inner mongolia

  • na.内蒙
  • 网络内蒙古;内蒙古自治区;中国内蒙古

inner mongoliainner mongolia

inner mongolia


大连瑞思管理咨询有限公司 ... 黑龙江 / Heilongjiang 内蒙古 / Inner Mongolia 河北 / Herbei ...


2003年财政收入超亿元县(市)统计表 ... 姜堰市 Jiangyan 内蒙古自治区 Inner Mongolia 新昌县 Xinchang ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(I) ... inner man 人之精神 inner mongolia 中国内蒙古 inner 内部的 ...


Imbaraturiyyah... ... Ulanhot 乌兰浩特市 Inner Mongolia 呼和浩特 - 乌兰浩特 Ordos Mongolian dance 鄂尔多斯 蒙古舞 ...


内蒙古草业... ... ) Inner Mongolia grassland 内蒙古草原 ) Inner Mongolia 内蒙古草原 ) Inner Mongolia grassland 内蒙古草地 ...


... Inner Mogolia 惊叹那内蒙草原的辽阔 Inner Mongolia [走进内蒙古] 印象内蒙古 Welcome to China-Inner Mongolia 内蒙古 ...

I don't like busy cities, the fast cities either. It seems to me that the freedom on the grassland of Inner-Mongolia is what I desire. 我不太喜欢生活一个繁忙的,生活节奏比较快的城市,我喜欢到内蒙古啊,草原上生活,我感觉那样的生活很自由。
His later renamed remit cheung temple, for Inner Mongolia was one of the large-scale called temple, in 1939. 行宫后来改名为汇祥寺,曾为内蒙古规模宏大的召庙之一,1939年毁于战火。
If it was said to be the aircraft carrier in those years'business circle , west Inner Mongolia was its base. 如果说旅蒙商是当年商界的航母,那么内蒙古西部就是它出征的基地。
Global financial crisis has made a great impact on resources industries in Inner Mongolia, and has also exposed years of problems. 国际金融危机对内蒙古资源型产业产生了重要影响,同时也暴露了内蒙古资源型产业多年积累下来的问题。
The stalled traffic stretched between Jining in Inner Mongolia and Huai'an in Hebei province, north-west of Beijing, said the Global Times. 在北京的西北边,堵塞的交通从内蒙古集宁延伸至河北怀安,全球时报说。
Inner Mongolia "of the screen, " the General Assembly traditional horseback archery, shooting prospective competition. 内蒙古的“那达幕”大会进行传统的骑马射箭、射准比赛。
The CMA forecast Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Ningxia and parts of Shaanxi would see more sand and dust in the air over the next 10 days. 中国气象局预计内蒙古、甘肃、宁夏和陕西部分地区在未来10天将继续遭遇扬沙和浮尘天气。
That just appeared to have relocated the gridlock away from Beijing and into Inner Mongolia. 不过这个做法似乎只是将北京的暴堵搬到了内蒙。
The Altay Prefecture in Xinjiang and the Genhe city in Inner Mongolia have had moderate snow fall, with more expected in the next two days. 新疆的阿尔泰地区和内蒙古的根河市下了中雪,预计未来两天雪会下得更多。
The plane flew north from Beijing, taking her to Erdos, the richest city in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. 此次她乘坐飞机由北京出发,一路北上,飞往内蒙古自治区辖下最繁华的城市——鄂尔多斯市。
Xilinguole grassland is the major part of Inner Mongolia grassland. It is a strong representative in all over China. 锡林郭勒草原是内蒙古草原的主体部分,在全国具有较强的代表性。
So she went off to Inner Mongolia for a couple of months, picking up a temporary gig by chance as a tour guide, before returning to Beijing. 然后她去了内蒙古几个月,回北京之前,很偶然的机会成了一名临时导游。
And major coal mine in Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel and signed a year contract to provide trains and motor transport. 并与包钢以及内蒙各大煤矿签有常年合同,可提供火车及汽车运输。
Mass media and architectural tourism are as much of the project's context as the urbanization of the ordos plains of Inner Mongolia. 伴随着内蒙古鄂尔多斯平原的都市化进程,大众传媒和建筑旅游业在此大力发展。
Water fouled by a fertilizer factory in Inner Mongolia steams as it seeps toward the upper reaches of the Yellow River. 当内蒙古一座化肥厂的水汽渗入黄河上游时,水质已经受到污染。
Inner Mongolia rich folk instrumental music, different styles, Mongolian Traditional Music Department ensemble one of the categories. 内蒙古地区的民族民间器乐音乐丰富多彩,风格各异,蒙古族传统合奏乐系其中一类。
The condition in Inner Mongolia, where the sandstorm started, turned out to be worse. 受沙尘暴袭击的内蒙古,情况更为恶劣。
The Inner Mongolia is still in the early stage of industrialization, this study focused on the industrial structure upgrading. 由于内蒙古自治区还处于工业化初期阶段,所以本文的研究重点侧重于内蒙古自治区工业产业结构的升级。
That vision is closest to coming true just a few kilometres away in Inner Mongolia, now the number one region for coal production in China. 就在几公里之外的内蒙古,该梦想最接近现实,内蒙古现在是中国第一产煤地区。
The potatoes are mostly grown in Inner Mongolia, a region on the same latitude as Idaho and with a climate similar. 这些土豆基本上都产自中国内蒙古,该地区与美国爱达荷州处于同一纬度,气候条件也相似。
The initial of the Qing Dynasty in Inner Mongolia's national industry began to uneven development. 清朝年间,内蒙古的民族产业开始不均匀的发展。
Upon thirty -year development, the cashmere industry has achieved one of the most competitive characterized industries in Inner Mongolia. 在经历了三十多年的发展之后,羊绒产业已经成为内蒙古的特色优势产业之一。
The Million Tree Project takes place in the ecological forest base in Kulunqi, Tongliao, Inner-Mongolia Province. 内蒙古植树项目活动区域位于通辽市库伦旗万亩青年生态林基地。
In the far west and Inner Mongolia, the provinces do not really operate a one-child policy at all. 西部的偏远省份和内蒙古根本就没有真正执行独生子女政策。
The cause of that epic jam was mostly rising demand for coal from Inner Mongolia and not enough railroad capacity to bring it to market. 此次大拥堵主要是由对内蒙古煤炭资源的需求不断增长、而铁路运力不足以满足运输需求造成的。
The number of Mongolian cadres accounted for 50 percent of the total number of cadres in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. 在内蒙古,蒙古族干部占自治区干部总数的近50%。
As one of the traditional Mongolian sports, BOKE enjoys profound cultural deposits and public preference in Inner Mongolia. 搏克是蒙古族传统体育运动项目,在内蒙古地区有其深厚的文化底蕴和群众基础。
Teacher: glad to be here for an interview, my name is XXX, I was born in baotou, Inner Mongolia autonomous region, kunz. 老师好:很高兴来到这里参加面试,我的名字叫XXX,我出生在内蒙古自治区,包头市昆区。
The badaling geographical environment, since the ancient times is the way to shanxi, Inner Mongolia, and of zhangjiakou hubs. 八达岭地理环境优越,自古以来就是通往山西、内蒙、张家口的交通要道。
Eastern Xinjiang, western Inner Mongolia and western Gansu will also be blanketed by floating dust with other regions suffering sandstorms. 此外,新疆东部、内蒙古西部、甘肃西部将有浮尘天气,局部地区有沙尘暴。