tree of life

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tree of life


生命之树TREE OF LIFE) (节选时间1小时55分40秒)[向左转] [向右转] [原图] 在大约 150 万年前,另一支外星种族来到地 …


生命树Tree Of life)毕彼得加《狂林战曲》的导演,以部分圣经的隐喻,泡制出要与《2001太空漫游》等惊世名作抗衡的新 …


生命之树系列(TREE OF LIFE)是赫莲娜•鲁宾斯坦夫人亲自研发,专为亚洲女性肌肤设计的经典护肤系列,历史可追溯至20世纪…


全材音乐大师Paul Avgerinos《Garden of... ... 07 Lily of the Valley 山谷的百合 08 Tree of Life 生命之数 09 Jasmine 茱莉 ...


塔图片 Tower - 图蛙 ... 博耳德脸我图片 Boulder Face I 生命树图片 Tree of life 使罗克震惊图片 Shattered Rock ...


体验神圣几何... ... 生命之花 F|ower of Life: 生命之树与生命种子 Tree of Life: 埃及十字架与生命种子 Ankh and Seed of life…

He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever. 现在恐怕他伸手又摘生命树的果子吃,就永远活着。
He knew that if Adam and Eve ate of the tree of life in the middle of the garden, they would live forever in their sin. 因为上帝知道,如果亚当和夏娃吃了园子当中生命树的果子,他们就会在罪中永远活着,那将是更加悲惨的事。
It shall be for the Children of Light To cross over the Eternal River unto the hidden place Where standeth the Tree of Life. 它是光明之子的路,越过永恒之河到隐蔽处,那里有着生命之树。
A model that had a single common ancestor and allowed for some gene- swapping among species was even better than a simple tree of life. 一个拥有单一共同祖先且允许物种间部分基因彼此交换的模式甚至更优于树形生命模式。
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. 所盼望的迟延未得,令人心忧;所愿意的临到,却是生命树。
Third, the creation account provides a description of what appears to be functioning as a covenant sign, or sacrament, in the Tree of Life. 第三、创世记载提供了似乎是作为圣约的记号或圣礼的描述:生命树。
It was a great challenge for me, technically and artistically. Binah is the third sephirah of the tree of life in cabbala. 对我来说是一个的巨大挑战,不管是技术上还是艺术上。
On the tree of life there might have been very few flowers but now the blossom time has come . 在生命之树上,起初只有零星落索的花朵,但现在开花结果的时代来临了。
A second sequence introduced Hugo Weaving as the villainous Red Skull and his pursuit of the powers of Asgard's tree of life. 第二阶段介绍了雨果.维文扮演的邪恶的红骷髅,以及他追求仙宫的生命之树的能量。
In Norse mythology Yggdrasil was a Great Ash Tree, also known as the Tree of Life. 在北欧神话Yggdrasil是一个伟大的梣树,又被称为生命之树。
Nevertheless, evolutionists have postulated an evolutionary tree of life showing how the various life forms developed. 然而,进化论者假定有一个进化的生命树,显示各种生命形式的发展。
Reactive Raid Healing with HOTs - Thought by many to be the primary job of a Tree of Life Druid. 一根据当前形势施放HOT法术这被认为是出生命之树的德鲁伊最主要的工作。
The movie took six nominations in all, while Terrence Malick'sThe Tree of Life, in which he also stars, went home with three. 这部电影总共赢取了六项大奖提名,同时泰伦斯·马立克执导的《生命之树》也赢得了三项提名,皮特也出演了这部影片。
The entrance to the pavilion is through a vaulted portal with the "Tree of Life" carving inspired by the "Siddi Syed Mosque" at Ahmedabad. 受到位于艾哈迈达巴德的SiddiSyed寺的启发,印度馆入口处设立了一个刻有“生命之树”字样的拱形门。
EXPO is an evergreen tree of life, is the technology and demonstrate the fruits of labor and to the cause of economic development. 世博会是我们生命的常青树,是展现科技和劳动成果并能影响经济发展的事业。
Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. 那些洗净自己衣服的有福了,可得权柄能到生命树那里,也能从门进城。
Creation of man can be seen as a direct manifestation of the harmonic resonance1s created by the spheres on the Tree of Life. 人的创造可以看作由在生命树上的球体创造的谐波共振的直接显现。
Sassanid inspired two-sided silk cloth, with winged lions and tree of life, from the early Islamic period in Iran, National Museum of Iran. 伊朗国家博物馆内储藏的伊朗早期伊斯兰阶段萨珊王朝授意的双面绸,饰有翼狮和生命树。
Later on, a fir tree grew in place of the oak and this, St Boniface told the pagans, was the Tree of Life and represented the Christ Child. 后来,一棵枞树从原来长着橡树的地方生长了起来,圣尼费斯告诉这些异教徒,这是生命之树和代表基督的孩子。
The coconut tree, also known as the "Tree of Life" holds a dominant position on Guam's symbol. 徽章中的椰子树也被称之为「生命之树」,是关岛最为主要的代表物。
In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 园子当中又有生命树和分别善恶的树。
Adam saw in that tree of life both the promise of a glorified body and the promise of a soul confirmed in righteousness. 亚当在生命树中所看到的,同时是一个荣耀的身体的应许,以及一个被称义的灵魂的应许(asoulconfirmedinrighteousness)。
As it were, we have this ever evolving, crochet taxonomic tree of life. 由此,我们拥有了一棵不断演化的编织分类学生命之树。
We have seedlings grow into trees, but it will always be your students. When you sixtieth year, I wish you evergreen tree of life. 我们从幼苗长成大树,却永远是您的学生。在您花甲之年,祝您生命之树常青。
The number comes from studying relationships between the branches and leaves of the "family tree of life" . 这个数字是通过研究“生命谱系树”的“分枝”和“树叶”的关系得出的。
Madonna is a Kabbalist, the Kabbalistic tree of life being a very common symbol in Monarch programming. 麦当娜是一个Kabbalist,该Kabbalistic生命树是一个很常见的象征射击节目。
The sacred names (vibratory codes) held upon the Tree of Life are continually being evolved to find the strongest frequency patterns. 包含在生命树之上的神性名称(振动代码)不断地进化去寻找最强烈的频率模式。
and in the middle of the garden he set the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 在花园正中,他种下一株生命之树和一株能辨善恶的知识之树。
As humans, we find spiritual refuge in knowing that we are a branch in the swaying tree of life spread upon this blue ball. 作为人类,当我们知道自己是这颗蓝色星球上枝繁叶茂的生命之树上的一根枝条时,我们就找到了精神的家园。
The Kabala is presented, symbolically in the form of The Tree of Life. 卡巴拉是现在,生命树形态的象征。