the time

  • 网络时间;时光;时代

the timethe time

the time


一道英语题_百度知道 ... Tells the time flies. 告诉你时间在流逝 The Time 时间 Who can see the time? 谁能看到时间? ...


mark 共有 500 笔相关歌词。 ... 15.renegade Master( 叛变霸王) 5.the Time( 时光) 14.wild Side( 狂野面) ...


美国著名杂志《时代》(The Time)特别为这位流行音乐之王推出了一本纪念特刊,已于美国时间6月29日上市。 特刊选登了大量 …


时代杂志THE TIME)每年都会选出「年度风云人物」,时人杂志〈PEOPLE) 则票选「菁钻大家」,也就是今年最具影响 …


推荐一些西洋音乐吧:D -... ... The Black Eyed Peas( 黑眼豆豆合唱团) The Time( 美好时刻) Light Up The Night( 点亮夜晚) ...


... ~ a patient carefully 小心地看护病人 ~ the time 留意时间 (以免迟到) W~ your drinking. 注意你的饮酒(不要饮酒过度) ...


实用商务英语,侯书森,王吉献 -... ... Talking about Weather 谈论天气 The Time 谈论时间 Years and Months 谈论年月 ...

At the time it was the only big energy project in Russia that did not involve a local partner. 当时,在俄罗斯这是唯一的大型能源项目,这并不涉及当地的合作伙伴。
This process is called "boundary extension, " and it seems to be going on all the time. 此过程称为“边界扩展”,而且一直进行着。
It is only a slight exaggeration to say that, most of the time, almost nobody listens to a word they say. 大多时候,几乎没人听他们在讲些什么,这么说只是稍有点夸张。
Now is the time of seed-sowing, but it seems to me some of the believers are thinking about crop-getting. 现在是播种的时期,然而,我觉得有些信徒似乎在想着收获。
'I said at the time and I said when I came in that I've always been here to help the club. 达格利什说道,“我所说的那段时间是自我加盟以来,我一直在帮助球队。”
but something or other comes up and i just don't seem to have the time to find the time. 可是总有这样那样的事,似乎就是抽不出空
I planted it in the soil and it came back to life. It was alive all the time when I was there, even though it had no roots at all. 我把它种在泥土里,结果它活起来了,我住在那里那段期间,它一直活着。
"From the beginning, they had a very clear vision that they could build something much better than what existed at the time. " 沃西基回忆说,“从最开始,他们就确信他们能做出比现存搜索引擎好得多的产品。”
Now is the time to remind yourself of the big picture and of the temporary nature of this stress. 现在正是时候提醒你自己关于事情的全貌及压力的暂时性。
And he seems to have soothed fears in Tokyo, for the time being at least, that he had grown too enamoured of China at Japan's expense. 至少在目前看来,陆克文有意安抚因过于亲近中国而感到受伤害的东京。
Again the next day to see that it already thanks. At the time, I lament the one hand, picked up the side of the petals fall on the ground. 第二天再去看,它早已谢了。那时的我一边叹惜,一边拾起落在地上的花瓣。
He listens to me all the time. Like the other day when I told him to go to that party, so he did, even mum didn't really want him to. 他任何时候都听我的话。就像那天我让他去参加那个派对,他就去了,尽管妈妈当时不允许他去。
Provided are a method and apparatus for setting the time of a real-time clock included in a digital broadcast receiver. 提供一种设置包括在数字广播接收器中的实时时钟的时间的方法和设备。
On his way home, he wanted to telephone his mother to tell her the time of his train, so that she could meet him at the station in her car. 在他回去的路上,他想打电话给他妈妈告诉他自己正在火车上,所以这样她应该在火车停靠点与他见面在他的车上。
Breeding huge numbers of crocodiles was one of those projects that seemed like a good idea at the time. 喂养大量的鳄鱼是当时看起来好象是一个不错的主意的浩大工程中的其中一个。
Another candidate offered to fly cross-country on his own funds to meet with a CEO who was on vacation at the time. 另外一位求职者愿意自己负担机票飞越全国去见一位CEO,后者那时正在休假。
Asked at the time about his use of the term "young boys" , Mitterrand said he called all men "boys" and it did not refer to minors. 当时,密特朗被问及他使用的“年轻男孩”一词,他说他把所有的男人都称为“男孩”,这并不是指未成年人。
Available memory depends on how much RAM your computer has and how much memory is being used by the other programs running at the time. 可用内存取决于计算机的RAM大小,以及此时其他正在运行的程序所占用的内存大小。
Well, she did. I mean, she may have been wearing a slip dress and doc martens at the time, but she definitely meant it. 她就是。我是说,她可能说这话的时候穿着吊带裙和马丁靴,但她肯定说过。
We have seen how a logical level URI address is resolved to a physical level endpoint and bound to it for the time it takes to process. 我们已经知道了一个逻辑层的URI地址是如何被解析为物理层端点以及开始处理时是如何绑定的。
She interviewed with a leading laboratory in California, but her husband at the time did not wish to move there. 她访问了加利福尼亚一流的实验室,但当时他丈夫不愿搬去那边。
At the time it had an almost identical meaning to the one I used in describing my wife's motherly duties. 当时,它的词义几乎与我刚才描述妻子作为母亲的职责相同。
I'd rather read than watch television; the program seem to be getting worse all the time. 我宁愿看书也不愿意看电视,电视节目好像越来越差了。
'We want to show you our commitment, ' he said. 'The time you have taken to come here will not be in vain. ' 他说,我们将向你们表明我们的承诺,你此行不会白费。
All of the time our allies have been setting the scene for the awaited announcement, and it appears to be almost ready to go ahead. 每时每刻,我们的盟友一直在为期待的宣告做准备,它显得几乎准备好进行下去。
He said at the time that Mercedes-Benz needed to see what happens to its China sales in September. 他当时就认为,梅赛德斯-奔驰需要看看中国9月份的销量才能下结论。
By the time the sky began to lighten the sound of drums had faded away, though warhorns were heard thrice more, each time a little closer. 当天空开始泛白,鼓声也渐渐消失,但是战号声又吹响了三次,一次比一次接近。
She was a bit bruised and torn about by the time they flung her on to the pavement. 他们把她推到人行道上来的时候,她身上还有点擦伤了,衣服有些地方也扯破了。
a senator must have been a citizen of the US for 9 years at the time of his election. 参义员在参加选举时必须是美国居住了9年的美国公民。
'Figure out what you wish you could have said to him, that you weren't able to say at the time, ' she says. 她的回答是,“想一想你当时想对他说、而事实上又没法说的话。”