to the beginning

  • 网络回到原点

to the beginningto the beginning

to the beginning


American hi fi -the rescue歌词翻译_百度知道 ... I wish we could back 我希望我们能够 to the beginning 回到原点 ...

Poirot: Exactly doctor, it did not make sense. So I had to go back to the beginning. 波洛:一点没错。医生,这讲不通。那我又得回到问题的开始。
Rolls back an explicit or implicit transaction to the beginning of the transaction, or to a savepoint inside the transaction. 将显式事务或隐性事务回滚到事务的起点或事务内的某个保存点。
To the beginning of Gaocheng Longqing, still belong to the original in Nanjing (see the case of things the "old Beijing, the word Lin" ). 至隆庆初告成,仍归原本于南京(案事见《旧京词林志》)。
These methods must have "Get" and "Set" added to the beginning of the name of the property to be provided. 这些方法必须将“Get”和“Set”添加到要提供的属性名开头。
Rollback of a user-specified transaction to the last savepoint inside a transaction or to the beginning of a transaction. 将用户指定的事务回滚到事务内的上一个保存点或事务开头。
The next thing needed is to move all the data to the beginning of the partition. 下一件要做的事,是把所有的数据移动到分区的前面部分。
Well, you know, it goes back to the beginning of the formation of the personal computer industry, which--that sounds like a long time ago. 嗯,你知道,这要追溯到,个人电脑产业的形成初期,听起来相当久远了。
Appended to the beginning of it, that can be used in a client event to post back to the server. 追加到引用的开始处,用于在客户端事件中回发到服务器。
Fade and Wash effects are the only transitions that can be added to the beginning or end of a movie. 在影片的开头或结尾只能添加渐变和水染画效果作为过渡。
But now a new film goes back to the beginning to show how their alliances and rivalries began. 但是现在一个新的电影可以追溯到一开始就展示了如何开始自己的联盟和对抗。
The first four move backwards or forwards through the records, or to the beginning or end. 前四个按钮分别是指向前一个记录或指向后一个记录,或指向开始或指向结束。
It was okay. The judge swore us in and then we listened to the beginning of the prosecutor's case. Two witnesses testified. 还算顺利。法官让我们宣誓后,就开始旁听检查官审理案件。有两位证人出庭作证了。
When a word ends in a consonant sound, we often move the consonant sound to the beginning of the next word if it starts with a vowel sound. 当一个词以辅音结尾时,我们常常把该辅音的发音挪到第二个单词的前面同一个元音一块发音。
We've borne witness to the beginning of a new chapter in the history of a great country, and a long-time partner of the United States. 在这个伟大国家的历史上,我们曾经亲眼目睹了一部新宪法的诞生,亲眼见证了埃及与美国长期存在的伙伴关系。
The Egyptians used to compare the rising of the sun to the beginning of life and the setting of the sun the end of life. 古埃及人把日出比作生命的开始,把日落比作生命的终止。
This popular sport may have continued up to the beginning of the Middle Ages. 这种寻欢作乐活动十分流行,可能一直持续到中世纪初期。
Prior to Christmas day , prior to the beginning of this new era and humanity , God was not the God we know today . 在圣诞节以前,在这个新纪元和慈爱的观念以前,神不是我们今天认识的模样。
Examples of these key sequences include Control-A to jump to the beginning of the line, and Control-K to delete to the end of the line. 这些键顺序的示例包括Control-A(跳至行首)和Control-K(删除到行尾)。
Indicates whether a multiline text box control automatically wraps words to the beginning of the next line when necessary. 指示多行文本框控件在必要时是否自动换行到下一行的开始。
Reset the stream to the most recent mark, or to the beginning if it has never been marked. 将流重置至最新的标记位置,如果从未被标记,重置至开头。
However, until recently, it was thought that these laws did not apply to the beginning of the universe. 然而,直到最近,有人认为这些法则不适用于宇宙起源。
For testing purposes, I recommend that you add a trace statement to the beginning of each of the interface methods I discussed earlier. 出于测试目的,建议在前面讨论过的每个接口方法的开头添加跟踪语句。
Let me come back to the beginning to end this presentation. 让我会到演讲开始的时候来结束这次演讲。
You can see his confidence growing by how much more aggressive he is now compared to the beginning of the season. 对比赛季初的表现易越来越具有侵略性,从中你可以看到易的信心在不断增强。
In addition, a permanent white button on the top right of your screen always leads back to the beginning of the chapter being studied. 此外,在屏幕顶端右上方持续出现的白色按钮始终会引导您返回您正在学习的本章开头。
If time really reincarnation , I wish to return to the beginning of life , as their ancestors did, re- lives the war . 如果时光真的轮回,我愿重新回到生命之初,像先人那样,重新接受生命的洗礼。
Close to the beginning of a project, expertise-based techniques usually beat formula-based models. 在项目开始阶段,基于专家经验的技术通常比使用公式的技术要好。
To use just a portion of the loaded document as the style sheet, navigate to the node corresponding to the beginning of the style sheet. 若要只使用所加载文档中的一部分作为样式表,请定位到对应于样式表开始处的节点。
From the end of 90 s of the last century to the beginning of this century, a new joyful atmosphere appeared in the logic circles. 从上世纪90年代末到本世纪初,逻辑学界出现了令人欢欣鼓舞的新气象。
The theory's origins went back to the beginning of the century, but it had come to prominence only a decade or so before. 该理论的起源要追溯到本世纪初,但它成为主流理论只有十年或更长一点的时间。