the pang

the pangthe pang

the pang

The pang of jealousy he felt inside was like a chestnut roasting on a fire about to burst from its shell in the extreme heat. 心里一阵嫉妒,像火上烤的栗子,热极要迸破了壳。
She was beginning to know the pang of disappointed love. 她开始尝到了失恋的痛苦。
I was merely describing the pang of pain I felt when I saw a pregnant lady smoking at the main gate of an office building. 我只是不禁要觉得痛,因为我今天见到一位孕妇站在某大楼的铁门之外抽烟。
After the Pang Wei that achieve what one wishes enters fire line, got saving team coach Yi Shiyi's friendly help, ascensive amazingly quick. 如愿以偿的庞伟进入射击队后,得到了省队教练亦师亦友的帮助,进步神速。
He told himself that it was with the pang which preceded recovery. 他告诫自己这种难受的感觉正好是全愈的先兆。
I can get my fix whenever the pang of envy occurs, then return home to my sleeping, boring, fat cat. 每次当我看到别人养狗心生妒忌时,我也能很快调整好心态,然后回家接着伺候我那只整天睡觉、无精打采的肥猫。
I remember the pang I felt when they shouldered their backpacks and stepped on. 当他们肩背书包,上公共汽车时,我记得我感到一阵剧痛。
We all feel the pang of loneliness now and again. 我们所有人都会时不时地感到孤独的痛楚。
After the death of the Pang Tong, Zhuge Liang to Guan Yu said " if Cao, unless the soldiers arrived, when such as what? " 在庞统死后,诸葛亮对关羽说:“倘若曹引兵来到,当如之何?”