the voices

  • 网络语态;启熙;孙明德

the voicesthe voices

the voices

语态第四章 时态(The Tenses)第五章 语态(The Voices)第六章 虚拟语气(The Subjunetive Mood)第七章 非谓语动词(Non-Predic…


歌唱者:孙明德,陈燕瑜,孙承熙,孙启熙The Voices)编曲:黎嘉俊专辑: 「不能隔绝的爱」CD 包括六首原创诗歌及孙明 …


...n Ming Tak,Andy) 歌唱者:张素媛,孙明德The Voices) 编曲:黎嘉俊封套设计:麦志豪发行:宣道出版社.


...是所谓的转态译法/ 态.就是所谓的转态译法/语态 转换法(the voices). 转换法(the change of voices). 一)译成被动句: 译成被动句...

He did not turn his head and did not see the men who, judging from the voices and the thud of hoofs, had ridden up to him and stopped. 他没有转过头来,没有望见那些只凭马蹄声和谈话声就能判明已经向他驰近、停止前进的人们。
It was one way to tune out the voices that babbled like the gush of a river inside my head. 这是调掉我脑海里那些像河里冲出来的气泡一样的声音的一种办法。
The voices of a tender ears, we saw a little girl ran straight into her mother's coat inside whispered. 一个稚嫩的声音传到耳边,只见一个小女孩一头栽进妈妈的大衣里轻声说。
They listened to the voices of the men, imagined them dipping down into the dark valley. 他们倾听着那些男人的声音,想象着他们怎么走进黑黝黝的山谷。
Reed issued a rustle from the wind and the voices swinging like a flower about to me and waved. 一阵风吹过来芦苇发出沙沙的声音,花左右摆动象是给我招手。
And he gave a loud shout like the roar of a lion. When he shouted, the voices of the seven thunders spoke. 大声呼喊,好像狮子吼叫,呼喊完了,就有七雷发声。
And they were instant with loud voices, requiring that he might be crucified. And the voices of them and of the chief priests prevailed. 他们大声催逼彼拉多,求他把耶稣钉在十字架上。他们的声音就得了胜。
We have recreated the voices of a lot of famous people that were very close to the real thing and have been used in film dubbing (7). 我们已经重现许多名人的声音,而且这些声音与真人的声音相差无几,这项技术已经运用到电影配音中。
The BGM fits the mood of the scene. If the BGM is too loud, it makes the voices a bit hard to hear. BGM和情节配合得很好,有点时候BGM的音量有点大,导致很难听清楚语音。
But even they might be surprised -- and worried -- by just how much we can miss in the voices we decide to tune out. 可是,即便他们也可能感到惊讶--并且担忧--因为对于“屏蔽”的声音,我们能失去多么多的声音。
I found these patients to be in a state of hopeless mental deterioration, consumed with the voices only they could hear. 我发现他们总处于一种不可救药的精神恶化状态,老是被那些除了他们自己以外谁也听不见的声音折磨着。
Through the voices of raindrops, I thought I saw a rough sea, Zhi Xie down the waterfall, the Great Wall stretches thousands of miles. 透过这雨滴的声音,我仿佛看见了波涛汹涌的大海,直泻而下的瀑布,绵延万里的长城。
The voices of flowers in spring, the joy of feeling that the sincere heart, wish that you know. 花开的声音春知道,喜悦的感觉心知道,祝福的真诚你知道。
We could hear the voices of the children in the garden. 我们能听到孩子们在花园里的声音。
Could the voices that Moses and Mohammed heard on remote mountain tops have been just a bunch of firing neurons ? an illusion? 摩西和穆罕默德在偏僻的山顶听到的声音仅仅是一束点燃的神经元?一个幻想?
I am in charge of what is going on, not the powers of the dark, or the voices telling you how to think or react. 我在掌管着这正在进行的一切,而不是黑暗的力量,或是那些告诉你如何思考或反应的声音。
One of the voices of the reporters watching the newsreel at the beginning belongs to Joseph Cotten. 在影片开始时,观看新闻纪录片的一个记者的声音是约瑟夫·科顿的。
Mobilized to listen to the voices, see if there was no unusual sound, the opening laps the way, feel about various aspects. 发动起来听声音,看有没有异常响声,开到路上开几圈,各方面感觉一下。
We are caught up in one of the voices is about the non-logic, the logic of the logic on the unreasonable. 我们陷身其中的这声音,是关于非逻辑的逻辑,是关于不讲理的道理。
One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began, though the voices around you kept shouting their bad advice. 有一天,你终将知道什么是你必须得做而且要着手去做的,虽然你周围的声音可能并不认同你。
Suddenly, all the "voices" surrounding that woman's situation fell into a murmuring, meaningless noise. 突然间,所有关于这位女士境况的话语都落入一种抱怨的、无意义的噪声中。
I always willing to crouching to listen to the voices of the children! 我永远愿意俯下身体倾听孩子们的心声!
"Hark! Listen to the voices of the innocent, " said the father. “听!听听天真的声音,”父亲说到。
In a life spent talking and, above all, listening to the voices of his fellow Americans, he rarely made time for intellectuals. 终其一生,特克尔宁愿与同胞相伴,真诚交流,用心倾听这些普通美国民众的心声;也不愿与那些知识分子一起夸夸其谈。
John closed the door behind him and stood in the narrow church aisle, hearing behind him the voices of children playing. 约翰随手关上门。他停立在教堂狭窄的过道里,聆听着身后传来的孩童们的游戏声。
When Harry was telling Lupin about the voices he'd heard, Remus reacted in surprise when Harry said he heard his dad. 当哈利告诉卢平他听到了声音——他听到他的父亲说话,卢平很惊讶。
A word about the voices: Whenever you're out for something big, whenever you take a chance, you'll hear them. 对于这些“声音”们我要说一句:无论何时在你想做出一番大事业、无论何时在你在接受一次机会,你将会听到这些声音。
Listen to all the voices -- not just here but even more stridently in Europe -- calling for a need to restore fiscal discipline. 听听这众多的声音——不但在这里,在欧洲更加刺耳——要求回归财政纪律。
The voices ceased, the singers, bashful but smiling, exchanged sidelong glances, and silence succeeded--but for a moment only. 歌声停止了,歌手们忸怩地微笑着,互相交换着眼色,接着沉默了片刻。
But since the voices of the large companies were more favorable, the conclusion is drawn that an "economic" majority existed. 但是由于大公司的声音较被重视,得出的结论是存在一个「经济的」大多数。