩抓走了沙伦的小球,而另外一个女孩就挑走了一件我的东西。
then, taking hold of her hair with one hand, and lifting up the sword with the other, he was going to take off her head. 然后,他一只手抓住她的头发,另一只手举起那把剑,他准备割下她的头。
They dug until they had turned up the soil from one end of the orchard to the other, round the tree-roots and between them. 他们一直挖,直到他们已经出现,从一个果园的一头到另一土壤,圆了树的根和他们之间。
"Mostly it is going to be the other products, everything else is going to go up, " he said. "Shrimp, crab, oysters, things like that. " “大多是将成为其他产品,其他一切都是要去了,”他说。“虾,蟹,蚝,这样的事情。”
He thought it would be easier to go there than to come back, but it was just the other way. 他以为去时用的时间比来时短,其实正好相反。
"Clap your hands, one against the other, " the conceited man now directed him. The little prince clapped his hands. 爱虚荣的人向小王子建议道:“你用一只手去拍另一只手。”
Not quite as poetic as some of the other herbs, but as you can see it is very red even after it is dried and ready to use. 虽然不像其他草药般富有诗意,但在干燥后和使用时都能看到这种草药很红。
Have some of the children come to the front and read the Phonics Rap to the other children. 叫几个小朋友到教室前面读语音练习。
But Peter declared, "Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you. " And all the other disciples said the same. “我就是必须和你同死,也总不能不认你。”众门徒都是这样说。