this is the time

  • 网络就是此时;就是此刻;是这时候

this is the timethis is the time

this is the time


愈来愈远的梦/笼中鸟/Thi... ... This precious chance- 这珍贵的机会 This is the time, 就是此时 This is the moment, 就在此刻 ...


电影《辣身舞Dirty... ... I know this is the time, 我知道时候到了 This is the time 就是此刻 To be more than a name 再也不做 ...


English... ... I know this is the time, 我知道时候到了 This is the time 是这时候 To be more than a name 不单单只有名字 ...


大方一笑 ... This is the man 躺在疯人屋里 This is the time 是时候了 telling the time 那是一只手表 ...


CantonHymn... ... 215. 愿你来 Even So 216. 在这时刻 This Is The Time 217. 圣洁归於至高主 Holy Is The Lord On High ...


博文_伊人_新浪博客 ... Positive experience 积极的经历 This is the time 就是现在 The root of desire 愿望的根源 ...


David Cook单曲The... ... I know 我知道 This is the time 时候到了 This is the time of my life. 此刻就是我生命最重要的一刻 ...


OpenYale 25... ... This is the man 这就是那个人 This is the time 这是那个时间 of the tragic man 那个悲剧性人物的 ...

I tried to tell myself that I'm young, that this is the time to be casual, careless, lighthearted and fun; don't ruin it. 我试着劝说自己我还年轻,在这个年龄应该率性而为,无忧无虑,开心而又愉快的生活;不要浪费了美好的青春时光。
This is the time to take that "taxi for a rainy day" , to catch public transportation, or to call in a favor for a lift home. 这是时间去打一辆“雨天的出租车”了,坐公共交通或者让搭别人的顺风车回家。
This is the time it takes for the Sun to move in the sky from its highest position (noon) and back to its highest position. 这是太阳在天空中从最高的位置(正午)到下一次达到这个位置所用的时间。
With candidates beginning to campaign for elections next January, this is the time to ask what, if anything, can be done about it. 随着候选人开始为明年一月的选举打拼,是时候问问在这方面可以做些什么了。
This is the time to say I found him to be a top bloke and really enjoyed his company. 此刻我只想说在我眼中他是一个很棒的男人,和他在一起共事非常愉快。
This is the time it takes for Saturn to complete it's orbit of the Sun and return to it's birth position in the chart. 这是因为这个时期是土星完成围绕太阳运行一周并回归到出生时在命盘中所处的位置。
So if someone has disappointed you, but overall has been a great friend, then this is the time you forgive and forget. 如果有人让你失望了,但是总的来说他一直是一个很好的朋友,这个时候我们要原谅他,忘记这件事。
This is the time of year when blasts of Arctic air start sweeping across Mongolia's steppe, ushering in the long, hard winter. 每年这时,北冰洋的刺骨寒风开始席卷蒙古大草原,迎接着漫长而寒冷的冬季。
For this is the time of punishment in fulfillment of all that has been written. 因为这是报应的日子,使经上所写的都得应验。
Folks like Floyd Lasseigne, a fourth-generation oyster fisherman. This is the time of year when he ordinarily earns a lot of his income. 弗洛伊德·拉塞因一家四代养殖牡蛎,还有许多与他一样的渔民,正常来讲,每年的这个时候都是他们收获的季节。
"This is the time when people should stay away from cinemas and other television programmes, " he said. 他说“这段时间应该人们远离电影院和其他电视节目了。”
But you also know that this is the time of Easter and because of the holidays we will only be able to clear the payment on Monday onwards. 但你也知道,这是由于复活节的时间和假期,我们只能以清除星期一起付款。
State owned banks, which now have foreign shareholders, have suddenly decided that this is the time to lend. 已经拥有外国股东的各大国有银行突然决定,放贷的时机已经到来。
This is the time-honoured procedure where exporters get a guarantee of payment from a bank, for a fee, until the end customer settles. 这是一个由来已久的程序:在最终客户结算前,出口商支付一定费用,获得银行的支付保证。
This is the time to leave, I hope you can find what you want with life. 该是离开的时候了,希望你能够找到你想要的东西与生活。安。
This is the time of her cleansing, purification and renewal. 这是她清洗、净化和更新的时刻。
In other words, this is the time that the article last moved up in ranking. 换句话说,这是文章最后一次等级升高的时间。
Have Sex in the Morning. This is the time of the day when your sperm count is at its highest. 早上做爱。早晨是你一天中精子含量最高的时候。
If you only have a little bit of money now, this is the time to master the basics. 如果你现在只有一点点钱,现在就该是要管理这些基础资金的时候了。
This is the time to be deepening the Asian financial system to set up the pooling of resources. 现在正是深化亚洲金融体系来设立资源共享的时候。
He thinks this is the time concept of a mensurable test only, "Also may be 12 hours, or 24 hours " . 他认为这只是一个定量测试的时间概念,“也可能是12个小时,或者24个小时”。
He broke down five times, and he was always in the lead. So now he must understand this is the time to win the title. 他五次因为赛车故障退出,而每次他都处于领先位置。而现在他将明白这一次他将赢得冠军。
If you feel it still holds promise, this is the time to stage talks to see how you can improve things. 如果你认为这还有希望的话,这便是要阶段会谈的时候了,想想你要如何作出改进。
This is the time to break some bad habits and bring a bit more structure into your life. 这是你打破一些坏习惯并充实生活多一点结构的时候了。
This is the time when facts need to be checked because a lot is at stake, including China's reputation. 这是事实的时候,需要检查,因为很多利益攸关的是,包括我国的声誉。
Third, this is the time to put idle resources to work by investing in education and infrastructure. 最后,现在是把闲置资源投入到教育与基础设施建设的时候。
This is the time of the year when many movie goers crave lavish productions. 这是生产时间在今年的电影观众渴望的时候,许多奢华。
For many, this is the time in their career when they are trying to win a major promotion. 对于很多女性来说,这是职业生涯中谋求晋升的时期。
I'm a believer in vigorous exercise for healthy dogs, but this is the time of year to back off on exercise intensity. 我相信足够的训练有利于狗狗的健康,但这个季节并不适宜强度过大的训练。
In financial centres around the world this is the time of year to show goodwill. 在全球各大金融中心,圣诞是一年中要表达善意的时候。