the wild

美 [waɪld]
  • 网络野蛮任务;狂野大自然;荒野

the wildthe wild

the wild


迪士尼电影 - 搜搜百科 ... 长毛狗 The Shaggy Dog 野蛮任务 The Wild 汽车总动员 Cars ...


河流的博客 - xianfengjin - 网易博客 ... Monsters Aliens 怪物大战外星人 the wild 狂野大自然 shark tale 鲨鱼的故事 ...


博文_Leafy_新浪博客 ... 我不知道 I Don't Know 荒野 The Wild 大地的孩子 Child of the Earth ...


电影预告_新扬州_都市_西祠胡同 ... The Tortilla Curtain 玉米窗帘 The Wild 野生 This Side of the Truth 真话国 ...


DVD Pro 混合式买二送一 ... THE SIMPSONS MOVIE< 阿森一族大电影> THE WILD< 兽猛猛奇兵> ULTRAVIOLET< 紫光元素…


考研词汇分类 - 英语 考研论坛... ... guide v. 引导 the wild 野外 species n. 物种 ...


《杰克·伦敦的秘密旅程》是一套系列小说,目前出版的只有第一部《野性》(The Wild)。故事讲述了年轻时代的杰克·伦敦在 …


电影宝库_影音娱乐_新浪网 ... 第25小时( 25th Hour) 荒野历险( The Wild) 世上最快的印第安摩托( The World’s Fastest Indian) ...

The project aims to put the "wild man" of Shennongjia on screen for the world to see. 这个电影项目的最终目标,是通过这部电影将“神农架”和“野人”推向世界。
A doubt of guests coming just as the wind knocks on bamboos; Hard to send letters since the wild geese don't fly to mountains. 風才敲竹便疑客,雁不入山難寄書。
Releasing caimans into the wild might seem to be an eco-friendly thing to do, but it will result in one of two outcomes. 释放到野生鳄鱼似乎是一个生态友好的事情,但它会导致两种结果之一。
The wild tea as a natural resource of green tea beverages has not been a reasonable development and utilization. 而山野茶资源作为天然的绿色茶饮品至今未被合理的开发利用。
Some at the center say the howl ringtone might be one of the only recordings of the Mexican gray wolf in the wild. 一些中心人员说狼嚎手机铃声可能是唯一由野生墨西哥大灰狼发出的叫声的录音之一。
She was not really afraid of the wild beast, but she did not wish to perform an atom more service than she had been paid for. 她并不真怕野兽,而是不愿意在她报酬之外多出一点儿力。用
Forget sitting at a desk in a suit and tie. Get ready to venture out into the wild during your summer internship. 忘掉坐在书前西装革履的样子,准备好暑期大胆走出去参加户外实习吧。
But the wild child boldly gets rid of him with a fluid shield and has yielded a building without welds. 但是这个野孩子大胆地用一种流体防护物摆脱了他,并且建立了一座没有焊接点的建筑物。(好怪异啊)
Maize plants exudate proline, which allows CS-4 to colonize the rhizosphere at a similar level to that of the wild-type strain. 玉米植株分泌物脯氨酸,使铯4殖民根际在同一水平,与野生型菌株。
The snow walls pressed him on every side, and a great surge of fear swept through him--the fear of the wild thing for the trap. 厚重的雪从每个方向压迫着它,一种恐惧涌向它——对圈套的恐惧。
Though Hu hadn't seen any wolves for nearly 60 years, he said the animal might still exist in the wild mountain forests. 虽然胡老人已经有近60年没有看见过野狼了,但他说野狼可能任然生存在野山林里。
Wandering the lone these uncertainties do not like to have the shackles of society like the wild, and comfortable life. 这些漂泊不定的独行者们不喜欢社会的束缚而喜欢野外的舒适生活。
Rhett Butler stood in the doorway, his black slouch hat low over his eyes, the wild wind whipping his cape about him in snapping folds. 瑞德-巴特勒站在门廓上,黑呢帽低低地压着眼睛,狂风把他的披肩吹得左右翻腾,发出啪啦的响声。
But he is to be sent to China, under an agreement between the two nations, to help replenish the endangered species' numbers in the wild. 但根据中美两国签订的协议,他必须得回中国以促进熊猫这个世界濒临灭绝物种的发展工作。
When the cat looked around, the wild boar moved it ear. The cat thought it was a rat moving, it jumped at it and bit it bitterly. 正当猫仔细地四处查看时,野猪动了一下耳朵,猫以为那是只耗子在动,猛扑上去狠狠咬了一口。
However, Naoto Kan, said he did not know the details after the wild things secret visit to China. 不过,菅直人之后表示他并不知道细野秘密访华之事。
With his friend Tubby Miller, Don goes up into the wild, unexplored valley of the Shifting River to set out his trap line. 塔比米勒和他的朋友,唐进入野生环境中,未开发的移河流域高达阐述了他特拉普林。
That would be one of the wild nights he needed even once in a while, to get drunk with his friends, and he didn't want a wife along then. 除夕之夜乃是他每隔一段时间就需要来一次的狂欢之夜,同他的朋友一起喝得醉醺醺的;
He could not understand the wild quiver of his heart, nor the following sense of recklessness and grace that lingered after she was gone. 他无法理解的野生颤抖的他的心,也没有下面的责任感鲁莽和优雅的徘徊后,她已经走了。
Whether that's the case or not, it's clear that in the wild, orcas seem to have a pretty universal rule: don't attack humans. 无论是这样的话,或没有,它的明显,在野外,逆戟鲸似乎有一个相当普遍的规律:不袭击人类。
Suddenly, amid all the hubbub of the gale, there burst forth the wild scream of a terrified woman. I knew that it was my sister's voice. 突然,在风雨嘈杂声中,传来一声女人惊恐的狂叫,我听出那是我姐姐的声音。
Godard-Codding and her team were not able to do a detailed study on the health of the biopsied whales, since the whales were in the wild. 由于抹香鲸都生活在海洋里,因此塞琳和她的团队无法对那些携带污染的抹香鲸做更加详细的研究。
The wild boars had not been fed for a week, and when the shepherd was thrust into their don they rushed at him to tear him to pieces. 那些野猪已经一个星期没吃过东西了,牧羊人刚被扔进窝里,它们就冲上来要把他撕成碎片。
So they were scattered because there was no shepherd, and when they were scattered they became food for all the wild animals. 因无牧人,羊就分散;既分散,便作了一切野兽的食物。
So Saul took three thousand chosen men from all Israel and set out to look for David and his men near the Crags of the Wild Goats. 扫罗就从以色列人中挑选三千精兵,率领他们往野羊的磐石去,寻索大卫和跟随他的人。
Harvested in the wild, currants have been used for centuries as food and medicine. 由于自然环境下能疯狂地生长,几个世纪以来,醋栗都被用于食物和医疗方面。
Controlling the flow of transgenic genes into the wild via pollen and seeds has been a major source of public opposition to biotech crops. 控制改造基因通过花粉及种子流入自然界是转基因作物反对者们的主要呼声之一。
She was still insane, but was no longer able to express her wandering ideas in the wild notes of her former state of exalted imagination. 她仍处于颠狂的状态中,但是已不能够再用狂野的调子来表达她放荡不羁的思绪了。
The passions that collide in me, the wild abandoned side of me, only for you, for your eyes only. 内心奔腾的热情,我狂野放纵的一面,只让你看,唯有你能看。
How could I have the heart to leave my children all alone in the wood, where the wild beasts would come quickly and devour them? 我怎么能存有把我的孩子们独自留在树林里的心思,野兽会过来很快的吃掉他们的?