
美 [træk]英 [træk]
  • v.跟踪;追踪;(尤指用特殊电子设备)跟踪;跟踪(进展情况)
  • n.轨道;车辙;小径;路线
  • 网络磁道;轨迹;跑道

复数:tracks 现在分词:tracking 过去式:tracked

keep track,lose track,track performance,track shipment,get track
right track,track system,same track,wrong track,track vehicle


n. v.

崎岖不平的小路rough path

1.[c](人踩出的)小道,小径a rough path or road, usually one that has not been built but that has been made by people walking there

地面上的痕迹marks on ground

2.[c][usupl](人、动物或车辆留下的)足迹,踪迹;车辙marks left by a person, an animal or a moving vehicle

火车for train

3.[c][u]轨道rails that a train moves along

4.[c](火车站的)站台a track with a number at a train station that a train arrives at or leaves from

赛跑for races

5.[c](赛跑、赛车等的)跑道a piece of ground with a special surface for people, cars, etc. to have races on


6.[c](移动的)路径,路线,方向the path or direction that sb/sth is moving in

录音磁带;光盘on tape/CD

7.[c](唱片、录音磁带或光盘的)一首乐曲,一首歌曲a piece of music or song on a record, tape or CD

8.[c](录音磁带、光盘或计算机磁盘的)音轨,声道part of a tape, CD or computer disk that music or information can be recorded on


back on track

重新步入正确轨道;恢复正常going in the right direction again after a mistake, failure, etc.

be on track

步入正轨;做法对头to be doing the right thing in order to achieve a particular result

keep/lose track of sb/sth

了解╱不了解…的动态;与…保持╱失去联系to have/not have information about what is happening or where sb/sth is

make tracks

离去(尤指回家)to leave a place, especially to go home

on the right/wrong track

思路对头╱不对头;做法对路╱不对路thinking or behaving in the right/wrong way

stop/halt sb in their tracks|stop/halt/freeze in your tracks

(使由于恐惧或吃惊)突然止步;(使)怔住to suddenly make sb stop by frightening or surprising them; to suddenly stop because sth has frightened or surprised you


交通工具英语单词_百度文库 ... railway 铁路 (美作: ) track 轨道 train 火车 ...


磁道 磁盘在格式化时被划分成许多同心圆,这 些同心圆轨迹叫做磁道Track)。磁道从 外向内从 0 开始顺序编号。


展开轨迹TRACK)切换【T】 函数(FUNCTION)曲线模式【F5】或【F】 锁定所选物体【空格】 向上移动高亮显示【↓】 向 …


Hiddleston汤抖森的小站 ... 资源 ◄► DOWNLOAD 追踪 ◄► TRACK 互动 ◄► FORUM ...


新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... wave 招手 track 跑道 mile 英里 ...


如果你需要跟踪track)这个类的不同对象的序列号。那么可以将这些对象放入HashMap中,获得不同的value值,这样就可以 …


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... TR trick 特技效果 Track 曲目号,磁迹,音轨 Tracking 寻迹,跟踪,统调 ...

