the first time

  • 网络第一次;初次;第一次……的时候

the first timethe first time

the first time


【资源】英语常用短语 ... the damage to 对……的毁坏 the first time 第一次(引导时间状语从句) the key to doing 解决……的关 …


初字英语怎么写_百度知道 ... 初中 middle school 初次 the first time 最初, at first ...


高中英语集体备课活动... ... 3. no matter+ 特殊疑问词 不管有多…… 4. the first time+ 时间状语从句 第一次……的时候 ...


...)、信誉第一(the credit first)、第一时间the first time)、第一选择(the first choice)。


以前大家对于这样的能够提示(indicate)你文章逻辑关系或顺序的词是不敏感的。总是在听写第一遍the first time)的时候就 …


劲歌集_张国荣_专辑_酷我音乐 ... 第一次( The First Time) 播放第一次( The First Time) 黑色午夜( Black Midnight) ...


高二词组总汇... ... tip into 把手伸入;浏览,稍加研究 the first time 相当一个连词,常引导时间状语,第一次做某事的时候 ...


For The Record 的中文歌词 - 已解决 -... ... That look on your face 你的脸, Feels like,the first time 看上去,感觉就像初恋 ...

It was the first time the alliance has done so for rebels in the west, said the commanders. 他们说,这是北约首次向西部的反对派提供这类影像。
I knew that this wasn't the first time I had let such an opportunity pass me by, and that made everything even more difficult. 我知道这并不是自己第一次眼睁睁地看着这样的机会溜走,而这也让我更难开口。
When Brett Sperry heard it for the first time, he said right away that it was the title track for the game. 当布雷特斯佩里听取了第一次,他马上说,这是本场比赛的主打歌曲。
N yes, you know what I mean. The first time with him, I could feel somehow his heart beating quickly. 我第一次跟他做那事的时候,就感到他心跳的很快
There have been a few players described as the new George Best over the years, but this is the first time it's been a compliment to me. 过去这些年,有不少球员都被描述为新乔治-贝斯特,但这是第一次我感到这样的说法是对我的一种恭维。
But for the first time, researchers were able to see that the risk of breast cancer begins to rise with even modest alcohol intake. 但是第一次,研究员可能发现甚至适当的饮酒,患乳腺癌的风险也开始增加。
In this way, each time the service is called, it is as though that service is being used for the first time. 这样,当每次调用该服务时,都好像是第一次使用该服务一样。
He has quality and a very good mentality, and from the first time I spoke with him it was clear he wanted to come here. 他有能力也有很好得精神面貌,第一次我和他谈话的时候他就很强烈得愿望来到这里。
She felt her exile deeply, and for the first time in her life, realized how much she was beloved and petted at home. 此刻她深深体会到寄人篱下的滋味,第一次认识到自己在家里是如何受到亲人的宠爱。
I remember that the first time, every time I tried to get in front of him, they called a foul and blew the whistle on me. 我记得第一次防守他时,每次当我接近他时,我总是会被吹犯规。
this was the first time I had seen a Chinese bhikshuni articulate her moral and intellectual position in such a forthright manner. 这是我第一次看到一位比丘尼,用如此直接的方式,铿锵有力的表现她的智慧与道德。
For the first time, we now have a complete fossil record of how much material such a newborn black hole can eat. 现在,我们第一次拥有一个完整的关于像如此新诞生的黑洞能吞噬多少物质的化石记录。
It was the mating season and he had obviously been fighting and judging from his other healed scars it was not the first time in his life. 现在正是狮子交配的季节,它明显地经过了搏斗。根据已经痊愈的伤疤,可以推测,这种搏斗在它的生活中并非是第一次。
After the birthday party, the little Mermaid swam to the surface of the sea for the first time in her life. 在生日派队之后,小美人鱼人生第一次游到海面。
The first time I was late, Miss O'Neill excused me with the warning that she would not be so magnanimous the next time. 我第一次迟到时,奥尼尔小姐原谅了我,但她警告说下一次她就不会这么宽宏大量了。
She is not a stranger to the occasion like this but it is the first time for her to have such a sumptuous dinner with a boy. 她对这种场合并不陌生,不过,跟一个男人单独享用这样的大餐,这是第一遭。
It is not the first time that wealthy people have been swindled out of huge sums of money, nor will it be the last. 这不是富人的首次被骗,也不会是最后一次。
"If you're going to spend your hard-earned money for the first time, you're going to put a computer in your house, " he said. “如果你要花自己辛辛苦苦赚来的钱,那麽第一次你肯定会把一台电脑搬回家,”Maloney补充说。
For the first time in his career, Salman has decided to tone down his muscles which had become his trademark for the last 15 years. 对于他的职业生涯中第一次,萨勒曼已决定放下这已成为他在过去15年的商标肌肉基调。
And then we went with her to the sea - for the first time in her life! 后来我们带她走到海水里——这是她生平第一次下海水!
It was the first time the leader of a NATO member state had been given such an audience, said Mr Gul's entourage. 根据居尔总统随员的说法,这是北约成员国领导人首次获准参见。
It was an intense experience, one that reminded me of tasting ice cream for the first time as a child. 那是一种很带感的体验,让我忆起儿时吃第一口冰激凌时的感觉。
India's GDP is just a third of China's, but its growth rate of more than 6% a year lifted average incomes over $1, 000 for the first time. 印度的国民生产总值只有中国的三分之一,但超过6%的年均增长率使得其平均收入首次突破一千美元。
At the beginning, Hongfei was a little puzzled. Later, he began to ask himself whether Qinghe was his lover for the first time. 红飞一开始有点摸不着头脑,等事情平息后,他真的开始问自己青河是他的爱吗?
It was the first time that such a precaution had to be taken at a British nuclear power station. 这是有史以来第一次一个英国核电厂采取这样的预防措施。
Mr. Buffett said the company's results show the global economy is showing significant signs of recovery for the first time. 巴菲特说,伯克希尔的业绩说明,全球经济第一次出现了明显的复苏迹象。
Scott: Oh yes, very much so. It was a fine display! It was pretty much the first time I'd seen someone and knew that he was the one. 哦,是的,非常喜欢。这是一个良好的展示!这几乎是我第一次见到一个人并且意识到他就是那个唯一。
It's strange to think, but we've been together since March and yet this was really the first time we got to talk a lot. 想来真是奇怪啊,我们大家从三月开始就一起工作,可还是第一次真正地说了那么多话。
It was the second time I met her, though we did not talk the first time. Now she was my "object of service" . 这是我第二次与她碰面,第一次我并没有和她交流过,而这次她却成为我服务的对象。
The first time I met him on campus, he made himself known to me. 我在校园里第一次遇到他时,他就向我作了自我介绍。