the stand

  • 网络末日逼近;站立;立场

the standthe stand

the stand


末日逼近(The stand)在维基百科的介绍:[ 本帖最后由 hosn1585 於 2008-1-1 14:57 编辑 ] …


YouTube ... 史茵茵-纯洁的心 A Pure Heart 站立 The Stand 一切都为你. It's For You Chinese ...


Aldaris_互动百科 ... 3 风暴之眼 Eye of the Storm 4 立场 The Stand 5 参考 References ...


BBC评出“100部英国人最喜欢的文学... ... Of Mice And Men 人鼠之间 The Stand 玉米田的孩子 Anna Karenina 安娜卡列尼娜( …


盼望公义协会创办人库里(Ben Cooley)在曼彻斯特举办「坚定立场」(The Stand)活动,为终止欧洲人口走私,装备教会。 …


  7. 《大看台》(The Stand)1994  加里·辛尼斯(《阿甘正传》中的丹上尉)演活了一个地道的美国人。


谁有时间帮尚总把中文名对应给翻译一下... ... Stalker 潜行者 The Stand 末曰丆逼近 Star Crash 星际撞车 ...


CSI犯罪现场:纽约的男主角 -... ... 1995【阿波罗13】 Apollo 13 1994【迷你影集】 "The Stand" 2000【火星任务】 Mission to …

Local aviation politics will play a role, and might have been behind the stand-alone announcement by the State Council on Sunday night. 地方航空政治将在其中发挥作用,而且可能已经在国务院周日晚间单独发布的声明中发挥了作用。
Personal life on the stand will be able to see far ahead, to think on a comprehensive, this will be a draft-free life. 在个人人生走向上站得高就能看得远,思考问题就全面,这样才会做到人生无草稿。
A lawyer for the plaintiffs says the trial will likely take about a week. Iverson is expected to take the stand in his defense. 原告律师说这个案子将持续大约一周的时间。艾弗森预计将采取辩护的立场。
Scott Snyder, a Korea expert at the Asia Foundation, said the stand-off was the most serious in years. 美国亚洲基金会(AsiaFoundation)的朝鲜问题专家斯科特-斯奈德(ScottSnyder)表示,韩朝此次对峙是多年来最严重的。
Brandt decided not to testify in any other cases because, he said, "I found my time on the stand highly frustrating. " Brandt决定不再为任何其他案件出庭作证,因为“我发现站在证人席上的时候,人特别的疲惫。”
Dig a bit deeper, however, and the stand-off between the different advocates in this debate is not as substantial as it first appears. 不过,再往下深究一步,你会发现,这场论战双方之间的分歧,并不像乍看上去那么巨大。
You seem to have more than the average share of intelligence for a man of your background, " sneered the lawyer at a witness on the stand. " “以你的背景,你似乎超出了作为男人的平均智力”律师对站在证人席上的证人冷笑道。
The stand -in performer gave the performance everything he had. When he had finished, there was nothing but an uncomfortable silence. 替代演唱家使尽了全身解数投入演唱。演出结束时,全场一片令人尴尬的沉默。
Gaston got to his feet, sat down at the piano and began to play Weber's splendid melody, the music of which lay open of the stand. 加斯东站起身,坐到钢琴前面,开始弹奏韦伯的这首名曲,乐谱摊在谱。
up " Drouet from the stand points of wit and fascination. He began to look to see where he was weak. " 他开始用情敌的目光,从机智和魅力的角度来打量他,要找出他的弱点所在。
You and one of your colleagues are given the organizing job and decide what product and information you will provide on the stand. 您和您的其中一个同事都给予组委会的工作,并决定什么产品和信息,你将提供的立场。
Insisting on the stand, no matter what happens, is an irresponsible attitude, and practically we don't follow such a way. 坚持立场,哪怕是天塌下来,这是一种不负责任的态度,现实中我们往往并不是这样做的。
To the beginning of this year and I take time to optimize the stand, hope it back to life. 到今年开始我又抽时间来优化这个站,希望它起死回生。
I was wondering how the stand owner killed his time in such a cold night when few people were out on the street. 我边走边想,这么冷的天,街上没有多少人,摊主如何打发寂清的冬晚。
in his latest attempt to push for a resolution to the stand-off in Georgia, where Russian forces remain. 这是近来他为缓和俄格危机所作出的最新努力,目前仍有俄罗斯军队驻扎在格鲁吉亚境内。
But as the stand-off wore on, armed police approached the coach and began to smash windows and the glass front door. 但随着对峙的推移,武装警察靠近旅游车,开始打碎窗户和前门玻璃。
In a written statement to the inquiry, which was made public as he took the stand, Mr. 唐纳向调查机构提交了书面声明,该声明在他出庭作证时公布于众。
Up in the stand, the thick-set man with the greying beard and crumpled suit could be seen nodding in appreciation. 在看台上,这个留着黑色胡须,穿着随意健壮的男人被看到赞赏的点头。
The crowd groaned in disappointment and failed to hear the announcer mention the stand-in name. 观众大失所望,抱怨连天,也没听主持人介绍替演者的名字。
The next type of boot on an AIX system is called the stand-alone boot, or maintenance mode option. AIX系统的第二种启动类型称为独立启动或维护模式选项。
If the stand of the motherland as a head of the cock, cock of the Yellow River is the heart artery. 若把祖国比作昂首挺立的雄鸡,黄河便是雄鸡心脏的动脉。
Failure of the active server within the messaging cluster results in failover to one of the stand-by messaging engines. 消息传递集群中的活动服务器的失败将导致故障转移至备用消息传递引擎。
He now decided to have Cowperwood take the stand , and at the mention of his name in this connection the whole courtroom bristled. 他现在决定要柯帕乌供述,一听到他的名字要他供述,整个法庭都振作了精神。
On the question of Taiwan, Jordan fully understands and supports the stand and adopted policy of the Chinese government. 在台湾问题上,约旦完全理解和支持中国政府的立场以及所采取的政策。
The stand is an aid to the correct grasp and settlement of the issue, but the complexity of the reality is out of the reach of the stand. 立场是用来辅助我们把握和解决问题的,现实世界的复杂性往往不是任何一种立场所能把握的。
Click inside the Stand-alone References box (not the text) and drag it to the Credit Approval component as shown in Figure 42. 单击Stand-aloneReferences框的内部(而非文本),并将其拖至CreditApproval组件,如图42所示。
The normal stand was defined as "the stand which had maximum growth rate parameter" based on theory of forest growth. 根据森林生长理论,把正常林分定义为“生长模型中生长率系数最大的林分”。
The instructions for cordless kettles shall that the kettle is only to be used with the stand provided(only for Electric Kettle series). 无绳壶的使用说明应指明壶必须与底座配合使用(只适用于电水壶)。
If you can find agreement (or even agree to disagree) this could end up being one of the stand out weeks of your life. 如果你能达成协议(即便是同意有分歧的协议),这周这事能有个了解了。
But making Mr Dahlan a scapegoat would give Hamas an easy way out of the stand-off, and Fatah has decided not to give it one. 但是把德哈兰当作替罪羊将让哈马斯更容易决出胜负,而且这也不是法塔赫的决定。