the void

  • 网络虚空;虚空世界;虚无

the voidthe void

the void


|-[原创]虚空the void)剧情解析与系统介绍 |-[原创]后现代主义视角下对虚空(The Void)的解读(含剧透) by Undine 整理 …


简介: 一种被虚空世界(the Void)驱逐的古老的外星种族, 看守者(the Watcher)企图征服人类种族(the Human Race), 并使其成为 …


虚无the Void)在其自身即含藏所有的可能性。存在(Being)若没有「无」,则甚至连存在(Being)亦缺少效力。


... - void swelling 辐射肿胀; - The Void 死寂世界;空缺;写真集;虚空世界; void for uncertainty 有疑问而作废政制与选举事务 ...


此外,与月亮有关的一项重要的择日原则是:月亮绝对不可以有空虚The Void)的情况发生。所谓的“月亮的空虚”,指的是当 …


在最后一次战斗(愤怒之战,The War of Wrath)中,梵拉率领留在阿曼的精灵回到中土,俘获黑暗之君并将其永远地投入太虚


...间,即为宇宙,包含阿尔达(世界)。但一亚不包括空虚之境(the Void)(因为一亚在空虚之境之内),及伊露维塔的永恒大 …

"Nope, " I said, and meant it, and I knew Japhy would agree with me. "All Japhy's doing is amusing himself in the void. " “错的。”我对于它定性地说,而我知贾菲会认同我。“贾菲所作的,只是在空虚中排解自己。”
The daily Corriere della Sera is trying to fill the void by hiring a noted TV journalist to present a programme on its website. 《意大利晚邮报》(CorrieredellaSera)正在试图通过聘请著名电视记者在网站上呈现节目来填补这一空白。
I was trying to fill the void with things, attempting to give meaning to that which has no meaning. 我试图用物质填补空虚,试图让那些无意义的变得有意义。
The two of you take a few running steps and leap into the void, at which point the pilot and the wind take over. 你们俩小跑出几步,然后跳跃,跨出山的区域,方向由飞行员和风向来掌控。
Whilst many Gunners were hoping for a football man to fill the void left by Edelman, it appears they will have to make do with just a fan. 虽然许多枪手希望由一个足球专业人士来填补埃德尔曼离开留下的空缺,但看来正是多诺万的枪迷身份令他们感到满足。
Stare deep into the world before you as if it were the void: innumerable holy ghosts, buddhies, and savior gods there hide, smiling. 深深地凝视你面前的世界如同它是虚空:无数圣灵,佛,救世之神藏在那儿,微笑。
The nursery vegetation has no connection to the void of infinite possibility or the rest of its kingdom. 幼树并没有至无限虚空的可能性或王国其它的树木的连接。
Light, oh where is the light! Kindle it with the burning fire of desire! It thunders and the wind rushes screaming through the void. 灯火,灯火在哪里呢?用熊熊的渴望之火把它点上罢!雷声在响,狂风怒吼着穿过天空。
Lecture all you want. Follow up in the months to come and tell us how free these people actually are. Who will fill the void? 楼上的,你一直在对我们叨叨,事实上时经过这几个月的观察,我们发现这些人都自由的不得了,谁能填补空虚?
And when we met here in the Void, I had become so much more powerful than he, and again he feared my words, and he made war against me. 当我们在这大虚空中相遇的时候,我已经变得比他强大得多了,他再一次恐惧我所说的话,并且向我宣战。
They talked and wrestled in the throes of composition, and felt as if something were happening, really happening, really in the void. 他们谈论着,争执着行文结构,仿佛在那空虚之中有什么东西在发生,在真正发生似的。
And when the core at last burns itself out, will some of the Earth slump into the void, leaving a giant sinkhole on the surface? 要是地心最终烧尽以后,地球的某个部分是不是会塌进那个空间,在地面上留下一个大坑?
You may ask others to fill in the bushing the void, you may not love me, but you cannot prevent me to think you! 你可以找别人来填补心里的空虚,你可以不爱我,但是你不能阻止我想你!
You should not use material and non-material to understand the concept of the void. 你们不应该使用物质概念去理解非物质的虚空。
And that, you know, we can reach across the void and touch each other and believe in each other and work together. 并且,你知道的,我们可以穿越时空去触摸彼此并且对对方都深信不疑,然后团结在一起。
Separated from his clones, Palpatine was forced to survive in the maddening, bodiless existence of the void. 远离克隆体的帕尔帕廷被迫存在于疯狂、无形的虚空中。
Although Jesus teaches us the Love of God is everything I am, the illusion of the void is still there, and I am not at peace. 虽然耶稣教导我们上主的爱是我所是的一切,但这黑洞的幻觉仍在那儿,而我并不平安。
We do not stray out of all words into the ever silent ; we do not raise our hands to the void for things beyond hope . 我们没有偏离出语言的轨道,陷入永恒的沉默,我们没有举起手,向希望之外的空虚奢求。
They are trying to fill the void in their marriage with a baby. 他们想生个孩子去弥补他们婚姻的空隙。
Robert Kaplan, an American writer, says that NGOs fill the void between thousands of villages and a remote, often broken, government. 美国作家罗伯特·卡普兰说,NGO组织填补了一个遥远且经常失灵的政府和成千村庄之间的空白地带。
The void is always elusive, having no opposite, there is nothing which excludes or opposes. 虚无包含一切,无所不容,不存在对立与排斥。
In the meantime, Canada is stepping into the void with a proposed bilateral trade agreement of its own. 同时,加拿大自己也宣布一项双边贸易提议无效。
Swimming through the void, we hear the word. We lose ourselves, but we find it all. . . 游泳在空虚之中,我们听见声音,我们遗失自己,但我们发现这一切…
Bruce Robeson is exploring the deep mid-water environment the void that lies between the sun-lit surface and the canyon floor. 布鲁斯·罗伯逊正在研究深海水环境,探寻海平面和峡谷底之间的中空地带。
When Grand Moff Tarkin's Death Star was destroyed by the Rebels, it was believed that Vader had been lost to the void. 莫夫塔金总督的死星遭反抗军摧毁时,维德被认为消失在宇宙深渊中了。
The development of nuclear power would surge forward, beginning to fill the void that would be left by oil. 核电工业将会迅速发展以弥补石油的空缺。
Interestingly, the void plays a crucial role: the N-V center is quite different from a single nitrogen atom without a neighboring vacancy . 很有趣的是,这个空位扮演了一个很关键的角色:N-V中心和其他没有空位陪伴的单一氮原子非常不一样。
After he dies in a shooting at a nightclub named the Void, we live through subjective scenes intended as what he sees after death. 他在一间名为虚无(Void)夜总会内被枪击致死,之后,我们随着他死后所见的去经历这些刻意的主观画面。
Cavernous porosity can take the equidimensional form of vugs or follow channels , but the void dimensions are measurable in meters . 溶洞孔隙可呈等尺度的溶孔形态,或者呈溶沟形态,但空间大小是以米度量的。
Trying to fill the void in your life with flour and sugar and egg and vanilla? 试图用面粉和糖和鸡蛋和香草精填满生活里的空虚吗?