
美 [hʌŋ]英 [hʌŋ]
  • adj.任何政党都不占多数席位的;不能取得一致意见的
  • n.【男名】男子名
  • v.“hang”的过去式和过去分词
  • 网络大器晚成;洪;悬挂




个人认为大器晚成(hung)名字改的最好回复 收起回复 anniebabyliu 回复 收起回复 1066185045 1066185045 LorelaiGilmore 回 …

如何根据中文名起英文名_百度文库 ... 侯- -Hou - -Hung 花/华- -Hua ...


英语学习基本词汇 - 豆丁网 ... hundred 百 hung 悬挂、 吊 hunger 饥饿 ...

中文姓氏罗马字标注 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... 荆 Ching Hung 游 You ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(66) _ 上海疯狂英语 ... hundredweight 重量单位 hung 挂起 Hungarian 匈牙利的 ...

香港拼音 - 汉字 对照表_百度文库 ... HUNG 红 虹 HUNG HUNG 熊 ...

But that distant echo was the only response produced by Neb's shouts, while a heavy gloom hung over all the part east of the island. 可是回答纳布呼唤的只是遥远的回声,而小岛整个的东部却是一片昏暗。
I never hung out with you in the afternoon like this. 我从来没有在下午这样和你在一起。
As the NBA draft approached, the grim truth about Yao Ming's(notes) broken left foot hung like an anvil over the Houston Rockets. 随着NBA选秀的临近,姚明左脚伤势的严峻事实像一块铁砧悬在休斯敦火箭上空。
He hung a poster of Ian Crocker above his bed after his team mate beat him at the 2003 World Championships to help motivate him for Athens. 他还把队友克罗克(IanCrocker)的大海报贴在床头激励自己,克罗克曾在03年世锦赛上战胜菲尔普斯。
There was hardly a child that had not hung beneath his steelyards, tied in a silk handkerchief. 几乎没有一个婴儿不曾用丝巾裹着在他的提秤下面吊过。
When the poisoned paper was hung around the neck of a dog it was effective in killing the animal after a few hours' suffering. 那张纸带毒,挂在狗的脖子上,狗经过几小时痛苦,一命呜呼,见者无不动容,只有欧仁淡然处之。
China is in a unique position to raise awareness about this issue with its culture of slogans, which are painted or hung in public places. 中国有一种口号文化,在公众场合涂画或悬挂口号,这使得中国在提高这一问题的公众意识上占据了特殊的地位。
It reminds me of the "next day in the infinite-Bi Lin, Ying Hung Different Day flowers" of verse. 它让我想起了“接天莲中无穷碧,映日荷花别样红”的诗句。
Here I was doing dirty work for three men that I looked down upon, and one of whom, at least, should have hung upon a gallows. 在这儿,我在替三个我所瞧不起的人干着肮脏的杂务,而其中至少有一个是应该吊在绞刑架上的。
Inside the opening, the wind was cut off, the sails hung limp and the ship lost speed. 进入港湾后,风被挡住了,风帆松垂了下来,船速也减慢了。
Hung never met Mao and says she was happy when he gave up taking language lessons. 洪晃从未见过毛泽东。她表示,当毛泽东放弃学英语时,她很高兴。
He had a coil of wire around one arm and a pair of pliers hung by a thong from his wrist. 他一条臂上挽着一圈铜丝,手腕上绕着的一根皮带上挂着一把钳子。
It was a plain dirt way, and overhead the branches of trees intermingled, while a round moon hung low in the sky as if to keep me company. 是一条泥土路,两旁都是树,枝桠在上空相接,低而圆的月亮仿佛在陪伴我走。
You know who I hung out|with just today? 你知道今天我跟谁在一起吗?
He handed the phone to the white coat, who calmly spoke the address into it, as if nothing at all strange were happening, and then hung up. 他把电话递给穿白大衣的人,对着话筒镇静地说出了医院的地址,好像根本没发生什么奇怪的事似的,然后挂了电话。
His unhappy face turned into a smile, and the black cloud that hung over his head turned into sunshine. 慢慢地,司机不高兴的脸变为笑脸,他头上的乌云变为阳光。
We hung that sign at the end of our driveway to remind us how lucky we were to be able to do what we wanted to do. 我们在那条路的尽头挂上标牌,是用来提醒自己,能做自己想做的事是多么幸运的事。
and I hung around the nigger cabins and laid for a chance, and stole three tin plates. 我呢,在黑奴小屋四周转,等待机会,偷了三只洋铁盘子。
'We have nothing left to discuss, ' I said as I hung up the phone, disgusted at myself for being so vulnerable. “那就没什么好谈的了。”我说,并挂断了电话,心里非常郁闷,自己怎么老是被人算计。
Pictures of you, pictures of me hung upon your wall for the world to see. 你的照片,我的照片,挂在你的墙上,让全世界都看见。
All the fight went out of her at that. She hung limply in Mormont's grasp as her eyes filled with tears. 她说的时候再也不挣扎了,她无力地吊在莫尔蒙的手上眼中充满了泪水。
And the king commanded that it should be so done. And forthwith the edict was hung up in Susan, and the ten sons of Aman were hanged. 王就下令照办。于是在稣撒发出了一道谕旨,要把哈曼的十个儿子悬在刑架上。
A heavy object was hung from the short arm of the scale. A lighter object was moved up or down the long arm until the two arms balanced. 将重物挂在天平的短臂上,将一较轻的物体在长臂上来回移动直至两臂平衡。
As she hung her septa's crystal about her neck, to nestle in the cleft between her breasts, she teased him with a smile. 当她把他的修女水晶挂在脖颈搭在双乳间时她露出个嘲笑的笑容。
I told him he was being abusive before we both hung up for the last time. 在我们最后一次挂掉电话以前,我坦言他是一个虐待狂。
He couldn't speak long, but before they hung up she gave him the phone number where she was staying and promised to call the following day. 他没说很长时间,在挂电话之前她把住的地方的电话号码告诉他,答应明天再打。
Kitty - Mom, you hung up a family picture without me in it! Don't ask me if I think you're insensitive. 妈,你挂了一幅没有我在里面的全家福上去,别问我你是否反应迟钝。
I saw with my own eyes that you stole the books from the Hes' and you were hung up and beaten. 我前天亲眼见你偷了何家的书,吊着打。
The old man hung his head. "I have to tell you the truth, " he said, "I forgot her name about 10 years ago. " 老人抬起头。“我跟你说实话,”他说,“我十年前就忘记她的名字了。”
There was a large window facing south, through which lower Manhattan hung suspended in the dark. 房间里有一个朝南的大窗户,窗外曼哈顿下城区在夜色当中呈现。