But because such bit work is hard to track, he said, the bureau doesn't have migration figures. 但他表示,由于此类工作很难统计,因此劳动局没法统计民工数据。
We've ended up with a simple set of tools that enable you to create physically convincing track intuitively and efficiently. 我们最终做出了一套简单的工具,可以让你直观并有效地创建出真实的轨道。
President Obama said the review shows that the United States and its partners are "on track" to reach their goals. 奥巴马总统称年度综论表明美国和其伙伴国正“走向正轨”,正在向目标前进。
Make it a habit to do weekly or monthly review. Use numbers to help you track results. 养成每周或每月回顾总结的习惯,用数据来帮助你跟踪结果。
The most practical home scanners used to be hand-held devices that the user could slowly track across the desired image, strip by strip. 最实际的家庭扫描仪使用的是手持设备,用户可以慢慢的轨道所需的图像上,由条带。
This song means so much to me, that's why we wanted it to be the first track on the album. 这首歌对我来说有着很深的意义,这也正是为什么我们当初要把它作为同名专辑里的第一首单曲。
The message was the same: The companies' turnarounds remain on track following years of struggle and, for GM, bankruptcy. 这些信息都是相同的:在经历前一年的挣扎和破产后,特别是通用,公司扭亏为盈的局面仍然保持在正轨上。
The narrator, unable to stop himself, tries to track Ruiz-Tagle down, and sees signs of his activity over and over again. 叙述者,无法阻止自己,试图跟踪鲁伊斯-塔格莱下来,并认为对他的活动迹象,一遍又一遍。
Mr Yau explains how he tried a couple of high street banks in London, but "I had no track record and the concept was alien to them" . 丘德威谈到自己如何尝试在伦敦几家大型银行筹资,但“我没有历史记录,而且他们对这个概念很陌生”。
On-time delivery is an excellent measure that is usually easy to track. ‘一次性交付’是一种很好的易于追溯的方式。
After a bit of tweaking, I improved it so that I could keep track of different credit and debit categories, just like Quicken can. 略微调整之后,我将其改进,以便可以象Quicken那样跟踪不同的贷款和借款类别。
Part of the company's appeal to Wall St. is the fact that Warren Buffett's investing track record over the last 30 years is unequaled. 华尔街认为,从这个公司的表现来看,巴菲特近30年来的投资经几乎是独步天下。
Allowing startup companies to get fast-track consideration of their patent applications, with a decision guaranteed in a year. 允许初创企业快速获得对他们的专利申请的审议,保证在一年内作出决定。
But this initiative backfired when some aggrieved players used the information to track down and reveal personal details about him. 但是此举的效果事与愿违,一些愤愤不平的玩家利用这些信息进行追踪,公开了他个人的详细信息。
or sigh but love hurried do not know which days to die by another life body replaced but fail to see the track of history. 或叹然年华匆匆不知哪天凋零被另一个生命体所代替却看不到历史的轨迹。
Is the name of a user- defined variable containing a transaction name used to track the distributed transaction within MS DTC utilities . 用户定义的一个变量名,它含有一个事务名,该事务名用于跟踪MSDTC实用工具中的分布式事务。
I got the blue flag and I let him go by. Right after that, the safety car came into the track and I was stuck behind the leader. 我看到蓝旗后让他过去了。就在这之后,安全车进入赛道我被堵在了领先者之后。
This year, we've made it easy for you to track the progress of your favorite college men's and women's basketball teams. 今年,跟踪您最喜爱的大学男子和女子篮球队的比赛进程将变得很容易。
He said if we wanted to, we're on track for being a band that just does the kind of records we've done so far. 他说,如果我们还想那样,我们只会成为这么一支乐队,就是只做得了我们已经做过的那种音乐。
You can be thrown off the track. I hope it happens to none of you, but it will probably happen to a small percentage of you. 我希望不要发生在你们身上,但少部分人可能会碰上。
Until a year ago, Wes, 15, was a lean, fast sprinter who could always be relied on to win the race for his track team. 直到一年前,15岁的韦斯(Wes)还是个精干的快跑选手,也是田径队一直仰仗的赛跑胜利者。
Might be a risk with him shutting down for 20 minutes after getting gravel from the warning track in his guidance apparatus. 可能是一个危险与他关闭了20分钟后,越来越沙石赛道的警告在他的指导机构。
At Cultural Hall, Mr. Endo pulled out a small notepad, which he uses to keep track of what he has learned about friends and neighbors. 在文化会馆,远藤拿出了一个小记事本。他用这个小记事本来记录所了解到的朋友和邻居的情况。
Less than a week after clocking the fastest sprint in human history, Tyson Gay, 25, tumbled to the track at the U. 在泰森·盖成为人类历史上最快的短跑选手后仅一周,他便在俄勒冈州尤金市举行的美国奥运选拔赛的赛道上跌倒。
If you deal only with the project files themselves, it is up to you to keep track of what changes were done when, and by whom. 如果只处理项目文件本身,那么就需要由您来跟踪发生了什么变更,以及是谁做出的变更。
'Some investors will balk at investing into a first -time fund with no track record, ' he said. 他说,一些投资者不敢投资首次发行、没有任何业绩记录的基金。
He said he lay awake night after night afterward, fixated on the navy track suit his daughter had coveted. 他说,他夜复一夜地睡不着觉,脑海里满是女儿一直梦寐以求的海军田径服。
Uncles, the children will gradually change their behavior, whether good or bad, are the parents of the track along the road. 耳濡目染下,孩子会逐渐改变自己的行为,无论好坏,都沿着父母的轨迹行进。
When you're playing you lose track of any sense of real timing and a subconscious thing sets in. 当你演奏的时候你会失去任何的节奏感,一种潜意识涌入心头。
There are plenty of great applications on the Internet that make it easy to keep track of your growing contact list. 我们有很多伟大的申请,在互联网上可以方便地跟踪用户日益增长的联络名单。