the sun

  • 网络太阳;太阳报;英国太阳报

the sunthe sun

the sun


塔罗牌_互动百科 ... 18、月亮 the Moon 19、太阳 the Sun 21、世界 he World ...


太阳报The Sun)报导,今年22岁的珊曼莎现在是个两个孩子的妈,她这几年经历了不少剧变,她说,爸爸布莱恩8年前跟 …


英国太阳报the sun)今天报导,英籍华人、前年夜陆中心电视台主播罗森友(senluo),被英国警方发现电脑里藏有800部a …

单词词根总结和单词记忆的词缀总结 - 豆丁网 ... hal,hael=to heal 医治 helios=the sun heros=a demi-god 半神半人 ...


日之丸》(The Sun)的导演Alexander SOKUROV在他的“权力三部曲”(关于苏联首位领导人列宁最后时光的Telets(2001…


  《阳光》(The Sun)杂志乐评人表示:“旋律紧凑而优美的吉他伴奏带有几分‘傻瓜’(The Kooks)乐队的味道,那是一种可爱的诱惑 …


《上海》歌单 ... 1、My Childhood 我的童年 2、The Sun 艳阳 3、Old Spirit 古老的魂灵 ...

He said, "Whether I retire to bed early or late, I rise with the sun. " 他说,不管我睡觉早晚,我与太阳同升起。
As the sun began to steal in upon the boys, drowsiness came over them, and they went out on the sandbar and lay down to sleep. 62太阳渐渐升起来,照在孩子们的身上,他们感到困倦难耐,就从林子里走出来,到沙滩上躺下来睡觉。
It was cold, and I found myself daydreaming about the jungle, where surely the sun would be warmer, the trees bigger and the people wilder. 当时天很冷,我发现自己对于丛林有些想入非非——想必那里的太阳会更暖、树木会更高大、人会更野蛮。
Literature is a kind of intellectual light which, like the light of the sun, may sometimes enable us to see what we do not like. 文学是一种理智之光,它和阳光一样,有时能使我们看到我们不喜欢的东西。
little water drop and some of his friends fall down into a lake. the sun comes out. little water drop feels warm again. he sees mr wind. 小水滴和它的一些朋友们落到一个湖中。太阳出来了,小水滴再次感到温暖。他看见了风先生。
If you find it difficult to avoid the sun, just get a night shift job where you work all night and sleep all day. 如果你实大不想见到太阳,可以找一个夜班工作,天天晚上工作,白天睡觉。
Kangaroo is a life of animals at night, usually after sunset only a few hours out ants, in the sun shortly after returning home. 袋鼠属夜间生活的动物,通常在太阳下山后几个小时才出来寻食,而在太阳出来后不久就回巢。
There it comes again, from the other side, said the Snow Man, who supposed the sun was showing himself once more. 这次它又从另一边儿冒出来了,雪人说。他以为,这是太阳又出来了。
The system has realization of high precision tracking the sun, and has a strong antiinterference and computing ability. 实现对太阳的高精度跟踪,并且使系统具有较强的抗干扰和运算能力。
He said the earth travels around the sun. 他说地球绕着太阳转。
This time, as the sky lightened, glimpses of an upside-down crescent of the sun could be caught through viewing glasses. 随着天空渐渐变变亮,人们可以通过观测眼镜瞥到月牙状的太阳。
Overexposure to the sun can be the cause of heatstroke, when the body stops perspiring and body temperature rises dramatically. 过度暴露于阳光下可能导致中暑,此时身体停止排汗,而提问则会急剧上升。
The dung-beetle placed its egg in dung and rolled the dung into a ball to be heated by the sun. 粪甲虫把蛋产在粪中而且滚转成一个球被太阳加热。
Contrast is very low, and here the light of the sun and that of the sky are very close in intensity as they shine on these rocks. 对比很低,照到岩石伤得阳光和天光的强度很接近。
comet mcnaught , the brightest comet in decades , is now fading as it moves further into southern skies and away from the sun and earth. 这颗世纪大彗星正在慢慢变暗,并将由南方渐渐远离太阳和地球。
If all that gasoline is burned, it would equal the amount of energy transmitted by the sun in one hour. 如果所有汽油燃烧,它将平等的金额能源转交由孙在一小时。
The medicine-woman told him that the scar had been placed on his face by the Sun, and that only the Sun himself could take it off. 女巫医告诉星孩说:“这疤痕是太阳烙在你脸上的,只有太阳自己能把它去掉。”
One British critic said "He use all his might to pursue the most simple and ordinary thing in the world, which is the Sun. " 一位英国评论家说:“他用全部精力追求了一件世界上最简单、最普通的东西,这就是太阳。”
We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders and felt like free men. We could have been tarring the roof of one of our own houses. 我们坐着,喝着啤酒,阳光就照在我们肩上,感觉像个自由人,能为自家的屋顶铺沥青。
Thus, they see the sun rise later and set earlier than it does for a horizon without obstruction, she said. 因此,相较于毫无遮挡的情况来说,他们看到太阳升起的会晚一些,而落下的会早一些,她说。
The sky shadow in the garden loves the sun in silence, Flowers guess the secret, and smile, while the leaves whisper. 花园里的阴影默默地爱着太阳,花儿猜到了这秘密,含情脉脉地微笑,而树叶却窃窃细语。
It's easy to see why: nuclear fusion powers the sun, and it holds out the possibility of near-limitless electricity, without pollution. 很容易知道原因:核聚变为太阳提供能量,也为一种近乎无限的无污染的电提供了可能。
Newton came to a simple but startling conclusion: the white light of the sun was in fact a mixture of all the colors of the spectrum! 牛顿得出了一个简单却令人震惊的结论:太阳的白光事实上是光谱中所有颜色的混合体!
I try to let the heart away, feeling the warmth of the sun, en rain, accept the wind cool touch. 我试着让心出走,感受阳光的温暖,承恩雨露的滋润,接受风儿清爽的抚摸。
Earth is one of nine planets which revolve around the sun. This family of planets, with their moons, is known as the solar system. 地球是围绕太阳旋转的行星之一。这个行星家庭以及它们的卫星,就是我们所知道的太阳系。
As she was playing merrily in she saw Apollo the sun-god staring at her with more than amazement and admiration in his eyes. 有一天当她兴高采烈地在林中游玩时,她发现太阳奇与羡慕的目光盯着自己。
However, it is so far from the sun that even gases like carbon dioxide are frozen solid. 然而,它离太阳太远了,以至于像二氧化碳这样的气体也是冷冻的固体。
The sun had crept round the tree as a last effort before death, and then began to sink . 夕阳在树间徘徊,这是落山前最后的残阳,接着它便开始西沉了。
A distant boat lies on its side in the sand like an old wreck that's been left to rot in the sun. There's someone out there. 一只远方的小船躺在沙滩边,向一只留在太阳下渐渐腐烂的残骸。有一个人在船的外面。
Isn't it a beautiful day? The sun is shinning; the birds are singing. It's good to be alive! 今天天气真好,不是吗?阳光灿烂,鸟儿歌唱。活着真好!